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Everything posted by Swan

  1. Sure! Have you logged today? :dat: 1.They have done a rollback deleting everything, so you probably won't have a char when you log today. 2. PvP Balance is a bit crappy (for me) 3. If you teleport to PvP Zone there is absolutely no other way to leave it, unless you type "/unstuck". 4. There is no forum so that we can write our problems or suggest anything. Anyway, I don't see why we're supposed to lose our time here. For me it's pretty obvious that they have hurried to open the server for public. PD: I really wonder when are you going to remove this server from previews...
  2. Great news ! Cya on opening. :happyforever:
  3. Well.. one suggestion would be to enable trade chat as global chat with 30 secs reuse, so that everyone will be able to communicate. About shout with reuse restriction ofc , global chat as well and with pvp restriction as you (most of people) wish. HV would be good if it also had a short delay up to 15-20 secs.. heroes are the worst spammers imo ;D (I am still waiting for a reply to my question above about karma drops.)
  4. hahaha no. 50-60 ppl afk in Giran, 10-20 ppl pvp.. about the rest maybe offline shops
  5. So for bugs,questions, etc we have to use skype or mail ! Nice :poker face: FORUM Jesus christ...
  6. Agree for global chats reuse. If that's the case, any emo-crying kid cannot spam. Problem solved just by that. It's really a shame to prevent ppl from using global chats just because you are afraid of some kids, even if we are talking about 30-50 pvps. Not to mention that USUALLY those retarded kids are the ones who get the needed amount of pvps to use global chat :dat:
  7. Keep it this way, please ;D Another Question : In case of karma, will items drop from the pker if he gets killed ?
  8. WTB a forum for this server.....
  9. I read you have taken care of support classes to get rewards during pvps. That's cool. I really hope there won't be any chat restrictions. In case there are, consider support classes once again. How are they supposed to get pvps? :poker face: (I hope I won't get the typical answer : Use a subclass ... )
  10. Looking forward to it . If features are the way you've described it, I am soooo IN :) The very best of luck to your project and hopefully it will go live soon.
  11. Srsly ppl donated for +20 items? Are you kidding me? :LOL: +1 to remove .dressme +1 to create a forum (I have some pretty cool screenshots to upload there) ::)
  12. Beautiful site & amazing forum. GL on G.O.
  13. mmm yes you are right... seems a visual bug. Anyway, join this server to have some fun please ::)
  14. ::) I just received this screenshot on my skype. Seems a clan has EXTRA full skills. (You can also view donation list on announcement)
  15. Says who ? You ? :happyforever: Yeah, we will all see it when it opens.
  16. This is Olynth's pack 1000000% and GMS are spanish. About Wyrm, we will see when it opens. If you are right - although I doubt - I will need you to predict 6 numbers for lottery. If you are wrong, you will need to find a cave to hide. :troll:
  17. For now it is good (There's nothing else better out there). GMS must be a bit newbies cuz they failed on server's economy. All players are moving around with +18 pvp gears and Admins beg for donations to +20 items. ::) After their Beta Phase, they din't wipe. 3 clans own castles (Rune, Goddard, Giran). When I said to admin that he should have wiped beta he replied that I can occupy any castle during next siege. So, 3 clans are with full skills plus wards. About pvp, it gets a bit boring after some minutes. And since you got a full char in less than 1 hour, there are not much things to do. About oly, I haven't participated or watched any match yet to have an opinion. Funny thing was that admin wasn't sure if his oly enchantment is +6 or +8 , when players asked him. :troll:
  18. I have nothing else to do and I am wasting my time here. Wanna join for some pvp? :happyforever:
  19. atm 75 on. The most annoying thing to me is that constant use of spanish language. ::) Other than that, it is ex-Olynth (the pack) but their economy is a bit different .. I think they have screwed it up a bit ... :-X I have had a full +18 character with pvp items in less than 1 hour. I believe this should take a bit longer..like a week or so! It's a good server for now.. --------EDIT--------- 112 on and someone had an armor +60k .. :LOL: He showed that on global chat. Time to go. GL to those who keep playing there.
  20. Olynth or not, who cares... Maybe just the NPC are same. I want to play ! People on ? nvm I 'll join
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