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Posts posted by ZaNteR

  1. I think hopzone now is 98% in autopilot and from time to time they check up on it. But since they changed the design of the site thats when it started going downhill.

    I had many issues with activating  a few servers since their policies are not realistic. I've had a couple of brand new servers that got disaproved for the reason it was a double listing or because i had another account allready. How i was supose to promote a brand new server without getting in the newesr section in the front page? And if you use an existing account you cant add more than 1 server anymore. You have to edit the old one and prey to Cthulu people will find it.


    Hello, i use AMD FX-6300 with Stock Cooler and MID Tower (Opened Case with only one 120mm FAN wich is placed in front) and i have 6C - 19/22C while i use my computer (Only while i use Internet)

    My Cousin uses Intel i5-3330 with Thermaltake Cooler his case is Carbide Series® SPEC-01 with x5 120mm Fans


    My room have 18-20C / Cousin Room 20-26C

    So what is wrong? :/





    Iyg0lef.png  7sPve3t.png


    Kinda offtopic but i got the same amd cpu as you and im looking to buy a new graphics card soon so whats your experience with the 760 gtx? I am between getting that or the r9 290.

  3. As an outsider after reading this topic i concluded that these people know each other even if they act as if they hate/dont know each other. Theres a lot of money involved so i guess they play dump etc continuing with this charade. It would be good nobody to enter their servers but unfortunately they have brainwashed everyone to prefer populated servers with their fake players systems thus the phenomenon when a new player on a new honest server always asks how many online and after hearing the number automatically leaves becayse its not over 5k.

  4. Nice features, but 1 like @facebook and 2 reg members @forums are prolly a bad signal

    That means nothing, these days you know you can buy 400 fb likes for like 10 euros. This is a cool and unique server at least everyone should give it a try before judging it.

  5. but no advertising!

    i suggest you get hop/top approve and restart server "say it was a beta" ,good luck

    Personally i dont think it would make a big difference because theres no competition. Its the only high rate c4 server i have seen in a long time.

  6. All VSP & Dedicated servers come with command line interface these days. But some people dont have the time or want to be bothered with stuff like that, so what im offering is a way to do remote control and manage the files on your server via a desktop enviroment.


    Here is what i offer:

    • GUI Instalation
    • Remote desktop software installation
    • File management software installation


    Price: 5 euros only!


    *Also for another 5 euros i can give you advice on what hosting company and what server is more suitable for what you want to do.*


    If you are intrested send me a pm here.


    I accept payments via paypal only and from verified users.


    Supported Linux distro: Ubuntu (for now).

    Supported hosts: Any with SSH capabilities.

  7. L2 as a game is still one of the best and far from dead, no matter what version it is. Its just that the new players suck. Plus retail going free 2 play made a huge impact to the private servers population. Also there was a perdiod between late 2010 and 2012 that ddos attacks were very common between servers and many people felt discouraged to continue playing.


    These days the main problem is that theres a couple of servers buying all the votes in the famous topsites, meaning if your server is small you stand no chance on making it into the top 10 unless you are willing to pay for votes or whatever else comes with this.


    Russian servers are booming right now. The use fake online most of the time but that doesnt mean they have any less than 1000 players wich is a very good number of players to have, hell even 400 players is good enough for imo.


    Lastly theres a couple of servers probably owned by the same people that buy all the votes and no matter how shitty their servers might be they seem to get all the EU players. (Check the top 2 hopzone servers).


    In the end i think these are strange times for Lineage 2. Good luck with your project.

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