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Posts posted by ZaNteR

  1. Theres horrendous micro-stuttering happening. Im pretty sure it has to do with the drivers and/or the RDNA3 architecture vs the client but i thought i could try my luck here. I have tested C4, Interlude, Classic and Essence clients and theres no problems with those, performance is excellent. I also tried using dxvk (dx9 to vulkan) but there was no change so im sure theres something in the client causing the problem. I ruled out the server side after trying both L2JServer's H5 and L2jMobius, micro stuttering persisted with both.


    I guess i should either wait for AMD to do more driver optimisations or just forget about Epilogue and High Five if there isnt something that can be done client side about it.

  2. Game might be fine but the monetization will most certainly not. You see when we first started playing Lineage 2 it had the subscription model so the developers focused on adding content in a way that made sense and it was fun but now this game is build around monetization which is almost always detrimental to the gameplay experience.

  3. Honestly when i was trying Essence, Classic etc. the more i played the more i missed the freedom C4 or Interlude gave the player. Essence for example plays like a single player game, you just talk to an npc that gives you a fetch quest and then rewards you with several levels, gear and support items like pots and shots. You rarely engage with the economic and social systems since everything is "gifted" to you. 


    If i wanted to sound like smartass i would say Essence is more instant gratification based while HF and older are more delayed gratification based.


    The new versions of the game are tailored to people that want to have a solo and guided experience (hand holding), which in my opinion is completely antithetical to what Lineage 2 started as. 


    I dont hate it but its not as fun.



  4. 6 hours ago, AquaCommunity said:

    We hosted the server for over a year including the closed beta phases.
    Basically the expenses of the server kept running, while we had almost 0 online, unfortunately we couldn't keep up.
    We tried our best but It wasn't enough.

    It's sad to end our Lineage story ends like this, but it is what it is.

    Thats too bad, well good luck with whatever you do next.

    • Like 1
  5. On 8/13/2020 at 11:08 PM, Noxy said:

    Hello Folks once again

    im going to share now the Classic Version

    the reason im sharing this stuff as i mentioned before the logs are writed on Essence Share i've did







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    to get the link react & reply


    Credits: Sanyol for removing Protection




    cool share.

  6. 24 minutes ago, GsL said:

    You use a clean pack and u got this issue ?

    Thats actually a good point. OP have you tried another pack (maybe l2jserver or L2JMobius)? It could be a CPU specific thing, there were problems in the past with certain CPUs. Just to rule it out before digging into the code,

  7. You can setup a business paypal account for personal use if its donations, however you should do 1 thing to avoid anxiety. Dont touch whatever money is there until 180 days have passed.

    I think the safest way is crypto from what i hear. 

    You can go the above board way and register an org for donation or small business if you make it a storefront thing but im not sure its worth the effort unless you are really serious about it.

  8. On 8/8/2022 at 2:37 PM, Nightw0lf said:

    i kinda abandoned it the template system is almost done in bootstrap 5 with 18 template coloring systems, only the admin can see the changes and afterwards i would add a designer 😄

    (means this is my design and i know i suck at design its just developers prints not denart designs)

    Just copy the old gray layout hopzone had and profit. Honesly even if you just messed up a little with css it can improve dramatically. 

  9. Im in the process of designing an Interlude server kinda like that but yea you wont find anything of the sort to my knowledge. For some reason every server is against multiboxing or tolerating botting. We can argue why all day but Lineage 2 was developed alongside botting and multiboxing, the reason its so grindy to begin with was to make it very time consuming for botters so forcing people to go at it solo only exaggerates the grindiness of the game. I guess the real purpose is to make it so people buy exp boosters and premium status that doubles the rates. i.e its good for business.

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