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Everything posted by SterlingVG

  1. Kana seismo akoma 8a kanoume?

  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forums/index.php?/topic/163765-paysafecard-to-paypal-exchange-new-better-rates/ Oriste.
  3. Phgene to belaki panw sto error kai koita mipws soy leei na kaneis Importa to HashMap alliws okimase na alla3eis to HashMap se FastMap.
  4. Yoo....Good morning guys. Time to sleep a bit.

  5. auto ine 1o 1o..den pisteuw na ine tiflos :P gia auto den to ebala.
  6. The best option is to move and get aCis files. Are better and with many many fixes as Tk said. You gonna have a better pack and ofc a better support. If i was in your position, i would change.
  7. Vote system topzone/hopzone is not on l2jfrozen already? Anw, let me know if you're interesting by pm me (here or skype). Check my profil for it.
  8. Epeidh exei perasei para poli kairos kai den 8imamai kan pio apo ta dio ine ta swsta. Einai h sto systextures h sto textures . Eimai apo tablet kai den mporo na psaxto gia parapano.
  9. Τελος παντων.... Pas edw : gameserver/config/powerpak/powerpak.properties # Npc Buffer - scheme buffer - set buffs - single buffs BufferNpcId = 50019 BufferEnabled = False <---- kanto True
  10. Yo...sup

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SterlingVG


      Searching about you. Wanna scam your bmw (when you buy it) hehehe


    3. Sido


      who are you lul :o

    4. SterlingVG


      A member of i-live. soon :P

  11. He made many exchanges to me. He is trusted and good guy. Don't be afraid of him.
  12. To gnwrizo..gia ayto tou to eipa.
  13. mhpws phres etoimo pack me back? h eixes palio server kai ekanes wipe? kati as poume pou sindeete me tin database sou
  14. Profil banner rocks

  15. EDIT: oh its ok now...
  16. again and again and again and again and again :P anw keep going mate. He doing it good from the time you're all guys are stupids (speaking only for those gonna play for 23423423423423th time).
  17. Yes but my main account is this one from the time i made it. For any other question feel free to pm me. Wont spam my topic. Thank you.
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