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Everything posted by SterlingVG

  1. Why you don't ask him? He should help you.
  2. den 3erw ti 8a mou ri3eis mesa esy...asto..kala pernaw kai me tis mpures
  3. wtb popkorn to 8eama 3ekinaei
  4. http://www.razerzone.com/store/razer-kraken I would.
  5. Exeis dikio. Alla apo tin allh "san etairies" kai autoi , prepi na kanoyne kati kai gia autous pou dn "exoune" to toso xrhma poy zitite gia ena ddos protection or/. Mporw na protino apires idees (mias kai asxoloumai san supporter ticket se 2 etairies)...alla pios 8a tis akousei. To exw protini hdh stis dikies mou alla dn pernw apanthsh. Pisteuw oti oloi mas mporoune na protinoume kati, alla 8a paei xameno to grapsimo.
  6. Kalhspera kai apo mena paidia....diabasa ligaki ti paizete kai 8a h8ela na kanw mia parembash dior8wnontas ligo ton Kir. Leluce. Prwsopika oso gnwrizo kai exoune dei ta matakia m....iparxoune arketoi oi opioi kanoyne ddos kai apo to G.O. Ok mporeis na mou peis, oti o allos mporei na balei ddos protection apo to G.O. Alla opws eipes kai parapanw...ama dn exei atoma..tote tzampa ta lefta tou....alliws mporei na piasei ok. Epishs kai enas xwris ddos sto G.O mporei na piasei atoma kai na balei argotera afou dei oti o srv tou 8a exei enan OK ari8mo apo players. Ela omws kai na piasei atoma..bgainoune 2-3 kai barane ddos sta prwta lepta (oi pio polloi p to kanoune auto, ine kati owners me servers pou tsouzei (_0_). Anw kala kanoune..magkia tous). Proswpika gia na min bgo para'e3w...mia alli lish, 8a eitane h ka8e etairia (toulaxiston oi megales), na exoune ena ddos protection TRIAL sta pc tous. Etsi wste o ka8enas na anoi3i enan server (na pros8eso oti me trial ddos se etairies pisteuw 8a trabane pio poli kosmo alla tcp), --- kai na exei 5-10 meres ena trial ddos protection. Etsi ama dei oti exei players kai "kalo support" na dwsei gia ddos protection. Eyxaristw. PS: (akuro), , apofeugo ta "H" gt dn pataei i mlkia.
  7. My first post updated. Added new rates. Let me thanks again all my customers for their trust on me. (With my new rates you will win: 0,11 on 20euro, 1,00 on 25euro, 1,50 on 50euro, 1,00 on 100euro.)
  8. i would do it but my min. exchange is 10euros.
  9. Thanks all my customers for trusted em euros on me. I exchanged 3000(+) euros on 20 days (not even a month) and my services companie gave me more rates for it. Soon i'll update my screenshot with a new rates. Better rates for my customers. For any question or/ send me a message here or/ skype/ email to check my new rates till i post em. PS: I'll be active in next 3 hours for your questions. I have some works to do right now.
  10. Trusted guy.....keep going Nikos
  11. I'm back. Feel free to pm me for exchange.
  12. bump. I'm free all day, today :)
  13. check your pm please. thanks
  14. He don\t need exchange anymore.
  15. aCis it don't include any python. All you need to do , is the java. Learn about it or try to find some1 for it.
  16. Calm down my friend.
  17. Server name: Lineage II folder/system folder/servername-e.dat file. Anoigeis fileedit kai kaneis anigma to arxeio servername-e.dat. Tha to deis ekei...1o 1o einai. PS: Se periptwsh pou den gnwrizeis, to apo8hkeueis me 314 (opws ola) LoginScreen: Lineage II folder/l2text folder/server_help.html Dialegeis to server_help kai to kaneis epe3ergasia/anoigma me notepad/word or notepad++. Ekei mesa to kaneis opws 8eleis.
  18. Pou auto shmainei kana mhna?
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