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Everything posted by art.me

  1. Hi, Check pm.
  2. Hello pple, I just wanted to warn U about this guy,it's well known multi-acc person,who alrdy sold this tank like 5times and claimed back from Innova. Previous names used by him - druppy and druppyx,care pple. Tank name is Skierka .
  3. A lot pple trying to contact him lately,a few awaiting their bought items since 3 days, thats not cool :( Anyone know him from real mby? Mby something happened?
  4. Another smooth trade,vouch ;)
  5. Hello, Wtb 5kkk /25e each, Pm here ,or skype me. Regards.
  6. Hi, I'm lf 2 enchanters at separate acc's 89-90lvl as max ,no matter dual/subs/race. They can be duals also. Acc's CANT involve any personal data. That's as must. Send me reasonable offers. Thanks.
  7. That guy is total scammer. Don't trade under any circumstances. He alrdy SOLD me that tank then claimed back via tickets to Innova. After that "trade" he scammed me on another 25e ,cuz he was selling another acc. Skype acc at that time was : krx l0l and MXC name was druppyx . Also he isn't Afghan,or RU,he is simply PL . LOGIN name on this tank is: MARTELINEAGE , toon name : SKIERKA Avoid this scum.
  8. Hi, Do You still have it?
  9. Hi, Pls send me Ur prices for them, Thanks.
  10. Sure all went smooth , but either Ur his "friend" , or expect to have acc recalled even few months later,just like RammusOP warns here :) Gl anyways :)
  11. Hi, Send me Ur price pls. Ty.
  12. Unfortunate seems he is scammer after all. After I've sent to him G2a code for 25e he never gave any L2 acc details and turned off Skype. I can provide ss ofc. So guyz avoid that person : krx l0l on skype
  13. Hi, Check Skype pls.
  14. Vouch. And need another 2bil. ;)
  15. Bump, Stil need all.
  16. Bump. Still need those.
  17. Still Need All, Bump.
  18. Just bought few bills,fast,np Vouch for a Guy.
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