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Posts posted by ZaNteR

  1. They had 600 on hellbound l2j at start

    now they have 200 on gracia l2off


    no wondering  ;)

    On Hellbound era Lineage 2 was not free to play and the community was much bigger (we are talking 2008). Its not a matter of Throne or Platform anymore. Theres just too many server and not enough players.
  2. To lineage 2 pote den tha einai balanced giati oi klaseis einai sxediasmenes wste i mia na nikaei tin alli. Ipo normal sinthikes (retail like gameplay) den katalavaineis ama o server einai unbalanced i oxi alla epeidi paizoume kata kiriotita se private servers me parapanw apo to kanoniko buffslots and buff duration kai eukoloteri prosvasi se top equipment exoume to fainomeno pou oloi klaigontai gia pragmata pou ipo kanonikes sinthikes einai normal.



  3. What is it in the last few years that made everyone so butt hurt about bots? I never cared about bots except when people where using them as healers and buffers back in C3 (remember those trains?) but again not to the level of seeing the server as a fail wich seems to be the case these days. Even on retail there are bots and nobody is doing anything about it yet not to the level of everyone leaving the official servers.


    Is it like a trend there now to put all server owners purchase bot protection and someone is getting rich? (consipiracy theory  O0) :dat:

  4. Imo the best way and the most balanced it would be to count who has taken the most pvp points in sieges at the end of the month for each month and that person will take the hero status until the month is over (classed based obviously). This way sieges will have a greater meaning. You kill 2 birds with 1 stone.


    Also like this the people that become Hero will deserve to become Hero.


    So simple...

  5. So i remember how much fun i had back in the days when lineage 2 was new to me. And i found a cool website that has archived some of that stuff.


    Take a look how stuff was before l2 bacame the crapfest it is today.










    P.S: If you read at the comments on the server reviews you will see people talking about 4k and 5k players on several servers, its mindblowing.

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