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Everything posted by rain1g

  1. INFO 2009-12-09 10:23:01] com.aionemu.gameserver.network.loginserver.LoginServerConnection:185 - sending packet: 0x00 SM_GS_AUTH [iNFO 2009-12-09 10:23:01] com.aionemu.gameserver.network.loginserver.LoginServerConnection:108 - recived packet: [C] 0x00 CM_GS_AUTH_RESPONSE [FATAL 2009-12-09 10:23:01] com.aionemu.gameserver.network.loginserver.clientpackets.CM_GS_AUTH_RESPONSE:88 - GameServer is not authenticated at LoginServer side, shutting down! [iNFO 2009-12-09 10:23:01] com.aionemu.gameserver.ShutdownHook:40 - Starting AE GS shutdown sequence [WARN 2009-12-09 10:23:01] com.aionemu.gameserver.network.loginserver.LoginServer:133 - Connection with LoginServer lost... what is this?
  2. that's why i think l2j is better, never had any problem ;)
  3. nice pack, just tested it. btw, does anyone know where to download interlude client 746? or it does not matter?
  4. every pack right now has them working, all u have to do is add those 81 skills yourself, beucase u don't auto learn them. ;) if u know wat i mean
  5. i am using l2jdot's server pack. i have tried 3 buffers and they all have error. it says u r either not carrying out your quest or don't meet the criterica. i have everything right in my data, i don't get it. __all__ = [ '3995_echo', '4000_ShadowWeapons', '7000_HeroItems', '8000_RaidbossInfo', '6050_KetraOrcSupport', '6051_VarkaSilenosSupport', '9999_NPCBuffer' ] print "" print "importing custom data ..." for name in __all__ : try : __import__('data.jscript.custom.'+name,globals(), locals(), ['__init__'], -1) except: print "failed to import quest : ",name print "... done" print ""
  6. omL, too good, i have always wanted a l2jfree interlude pack
  7. l2 missing good players every month.....
  8. i vote for interlude cause it was the first one that i played :) i missed c1 to c5 :(
  9. i vote for old school lineage2, so interlude
  10. +1 does not mean give 1 points by the admin or something, it means i like it, i agree, or it is good, u know wat i mean, like positive. don't be a carebear in the forum :s
  11. pefect, just as we all needed +1
  12. i can spawn npc, but not working (gracia final), i am lv85 and have 20000GB
  13. ok here is my question. as u all know that if u r holding a cursed weapon and u pick the other one up, your weapon level will increase by 1 (which is the same as 10pk kills), so do u make that the level increase by 10 when u pick the other one up? thank you
  14. is there a guild on how to add a passive skill on a weapon?
  15. how to update my sever to 257 without delete existing char?
  16. dose it work on ct2.3?
  17. thx for the share, best Compiled Gracia Final so far!
  18. just one question, how to make those 2 cursed weapons becomes lv10 instant when u pick it up.
  19. this pack is interlude right?
  20. nice, btw, is there any gk and buffer for CT2.3?
  21. very good share, works great, only the hp and mp heal dont work.
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