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Posts posted by eressea

  1. 19 hours ago, victor33 said:

    1>------ Build started: Project: KeyGenerator, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
    2>------ Skipped Build: Project: NpcExt ------
    1>fatal error C1900: Il mismatch between 'P1' version '20060201' and 'P2' version '20050411'
    1>LINK : fatal error LNK1257: code generation failed
    1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\victo\Downloads\Vanganth_Sources_ILExt\KeyGenerator\Release\BuildLog.htm"
    1>KeyGenerator - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
    3>------ Skipped Build: Project: IlExt ------
    ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 2 up-to-date, 2 skipped ==========


    alguém sabe como resolver?


    Did you try "Rebuild Solution"?

  2. 4 hours ago, letitbe said:
    .\Server\L2SkillFunc.cpp(13) : error C2664: 'FnPtr' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'double (__cdecl *)(CCreature *,CObject *,const CSkillInfo *,const double,const int,const int,const bool)' to 'double (__cdecl *)(CCreature *,CObject *,const CSkillInfo *,double,int,int,bool)'
        WriteInstructionCall(0x845EE4 + 0xDD, FnPtr(CalculateDamage));
        WriteInstructionCall(0x8492B4 + 0xC3, FnPtr(CalculateDamage));
    .\Server\GraciaEpilogueBuySell.cpp(119) : error C2664: 'FnPtr' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'void (__cdecl *)(CYieldLock *,const wchar_t *,const int)' to 'void (__cdecl *)(CYieldLock *,const wchar_t *,int)'
    .\Server\CSkillOperateCondition_op_check_abnormal.cpp(10) : error C2664: 'FnPtr' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'CSkillOperateCondition_op_check_abnormal *(__cdecl *)(const size_t)' to 'CSkillOperateCondition_op_check_abnormal *(__cdecl *)(size_t)'
    .\Server\CSkillEffect_t_hp.cpp(11) : error C2664: 'FnPtr' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'CSkillEffect_t_hp *(__cdecl *)(const size_t)' to 'CSkillEffect_t_hp *(__cdecl *)(size_t)'

    Please tell me how to fix these errors?

    P.s build release - MyExt64 - 6 error(s), 0 warning(s)


    Get Visual Studio 2005 SP1

  3. 57 minutes ago, AdminL2COTP said:

    Legend says that when your random private server closes in 1 month and you are homeless, we are still online.


    Legend says that when that random GM with a random server closes in 2 months and heads off with your money, we are still online.


    Legend says that in 1 year, when you wasted your time being nothing on 5 random servers that all close after 2 months, we are still online.


    Legend even says that in 2 years, if our server life is still completely vivacious, we will continue for as long as players want.

    And that difficult start we have with 125 - 150 active players, they are all hardcore believers so we stay open for them and we keep buying more marketing. Sooner or later, everyone knows COTP doesn't close.

    But you are welcome to play on "L2 Servidor de BR 50000x +50 max enchantos". Have fun!



  4. 26 minutes ago, Mobius said:

    Some thing I noticed, happens on other GraciaFinal extenders as well.

    NPC server/NPCs load/spawn after a long time, 18 minutes on my test server.
    But I remember, with AdvExt files NPCs are loaded significantly faster, like 5 minutes or so.


    I tried with SSD hard drive and had similar loading times.


    Is there something that can be done to reduce the spawn load time?

    Maybe make certain more known NPCs (like start quest Gremlins) load first?


    Just add this line to l2npc.ini section [Setting]:


    Sometimes it can be too fast that l2server IO buffers run out and l2server drops connection to l2npc - in that case you can slow it down a bit by chaning MakerSleepMilliseconds in MyExt64.ini section [npcd] to some reasonable value (I use 4 milliseconds on L2 Shrine).

  5. 3 hours ago, sepultribe said:

    @eressea I am continuously amazed by your broad knowledge of things, not only coding, also networking and driver patching :) Thanks for being here and sharing it with us


    d3ddrv.dll isn't driver, it's just rendering interface for Unreal Engine (it can also render via opengl or software renderer if I remember correctly, but NCsoft used only Direct3D interface)

    • Upvote 1
  6. 1 hour ago, tyrkysovej said:

    The packet-related stuff should be easily tested by using some packet "program", like l2phx (or is something else better suited for it ?), right ?


    Yes, but don't forget to run both server and client without cliext protection enabled.


    As for malformed crests it's not so easy to test (the easiest way I've found is by using patched engine.dll that just cripples the crest data enough before sending them to server) and it doesn't do anything wrong on the server itself (you even won't see any error message, server doesn't check what's in crest data, it just saves it and later sends it to other players) - it just crashes all clients that try to load the malformed crest as a texture via D3D (e.g. chars who see someone from that clan) - also it's easier to fix by patching the client d3ddrv.dll to not throw exception but ignore the texture error and leave crest white.


    EDIT: Oh crap, I forgot this is about Vanganth IL, not GF - the skill enchant type error isn't present there (because there were no skill enchant types in C4 core, it's implemented in the extender). But the second bug with crests exists and can be fixed with this patched d3ddrv.dll (Interlude).

    • Like 2
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    • Upvote 2
  7. I would bet the first one is sending RequestExEnchantSkillInfoDetail with enchant type > 3 (first dword in the packet data) - this crashes the server immediately.

    The second one is maybe using malformed pledge/ally crest or pledge emblem to crash everyone's client?


    EDIT: Fix for the first one (didn't try to compile, please let me know if something is wrong)

  8. L2j is and always be only emulator. I can't exactly agree with @sepultribe, l2j is nowadays very complete (most private servers that run newer chronicles or classic are l2j based) but it's still only emulator. Never will give an exact feeling of true L2. For a low-rate server I'd recommend l2off platform but it really depends on how much customizable do you need it. There's lot of stuff that can be done in AI, yet there are some things that can't.

    Are there any features you can talk about so we have an example?

  9. 2 minutes ago, sepultribe said:

    Thank you for the link, I recognized a lot of names in that list of tokens, is that generated by this parser Yacc? If yes what did it parse to get that output?


    Yes, lex+yacc ported to win32. Unfortunately it's really hard to get any info from the tables so I was just logging all tokens in CLexerForSkill::yyaction during load and made enum from it (so there might be something missing).

  10. 46 minutes ago, Geosniffer said:


    Thank you for the reply. i do appreciate and respect your work and willing to keep this project open source , i also do believe that you will reach amazing results.

    for me personally important factor is stability, balance and retails experience that is why i am aiming for GF since GE and H5 are extended from GF retail files and may not work as well as original GF.


    on the second note activity of this topic is very strange, i really do not understand why there are such a few posts and why people are not helping or reporting bugs.


    Epilogue isn't much different - probably the only difference in mechanics that's bit unclear is 79+ mobs nerfing (yes, they wrote 78+ but in fact it's 79+ lol):

    • The formula used to determine damaged inflicted on monsters level 78+ has changed slightly.
      • The amount of damage inflicted on monsters will be lower if your character is 2 or more levels below that of the level 78+ monster.
        • Damage will not decrease if player is same or higher level of the monster they are attacking.
        • In case of a servitor or a pet, damage will be based on owner's level and not the pet's level.
      • Decreased damage amounts apply for all types of attacks (weapons, skill, etc.).
      • This change does not apply to PVP.
    • The formula used to determine resistance against magic inflicted on monsters level 78+ has changed slightly.
      • When a character's level is 3 or more levels lower than that of a monsters level the chance that the monster will be able to resist a magic spell will increase.
      • Items that used to affect the chance of a creature resisting a magic attack has changed.
        • The chance of monsters resisting magic spells will be based on character's level rather than stats used to boost the chance to hit a monster.
      • This change does not apply to PVP.

    MyExt64 allows you to tweak how much it nerfs attack damage and chance of magic success (in config file).

    All other changes seem really straightforward. Other thing is data which never will be really accurate (but you can carefully merge leaked Gracia Final and Freya files and get result that's not far from original Epilogue).


    As for activity here in this topic, most of people who help me usually communicate with me over Skype (because it would be really long here) and also lot of bugs we've fixed was found by our players on L2 Shrine :)


  11. 14 minutes ago, sepultribe said:

    Very nice so that is a list of all the function present in the GF leaked l2server.exe if I am not mistaken. It seems that they refer to [p_] effects as Pump, [i_] as Instant, [t_] as Tick and [c_] as Consume types.  I will update the original post with that information, altho that is only about semantics. We need more information from people who know about the actual effects like stabs, fear, etc. how they work internally to contribute here.



    If you have some basic knowledge about how exe files work, what is assembler etc, you should get IDA Pro, there's lot of other stuff that can be found in l2server.exe (and other binaries). By the way, there's list of tokens that CLexerForSkill recognizes, you can get some additional info there :) (but it's from Gracia Final so there's some additional stuff not in C1-C6)

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