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Posts posted by ZaNteR

  1. Wow, very nice post, but next time calm your tits please. 200 online is low, servers after c6 are dead with that amount of people, u prolly wont be even able to run olympiad. 200 is only good for farming and some 3vs3 pvps..

    This is some obvious new l2 community mentality right there, expecting 5000 players from start and all that. Go back to your bot infested fake player plagued mid rate copy paste & go servers with account managers made like ATM machines.


    If you like a server you stay no matter what otherwise nothing will ever change and you will still be looking for servers till i dont know when.

  2. Not entirely done with the code yet, but pretty much there. ^^


    You mean something like that has already been done? crap. My einsteinfulness feel just took a kick. %5E1.gif

    Yeah, i dont remember exactly the name of server but it was around the time after echokinetics faction closed, someguy named JStar made a faction server wich when talking to an npc it was setting your char to a low rate server. Main town was Kamael Village. Thats all i remember, not sure about the guy thought, but what im sure of its been done in the past.

  3. Έχουμε κανένα νέο σχετικά με το ποτε θα μπορούμε να ξαναχρησιμοποιήσουμε το paypal?

    Από όσο ξέρω μονο το paypal balance λειτουργεί, δηλαδή άμα είχες από πριν ανεβάσει λεφτά στο paypal σαν paypal balance και γενικα το paypal balance μπορείς να το χρησιμοποιείς κανονικά.

  4. Windows 10 release is near but still the same problem

    Doesnt matter, wether its closer or not. Windows 10 stable version wont be out for another week or so, if you still have problems after installing the legit stable version that microsoft will let you download we wont be able to know or do anything about your/our problem.

  5. Seriously, these guys think everyone is an idiot.


    The promo websites of eglobal and this server is very similar (same template).


    Their main website follows the same design style with cartel,lineage.ru


    I have said the same when eglobal started but then everyone thought its a concidence.


    Im thinking to make a kickstarted to ddos these guys for a year (jocking obviously)  <=== hope i wont get banned for jocking  lol


    But seriously they will have at some point to come clean or they will depend on fake counters and monthly wipes until their community(herd) gets tired of their shit.

  6. It's mostly because of the 'one week ponies'. Servers like Tales tend to be really crowded on start and it's hard to find a farming spot or do some quest. However a lot of people leave the server after a week or so because it's not what they expected/couldn't find a decent clan/dislike the p2w donations or whatever really, and so the community settles down approximately after a month.


    When you open two servers at once, the early boom isn't that painful and when you merge them after that month or so, you get advantage of both easier start and later settled down community.


    However don't get me wrong, I'm not sympathizing with a server that sells fucking automatic enchants in donate shop, I'm just saying opening two servers at once is a reasonable decision.

    Or they can turn off the fake players and people will have enough space to farm on 1 server.

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