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Everything posted by Swan

  1. Sometimes I wonder why skillful developers like you don't just create a more "ordinary" server. Balance won't be an issue for you. I can imagine how popular a normal H5 server would be, providing also those kind of sieges and Battleship war.. Too customed servers with new skills etc decline a lot from L2 as a game..It's as if you create a brand new game. Please don't get me wrong. I totally respect this work and the time you've dedicated to make this one come true, but still... I would prefer to have a person like you as Admin in any server :P
  2. August ,20 ... not in the middle of August yet? :happyforever:
  3. Has this server been on OB since August,2 ?
  4. Glad to see you changing it into H5 and not Interlude. Thus, I am not fond of too customed servers and tbh I have been so disappointed by every H5 I have played so far. I love your idea about battleships AND Sieges ! Unique ! I will join for sure just to see it with my eyes ! ;D Good luck to your project/server.
  5. It's a H5 server, but without H5 skills, no certs, no pvp items.. but with IL/GE features. Why not an IL/GE server then ? I don't get it... Sorry :-\
  6. Wasn't L2Mid a GE server some days ago? ::) Anyway, GL
  7. I said: 60 online and 30 of them afk in Giran. About lag, I don't know what to say.. I had had a lot of lag for such low community. Anyway, all the best to this server. It is well structured, but low populated :(
  8. Only 5 people on? (That's what I was told few min ago...)
  9. Seems so. Too bad. :okey:
  10. At your FB page you have written more details, for example: -buff slot 34 with divine inspiration. -wards return on their base every 2 weeks ( Why is that if T/W is every week? Better return them every week or not at all, imo) -PvP sets/weapons can be traded/enchanted/augmented I like the fact that your server's currency is aparted by adena,GB,pvp coins. (In every server I had played I didn't know what to do with so many adena on me. It was a kinda useless item.) Site/Forum when??
  11. wow ... too customed server ! max lvl 90 ? +300 new skills to characters and monsters? For sure you have dedicated a lot of time for such a creation and gz to you. On the other hand, I am not sure if such a server will attract the number of people you expect to get online. Personally, I like custom servers ..not too customed ones. In any case, GL to your project.
  12. :not bad: Can't you launch it sooner? :rage:
  13. Like I said, I did that already. 60 people online, 30 of them afk in Giran. I have huge lags IG, as if this is a homemade server. I also read this: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=279853.0 which I didn't like at all. Imo, server is "too old" for someone to join. No matter how much you keep on advertising it, it won't help it. Have you considered of a wipe and a fresh start ? This time without so many custom things like GoD armors (which I don't mind, but for some others it's a reason they don't join) or masks with "extra skills". Also do something with the lag.. 60 ppl on and it lags like hell in Giran. I also went to a farming spot- It was laggy there too.
  14. I'll give it a try. EDIT : I did and out of 61 online , 30+ ppl afk in Giran. Seems a well-structured server , but unfortunately too laggy for me. One castle (Rune) owns all wards.. I lold when I saw that..sorry ! Seems a dead server and it is too bad. GL on those who play (/ will play ) there.
  15. I can have no opinion about GoD client since I haven't played at it yet, but I do have an opinion about Pere. He is -IMO- the best dev I have ever met in L2 servers. I used to play on L2TnS and I would be still playing there if he hadn't chosen to "upgrade" it into GoD. If you are looking for an experienced dev team working non-stop on a server, then this server is the one you should join without any doubt.
  16. and prefix Freya. :not bad:
  17. LOL ! Server is online !
  18. When admin logs, server will be online again.
  19. Which clan is that? StarK ? PinkPajamas? HotGates? HollyGuards?EmpiresUnited? I can name a dozen which pvp daily there. Join a clan or stop QQ 24/7.
  20. Just because you have met some stupid Spanish, that doesn't mean that every single one is stupid ! Same applies for all nationalities. Now, stop spamming in this topic nonsense just to increase your post count , please. Everytime I check mxc's forum Stewie and SunBeam have opinion for everyone or every server. You have made yourselves clear that you don't like it as a server. Do us the favor to join another server and keep your thoughts for yourselves. Thank you ! Sux on what? It's the 1st time I see you posting something without justifying your thoughts. At least this server opened ... How about your L2Trojan ? It didn't even last 2 weeks online and it failed several times on its opening :dat:
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