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Posts posted by ZaNteR

  1. Sounds good. I really liked l2jhellas despite the problems at the time i used it. Howerver there are somethings id like to see be done differently.


    For example id like to see a focus on making the pack usable for a live server first and then all the rest.


    Another thing id like to see its keep the code style constant. Meaning not changing file and method titles and stuff all the time during reworks (This is the reason most customs brake overtime in my experience). Or at least avoid these kind of changes as much as possible.


    Not useless porting to .xml database tables. It really takes away the flexibility mysql gives in massive content changes. For example in l2jserver all the drops have been moved inside xml files and are combined with the npc data. That means i cant delete useless drops or change ammounts and chances in a large scale. Same with NPCs i cant delete usless npcs anymore and so long.


    And last, If something works fine keep it until theres a better overall option or theres no other way to keep it.

  2. Balance is a myth on Lineage 2. Its just a gimmic to attract players.


    Lineage 2 is not or will ever be balanced. Each class is made to counter another class in a way and sometimes they do it better or worse. Each L2 version i played from c2 to H5 had one class dominating all others in a way. (and each time it was a different class, like it was made on purpose or something :dat: )


    True balance would be everyone having the exactly same stats/skills and buffs and then add a random chance for more dmg maybe.


    If you did the above then it would be skill compinations, timing and a bit of luck on the random dmg thing. In few words player skill and luck.

  3. na l2 players too fucking dumb they literally only know how to turn on tower and auto attack or press 2 buttons its been proven. they wont even read site for info on enchants. what makes you think they will read the description of items or skills or htmls?

    ive played exclusively high rates for a couple years and i saw the decline of good players and servers and the rise of all these dog shit servers like l2aaron which has became the standard of pvp servers because its designed for retarded players and require no thought process or strategy whatsoever


    i appreciate different servers because im not a braindead greek kid and because i like working on l2 items/different servers however the majority of the playerbase is the complete opposite

    Well said.

  4. The point of playing l2 was that you could be "someone" in a server. I remember there were famous people and clans and rumours and all that fun stuff the gave an liveliness to a server.

    Now a lot of things are skipped. People go straight to end game and then they do oly?


    Imo Oly is the worst thing that happened to l2 it killed PVP because why to go in a farming spot and look for players to kill when you can safely do 1vs1 and think you did something meaningfull?


    Also i remember clans would not allow certain areas with good xp and drops to be accesible by common players. Then common players would team up and try to get that place for their own and stuff like that. Having a castle was an achievement, now its one of these things like having a pet dragon i guess.


    Lastly the exitement of outrunning people that wanted to kill you is something i miss.


    The above are the things that would make me stay on  a server.


    I wasted 4 years trying to recreate these conditions but the players did not take the message.


    As long as admins treat the game as a bussiness and the community/herd is following that toxic gameplay those people provide with hand helding and wipes every other month theres no hope saving this game.


    Times have changed and its time to move on to another game or go on with your real life or something.

  5. Imo all this drama could be solved if the topsites took their time and investigate each similar case in more depth. An example case could be that with the false ip from the beta server.


    Most people might not pay but since you offer a free service you could at least count that these people bring visitors to your site and have one person look at these problems in more depth.


    From my experience i have had some of my projects blocked in the grounds that i allready have a listing. While thats true my l2server1 has nothing to do with my l2server2.


    Why im not allowed to have a newest server listing on your site and instead i have to add my brand new server on my 5 year old servers place?


    I have made a topic about it but there has been no answer whatsoever. http://l2topzone.com/forum/suggestions/19/adding-rules-must-change/24386/msg41254#new

  6. What about asking a group of people 50 +- , from what they expect in a lineage 2 "fun" server, and u work it in the server? so everyone has a bit of his idea in the server?

    This has been proven to be a distaster. From experience i will tell you that the bigger the "development" team the more the chances the project will go nowhere because  its hard to make an agreement when theres lots of people involved. Then you will have people leaving or giving up because they didnt like a decision and stuff like that.

  7. I am tired of all the soulless servers that treat people like ATM's.


    These days with a budget of 50eu/m and less we can open a small server without donations for all the people that are tired of all the bullshit.


    I allready have as an idea a server setup that even with a small amount of players everyone will have fun without turning l2 into something else.


    What are your thoughts on this?

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