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Posts posted by eressea

  1. Bewis is here, i'm not needed.


    Hi, sorry, I'm bit new here so I don't know who is Bewis.


    I wanted just to ask you whether you have some list of things you fixed in MXC extender. I've tried to reverse engineer it and found out there are these changes:

     - olympiad points fix

     - olympiad pledge skill fix

     - instance reenter time fix

     - augmentation stat fix

     - possibility of changing pledge/ally penalties + siege standby/announce time

     - 1hp resurrection fix

     - hide some warnings (alloc >32k)

     - trade add packet dupe fix

     - MXC credits message

     - dummy packet not to disconnect user

     - buff summon system (category, ...)

     - safe enchant setting

     - increase max index


    Is there anything more I missed?



  2. well first should come the basic... meaning fixing any bugs and exploits...  offline shop would be a plus... aswell :D I will install gracia this weekend and try and help you :)


    All well-known exploits should be fixed. Offline shop seems working fine :) Try and let me know :)



    NPC.exe no open for extend, l2server is closed ? error to fix ? 


    have remendo for protocolo vesion 83 ? testing 87? 


    I'm not sure if I understand what you mean.

    NPC doesn't connect to l2server?

    I don't have client for protocol 87 but it should work somehow (I've remapped some packets etc.) but it needs testing.

  3. Yep, overflow flooding, thanks! Tho, even setting the fishing skill to 0 delay didnt make it happen when testing.


    Sin Eater was related to enchanting http://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/lin2-exploits-hacks-bots-tools-macros/455783-l2-enchant-bug-gracia-final.html


    Can't reproduce / find anything...


    Btw I've added autoloot system (needs testing!) https://bitbucket.org/l2shrine/extender-public/commits/487de8a1a97963156009f20f951f1a3cc48175bc


    EDIT: Autoloot seems working fine for solo player. When in party, it doesn't work at all, I'll have to fix it

  4. Checked over a few of my exts to see if there's any other bugs and came across 2 more, exploits more than bugs really as both require l2phx or the like (not sure if you've fixed these yet or not didn't check)


    AppearingPacket sent before EnterWorldPacket (causes all kinds of havoc including a few dupes)

    MultisellChoosePacket doesn't check whether you were ever sent the multisell id which you're trying to buy from, so you can buy from multisells which aren't in any npcs (debug/test multisells are the usual target) as well as quest multisells which require quests to access


    Thanks for info, I've fixed both already :)

    So are you sure there is no other dupe/exploit/hack/server crashing packet? For example if client sends enchantType > 3, server crashes (already fixed this one, but I'm not sure whether there isn't something similar somewhere).


    There was for example skill enchant exploit (race condition), when you drop book and immediatelly send RequestExEnchantSkill (via l2ph), it sometimes proceeds with enchant and still keeps the book on the ground so you can pick it back. So I've added some delays (for example you can't enchant skill 2 seconds after you drop item to ground - nothing that would affect normal playing but stops players from exploiting this). It's not perfect (2 second lag of server and you can still use it) but I still don't know how to fix it better.


    Someone told me about some item dupe involving sin eater, someone told me about some fishing exploit - do you have any info on these?


    Thanks a lot!

  5. Interesting question. You can summono a pet and use gm hide and see what happens, most likely the same should be with hide skill :D


    But well, since you are invis, pet should not follow you. I believe.Second question, yup - lose target + stop attack.


    On GM hide your pet loses title but still follows.

    On hide skill your pet hides too. So I think there's no bug in this part.


    On hide skill enemy pet still follows and attacks you - this needs getting fixed.

  6. I've spent quite some time trying to understand that monstrosity. Can you explain whats goin on here?

    void IncRef(const char *file, const int line)
    		reinterpret_cast<void(*)(T*, const char*, int, UINT32)>(
    			(*reinterpret_cast<void***>(obj))[1])(obj, file, line, type);
    	void DecRef(const char *file, const int line)
    		reinterpret_cast<void(*)(T*, const char*, int, UINT32)>(
    			(*reinterpret_cast<void***>(obj))[2])(obj, file, line, type);

    And by the way, operator * returns T&, not T*


    Hi, it's just a call to the second and third virtual function on given object (the first one being destructor)


    Operator * can return whatever you want :) And as I'm working with pointers almost everywhere (it's not my choice, I have to use what's already in l2server.exe), I really don't need it to return reference as I would have to dereference it anyway.

  7. I've just fixed instance restriction bug so now it should have all bugfixes from MXC 1.07. It's a pity I don't have the sources, it would have been much faster if I had them :)


    Does anyone know about some other bug that needs fixing?


    I know there are various bugs involving hide skill, but I'm not sure how to fix them (not technically, I mean I don't know the correct behaviour). What should my pet do if I use hide skill? Continue to follow me or not? What should other pet (attacking me) do when I use hide skill? Lose target and stop attacking, is it correct? :)


    Hi, start with reading readme on bitbucket (you'll find link in the first post), then you basically need to download l2off gracia final euro pack, visual studio 2005, clone sources from bitbucket, build it, ...


    When you're done with these steps (or have some questions), send me PM :)

  9. The only thing sent over the network is instructions. The actual data for players/npcs/items/etc, at least the shared data anyway, is stored in shared memory created by the l2server as transferring every single update of every single player/npc/item etc over network would be completely impractical.


    Sound like good performance boost but how does it work when the three daemons run on three different machines? Or it's not possible? (I never tried it, I've always run them on single machine so I don't know)

  10. sharedfactory is any shareddata class so





    etc etc etc, they are all stored in shared memory between l2server and l2npc so when you make an l2npc ext the headers for those will need to be available to that project also, you can just include across the projects but a shared library project is cleaner and enables you to share other things like memory read/write classes and other stuff which will be common to all extenders in the project (as you're gonna need a cached ext also at some point too)


    I'm bit confused now, I thought these are sent over network, aren't they?


    I was thinking about single DLL to extend all four daemons - it's not difficult to detect who loads it and select the right initialization function/class.

  11. At some point you're probably gonna want an L2NPC ext, which uses sharedfactory, so you will want to (probably sooner rather than later) split your sharedfactory headers into a shared library.

    /* 0x002C */ unsigned char padding0x002C[0x00A4-0x002C];

    ^ this kinda stuff is a nightmare when you come to add a new var somewhere in the middle, as it's all 8 byte aligned you could just split it out to INT64 placeholders which makes it much easier to add vars later


    Also, the ext is not going to work properly on gf 87 as ncsoft fucked the ex packets, I don't think I have my 87 ext anymore but if I find it I'll post the opcode corrections for it


    I'm still new in this all and still learning, what is sharedfactory?


    Those paddings were nightmare until I figured out how to write it (unsigned char [nextOffset-thisOffset]), then it's easy, you just add the variable where you want and split padding to two paddings (before and after) and just copy/paste offsets, no more need for calculator :)


    I have some packet rewrite even for protocol 87 but if they changed content of packets, I'm screwed

  12. Using your patched L2server with last dll error 0x0c000001d

    Using loader with patched l2server same error (dll is attached to l2server).

    Using loader with l2server_orig show error L2Server.exe wasn't able to load MyExt64.dll


    That's bad, I really don't know where could be the problem and I have only win2k8 machines where everything works (patched l2server, loader, everything...) :(


    Maybe try to create a new topic in general l2off discussion...

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