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Posts posted by ZaNteR

  1. Allright some progress news:


    I have changed max/safe to +15, now you can safely enchant your items to +15 without breaking.

    Also S Grade Scroll are farmable on Farming Spot 1.

    I am also planning on making different farming areas for each grade, enabling you to explore the lineage 2 world if you like. (More info about that will be posted later on our forums)


    Thats all for now, again if you want to check the upcoming changes visit our forum.

  2. If you want an opinion i think you shouldn't add GCM as TvT/Vote rewards cause it will take lots of time to obtain them and this is because you dont win 100% on TvT.


    (Also s84 you mean elegia,vorpal etc. or vesper?)

    All S84 gear will be available that means elegia too. Also i forgot to mention that im working on a reward for the loosing team for the tvt event.
  3. Bellow theres a list of changes that happened since 22/2/2013.


    Pet & Dwarf Buffs added to the scheme buffer.

    Buff slots increased to 24 +4 (with divine inspiration) wich makes it a total of 28.

    Dynasty Equipment now for adena only.

    PvP Rank System Added. (talk with pvp rankings npc Corben ingame for detailed information)

    Full Community Board enabled.

    Blood Oaths and Blood Alliance now available on gm shop under the rare items section.

    Peril Coins TvT Reward increased to 100.


    Ancient Adena Removed.

    Ancient Adena will become obsolette you can now trade them for peril coins on the gm shop.


    There are a lot more changes on the way so stay tuned.

  4. Maybe it would have been better, but i'd rather have less people who like the server for what it is and less serverhopers that the only thing they know to do is to cry all the time because the server didnt meet their personal needs and then go to another server and do the same thing. If you like the server you stay if you dont i am not keeping you from moving on. I dont have anything else to add for the matter. I would have been more open to suggestions if you people didnt insult me and the server all the time, but seeing as this isnt possible i wont bother anymore listening to your ironic attitude. I have been nothing but polite to everyone. This is the last time i will talk casually with everyone in this topic, from now and on i will be only posting importand news and announcements regarding the progress of the server. Thank you for your time.

  5. Changelog 22/2/2013.


    Bellow is list of changes that happened from the opening till today.


    Added Improved Buffs on Scheme Buffer.

    Changed Duration to 2hours for the Following Buffs: counter critical

    Decreased the prices to the following items: All Dynasty Armors,Jewels,Weapons, giant codex & giant codex mastery.

    Changed TvT Location to Bandit Stronghold its smaller and more suitable for the current population.

    Also now there have to be 4 registered players in order for the TvT to start.

    Added Giant Codex and Gold Bar drops on Party Farming Area Mobs.


  6. Server was in open beta mode for a week  and a half (thats around 10 days). That was plenty of time for you to notice those things. How do you expect anyone to believe you now? I am not trying to pick a fight here i just want you to give me an honest answer.

  7. Yesterday the server opened and everything went by smoothly. The population peaked at around 60-70 players and we are very happy about this. For the new players please read the server Features before you join, theres also a voiced command (.info) you can use ingame to see the server features in more detail.


    Thats all, have a nice day everyone!

  8. Safe 6 max 12.. dude srsly.. Think about archer vs tank on those rates.. The archer will give him not more than 50 dmg on crit.. ;x

    I thought tanks were suposed to be resistant to archers, are we talking about the same game here? Also 50 dmg? i think you are trolling and havent even logged in the server. Thanks for bumping the post though.
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