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Posts posted by ZaNteR

  1. Den paizei na einai ios, ama itan kati pou mou trwei dedomena, tha mou eleipan kai dedomena. Apo oti epsaksa sto google prin parw to skliro ta sata3 exoun compatibility me sata2 ara oute afto paizei na einai toso, ama ipirxe thema simvatotitas malon den tha evlepe ton disko kan. Exw ton disko konta enan xrono, doulevei 24/7 kai einai mia xara. Oso gia to port pou alaksa pou vasizeis to oti ekana malakia? Ti sata master 3 ti sata master 2 to idio prama einai. Pio poli me paraksenevei to oti kolaei kathe 3 meres kai 10 wres peripou akrivos. An oxi kai 10 wres stis 3 meres 100% kolaei.

  2. Loipon edw kai kamposo kairo to pc mou apo ekei pou tou ekana restart kathe 10 meres (kai ama to thimomoun) xreiazetai restart kathe peripou 3 meres kai 10 wres. Ligo prin arxizei na ta paizei mou vgazei kati error sto utorrent opos: disk is full, cant read kai tetoia, kai ta torrent ginontai kokina. Vevaios kai iparxei xoros sto disko kai leitourgei kanonika mexri na kolisei meta apo kapoies wres. Sinithw otan mou vgazei ayta ta error to kanw restart kai einai ok mexri na ksanaerthei i triti mera. To pc mou einai katharo apo ious kai tetoia, spania pleon pianw kanenan io. Episi prosfata pou tou ekana kai format to provlima paramenei.


    Otan prwtoksekinise ayto to thema eixa arxisei na xrisimopoiw to skype, den kserw an borei na sxetizetai.

    Skeftika oti isos einai thema simvatotitas sata3 hdd me sata2 mobo alla ama ipirxe thema tha eixa provlima pio sixna kai oxi meta apo 3 meres normal leitoyrgias.

    Epsaksa sto google kai eida oti borei na sxetizetai to oti exw parafortomena usb sto brostino panel, ta exw evgala ola. Episis alaksa kai sata port ston skliro ton evala apo master 3 sto master 2. Twra tha deiksei, ama ksanasimvei tha alaksw to sata kalodio bas kai ftaei ayto.


    Kamia idea?


  3. [gr]Malakies politikies gia na agorazei o kosmos premium. Kai i malakia einai pos kai o server na einai olokainourios ama sou ton valei se proigoumeno account den baineis stin lista me tous new opote einai xasimo xronou.


    Episis den se afinei na valeis panw apo 1 server sto idio account enw paliotera ginotane. 


    Eixa valei olokainorio server xwris proistoria persi to kalokairi kai mou lei iparxei idi stin db. Milame oi ip kai to webserver, akoma kai to onoma tou server itan monadiko, pali mou to evgale san na ipirxe, i oti eixa proigoumeno account.


    Diladi ti thelei na kanoume gia na kaneis kapoios new listing?

  4. Whats wrong is the mentality of the herd. People the last couple of years only join midare servers with over 500+ players (they demand it, anything else is no good). When in reality most of those use fake online players. (Theres even script to make fake players doing tasks ingame so it looks like they are real players.)


    Also take a look at the hopzone top 10 & first page, some of the servers in there are owned by the same person/people. The reason they are in the first page is that they payed for votes. If you dont believe me wait until the end of the month and you will see the huge gap in votes between the top 5 servers and the rest of the list. Its also the same people ddosing all the unique servers with potential that come out every once in a while.


    L2 is still a pretty cool game, just the community has rotten. 

  5. I worked once years ago for a guy that used to have and still does various servers in the top 10. To name some (L2Relapse,L2Kronos,L2Divinity,EoA etc. etc.)


    He makes a lot of money from donations, he once told me he made around 2000-5000 per month from donations.


    Anyway what i noticed is that his servers now are nothing special compared to others of the same concept (x15-20 range). They even might use the same files. However his servers still are in the top 10 if not first place sometimes.


    That makes me think that behind the scenes these sites take bribes to boost a servers votes. I remember there was a period that a server that was in the 4th place had like 250 players tops and the 10th server had 3 to 4 times that (800-1000) and it was before the vote reward engines and all that.


    Also if you notice the difference between the votes of servers in the top 10 by the end of the month are huge, sometimes over 5000 to 8000 votes, on servers with pretty much the same number of players.


    The point of makin this topic is to make aware that this thing happens and to see whats your opinion on this matter.

  6. It really is very easy to edit any smf theme to look l2ish.






    All you need to do is find some nice new/old post and redirect icons and a backround. In other words change a few theme pictures.


    You can do it without much knowlege, however if you want it to look decent you should learn a bit about php/css and photoshop.

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