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Posts posted by eressea

  1. Hi folks,


    did anyone here encounter something like this on logon? http://i.imgsafe.org/5b1e09922f.jpg
    Does anyone know what's the cause of it? Trying to find out but still don't know...


    It shows *mostly* on logon but someone also reported it showed after teleport... Also it's very rare and I wasn't able to reproduce it.


    Thanks a lot in advance!


  2. What sin eater dupe bug? ; O


    According to info of one of our beta players there should be some bug involving sin eater pet inventory but I can't find anything about it... In fact it could be bug in L2J or in some C4-ish l2off extender, really don't know...


    One more question regarding subclass skill certification, how do you exactly do it? I've tried one skill with higher level than it should be:


    7C 7F 02 00 00 03 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 
    and got disconnect. I've also tried this:
    7C 7F 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 
    7C 7F 02 00 00 02 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 

    I don't get disconnect then but it learns only one level. When I try two different skills at once:


    7C 7E 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 
    7C 7F 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 
    it learns only the first one skill.
    How do you do it? oO
  3. So I've checked olympiad and clan skills and I have it already fixed here: https://bitbucket.org/l2shrine/extender-public/commits/11b6b4885567f236ae160ff01c8fe5a81718ea5f


    When I left clan, all clan skills and ward effects disappeared so this is OK.


    Now I have to check bug with learning subclass skills...


    Btw, anyone here with some experience with sin eater dupe bug? Is it gracia final bug? Someone told me about it but I don't know how to check/reproduce...

  4. another exploit i remember - you was able to get wards (not sure if clan skills too) effect on olympiad if someone moved you between clan squads while you was already inside oly.


    There is a bug working on every GF off whch i even used yesterday. You get the certification books and send a packet that you instantly learn lvl 6 skill. This way you can have all lvl 6 passives ~~


    Thanks a lot! I'll have a look at it :)


    Szakalaka, do you remember what packet it was? I think I can found it but if you have more info, it can save me some time :)

  5. Hi,


    we will be starting new server in four weeks and we need to get as much players as possible.


    What methods of propagation would you recommend? We were thinking about adwords (probably not much good idea), facebook ads (does it work for L2 servers?), maybe buying banners somewhere etc. but we don't know what works best...


    Thanks a lot for you answers :)

  6. Patched hauthd - supports one server on multiple IP addresses:
    Older version ( here: http://download.l2shrine.com/hauthd.exe
    What you need is just to add this configuration line with number of your endpoints:
    ServerEndpoints = 2

    When l2server connects, it takes first n servers with matching internal address from database (where n = ServerEndpoints)

    • Upvote 3
  7. hey, good job ! i really like your work, please dont stop ;)


    Good work, it is Organized  :)


    Thanks a lot :) I won't stop but I don't have much time now in summer...


    if you still look for ideas for your extender,

    i just remembered that there was confirmed exploit to dupe fame via Aden npc (the one on the middle, near monument), no info how it worked exactly, but you was able to get any number of fame (for PVP weapons etc), i recall there was npc dialog to remove PK points for fame so i guess that's the place to look for exploit.


    Thanks, I'll try to find more about it :)

  8. Hi,


    I see no error in logs :( Are there any "silent" errors that don't show up in error log?

    It's really strange because when I run the code in other thread, it runs fine:

    void __cdecl Server::CPledgeInitPledge()
    	for (;;) {
    		ScopedLock lock(pledgeInitCS);
    		if (pledgeInitialized) {
    void __cdecl Server::CDominionInitDominion()
    	ScopedLock lock(pledgeInitCS);
    	pledgeInitialized = true;
    WriteInstructionCall(0x6B24B9, reinterpret_cast<UINT32>(CDominionInitDominion));
    WriteInstructionCall(0x6915D3, reinterpret_cast<UINT32>(CPledgeInitPledge));
    NOPMemory(0x7D853E, 5);

    and no errors are shown in L2Server...


    Maybe it has something to do with running in virtual machine (but it does in both VirtualBox and KVM-QEMU)

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