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Posts posted by ZaNteR

  1. nothing special ....there are many servers out there with same features....use ur imagination and make something unique

    not that either, lineage2 in its original state is the best. all the things we do on private servers perversed the game to the level it is today.
  2. You are very right ZaNteR the community has a big impact on the value of the server, tho they were designed good and on top of that with the community, it was awesome. But still i am very sure 80% of the old community still has good memories with Lineage 2 and will not hesitate to give a try again. Idea is.. in winter we get more time to spend home, most of us and there is no harm for 1-2 hours / day to play in night and have a little fun with the old friends.

    I hope you are right mate.
  3. You meen a server with out kids and retards... Its getting better and better

    This server will not die it will stay with International player if you get what i mean no offence people its the true

    No offence mate but you just described the current generation of lineage 2 players.
  4. The ideal lineage 2 server is the official one. All this crap about Interlude being the best and Lindvior being Star Wars should stop. People should move on with their virtual lives, yes we had good times in the past but its in the past and whatever you do you cant recreate what made those old servers great, its not possible because the players who were playing back then had more brain than the players that play today wich are on a 90% kids.

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