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About THCxD

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  1. You can use a WC instead of a PP if u to XP with a party cause WC will buff all ur party, that's waay better than a single PP to buff the whole party.
  2. AION have better graphics, but L2 still better pvp and gameplay.
  3. whe this happen again better stay on until server restart! and let then "walking"...
  4. i really can't belive how people can play in a server like this... soo much bugs and exploits...
  5. piracy is killing the music industry (records), not the music...
  6. TY/DE/WC/BD ^^ Almost full buff...
  7. its a good server, i hope it comes C5 soon, i have a char there and wanna play again, but C4 too boring...
  8. tested and work a lot of bugs, exploits! xD
  9. Paladin and Gladiators... find a player that knows how to play this and u can't win against it...
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