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  1. This feature is not implemented in the source code it uses. The restoration of offline shops after restarting the server must be created with your own hands in the extender
  2. Run another server on a separate machine, with port 9999. Set up a connection to it in olympiaddata.xml in the scripts folder (for both servers), register it in dbo.lin2db.server, also on the third machine, run the raid server on port 8888 and configure the connection to it in the file raidserver.XML for all servers and add in dbo.lin2db.server . In general, 3 separate machines and 3 different IP addresses are needed to fully launch the gaming, Olympics, and raid servers. Connected to the database of one of the machines, but having different lin2worlds I need htmls for 166 classic eng or rus
  3. Download this fix and more other in Download l2off section. Vanganth for roe2, for guytis and more other source pack have fix slot, offline trade restore, fix bugs
  4. build date ver = Apr 10 2009_10:40:00 = GF pts IDAPro->jump to adress 0x812EC3 and see you problem. the error indicates a prohibition when accessing the address 0xC8251018 in the extender. and since you do not have the source code of the extender, then in your case either write your own or contact advext
  5. You dont have memory for run server. For pts(c4) need 8+ gb Enlarge the Swap File for windows
  6. hi friend, you need learn 3 language. 1. assembler for x64 2. ida pro disassembler 3. c++ for write own extender sorry for my english
  7. hi friend. the eressa extender is more stable, but still has many bugs
  8. No problem friend.
  9. Hi man, you problem is in the code conditional compilation flag for kamael+ clients. file shared.h // uncomment code . sorry for my english. #define __KAMAEL_PACKETS__ //kamael packet handling #define __KAMAEL_PACKETS_SEND__ //kamael packet handling #define __KAMAEL_PACKETS_RECEIVE__ //kamael packet handling
  10. Hi friend, only extender fix you problem.
  11. void COfflineShop::RequestBuyRequiredItem(User *pUser) { if(m_Enabled) { if(!pUser->IsNowTrade()) { if(pUser->pSD->nStoreMode == 0) { if(m_RequiredItemPriceId > 0 && m_RequiredItemPriceCount > 0) { if(!pUser->inventory.HaveItemByClassID(m_RequiredItemId, m_RequiredItemCount)) { if(pUser->inventory.HaveItemByClassID(m_RequiredItemPriceId, m_RequiredItemPriceCount)) { pUser->DeleteItemInInventory(m_RequiredItemPriceId, m_RequiredItemPriceCount); pUser->AddItemToInventory(m_RequiredItemId, m_RequiredItemCount); }else { pUser->pSocket->SendSystemMessage(L"You don't have enough required items to do this action!"); return; } }else { pUser->pSocket->SendSystemMessage(L"You already have offline shop item!"); return; } }else { pUser->AddItemToInventory(m_RequiredItemId, m_RequiredItemCount); } }else { pUser->pSocket->SendSystemMessage(L"You cannot do this action while having a private store!"); } }else { pUser->pSocket->SendSystemMessage(L"You cannot do this action while trading!"); } }else { pUser->pSocket->SendSystemMessage(L"This feature is disabled!"); return; } } Code for fix button buy offline shop item.
  12. C2 files do not exist, only c1 c4 gf hf pts files sharing.
  13. 1. Skilldata.txt autolearn=enable for you skill. 2. You have source? Fix this.
  14. The seller is verified. I recommend. Goods of the declared quality, full server package, patch, source code. The price is low, my rating is 10 points.
  15. I'm looking for a price for this fix
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