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Everything posted by NaelsonMT

  1. Resolved http://i.imgur.com/oQUdpuu.png is conflict
  2. may be conflict between next_dev.dll vs fr3dbr?
  3. tested various ways :'( I did not make it I tried using L2Off Account Manager V1.3 Free failed connection in win server 2003 wheel local and Caught using this panel but I want to use the web to test ranking
  4. How to solve it? Win 7 x64 I 'the but of an hour trying to connect
  5. lin2world ? I do not think anything about rec
  6. At where at sql stay rec full of player
  7. Rapper but famous in Brazil translated into English How and to you guys? Bad or good? version Part I original version Part I
  8. dll nextdev But not working auto pick chup [itemsAutoUseOnPickup] Enable=1 Item1=57 ;adena Item2=736 ;scroll_of_escape
  9. Compiler Error in a line http://imgur.com/8PqP3GX The application failed to initialize properly (0xc015002) http://imgur.com/a/6aXxy
  10. my file http://www.4shared.com/rar/lLXjutZEce/Windows_2003x64.html? instalation in virtual box is best
  11. in php.ini removed a comma before ;MYSSQL and secure off = on open port firewall 1433 and enble enables manager in configuration web is ip internal
  12. Resolved servidor , lin2db ip machine and system
  13. skill_begin skill_name=[tatto_mdef] skill_id=10520 level=1 operate_type=P effect={{p_magical_defence;{all};10;per}} skill_end skill_begin skill_name=[tatto_evas] skill_id=10521 level=1 operate_type=P effect={{p_avoid;{all};10;diff}} skill_end skill_begin skill_name=[tatto_hp] skill_id=10522 level=1 operate_type=P effect={{p_max_hp;755;diff}} skill_end skill_begin skill_name=[tatto_pdef] skill_id=10520 level=1 operate_type=P effect={{p_physical_defence;{all};10;per}} skill_end skill_begin skill_name=[tatto_speed] skill_id=10520 level=1 operate_type=P effect={{p_speed;{all};10;per}} skill_end skill_begin skill_name=[tatto_casting] skill_id=10522 level=1 operate_type=P effect={{p_magic_speed;20;diff}} skill_end skill_begin skill_name=[tatto_m_atack] skill_id=10522 level=1 operate_type=P effect={{p_magical_attack;20;diff}} skill_end skill_begin skill_name=[tatto_p_atack] skill_id=10522 level=1 operate_type=P effect={{p_physical_attack;20;diff}} skill_end skill_begin skill_name=[tatto_attack_speed] skill_id=10522 level=1 operate_type=P effect={{p_attack_speed;20;diff}} skill_end skill_begin skill_name=[tatto_critical_rate] skill_id=10522 level=1 operate_type=P effect={{p_magic_critical_rate;10;diff}} skill_end skill_begin skill_name=[tatto_acuracy] skill_id=10522 level=1 operate_type=P effect={{p_hit;10;diff}} skill_end {all};10;diff}} all};10;per}} all,diff and per ? What a result ? I'm riding tattoo as it should be ?
  14. Because when you use the dns-ip in the cached and the log not carry ? http://imgur.com/WzhhlhX Title of the topic was wrong
  15. http://imgur.com/CpTcZIb code stops working after a while. Restarting the machine solved. because ?
  16. resolved by Myutsu painel internal ! does not work in external !
  17. I have step For Those Who teach me my web pick up the connection
  18. I read the rules and does not speak that is prohibited youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_iX2v8iHIE&feature=youtu.be What have to do to operate the accounts
  19. Web hosted free + dedicated Hosted web free door 3306 = is closed Dedicated door 3306 and 9014 = os closed summarized hosted web and dedicated not this open 3306 The two need open the 3306? I have to work I'll be back later
  20. My site does not connect this in perfect installation by following the tutorials from the internet What is the right way to set the sql server to connect to the database? I think the problem I have in a week already and configuration of sql server My configuration the web configuration /* SQL Auth */ $CONFIG['address'] = ""; $CONFIG['dbuser'] = "lin2world"; $CONFIG['dbpass'] = "admin123"; :-\ Thank you
  21. I did not understand much Solved this way {[scrl_of_ench_am_s];1;1;100}};70}}
  22. What does each one. It seems to be maximum and minimum ;1;1; What is the chance? etc.. {[scrl_of_ench_am_s];1;1;0.047}};54.1847}}
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