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Everything posted by melron

  1. e rwta enan IG na sou pei to name apo to npc kai meta trava sto npcname pou vriskete sto system tou server sou kai des apo ekei to ID tou kai prakse analoga..
  2. What pack are you using?
  3. as he said he dont get the visually of the destroyed item and i guess thats why one more update added... about ur code ... cmon one code can be coded with 1k ways ...
  4. what to say... as i said its working perfect for me (acis)
  5. working perfect else if (parameters.contains("cov")) { if (player.destroyItemByItemId("Buff", 11010, 3, player, true)) { player.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("Consume",11010, 3, player, null); player.sendMessage("SYS: 3 of your Vote Tickets have been consumed."); player.broadcastPacket(new InventoryUpdate()); MagicSkillUse mgc = new MagicSkillUse(player, player, 1363, 1, 1, 1); SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1363, 1).getEffects(player,player); player.broadcastPacket(mgc); player.sendMessage("Your strength is improved due to Chant of Victory effects!"); } else { player.sendMessage("You don't have enough vote tickets."); return; } }
  6. Cool :D added.
  7. Hello guys, Can someone explain me how can i add delay for example in craft? I want a delay of X seconds before u can craft again. thanks!
  8. Not exactly... What about if the char havent clan? :D npc will not work cause clan ...
  9. Δοκίμασε αυτό Edit: Δες της SweeTs τον τελευταίο κώδικα if (player.getClan() != null) { html.replace("%Clan%", player.getClan().getName()); html.replace("%Alliance%", activeChar.getClan().getAllyId() == 0 ? "<font color=FF0000>No</font>" : activeChar.getClan().getAllyName()); } else { html.replace("%Clan%", "<font color=FF0000>No</font>"); html.replace("%Alliance%", "<font color=FF0000>No</font>"); }
  10. So your main problem wasnt problem at all... You just wanted to chance the msg ...
  11. your lines are fine, check again what u edited ...
  12. can you post your java file here? (use code) Edit: with what scroll you enchanting?
  13. @ RequestEnchantitem.java find if (rndValue < chance) and check with these lines if (rndValue < chance) { if (item.getOwnerId() != activeChar.getObjectId()) { activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION)); return; } if (item.getLocation() != L2ItemInstance.ItemLocation.INVENTORY && item.getLocation() != L2ItemInstance.ItemLocation.PAPERDOLL) { activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION)); return; } if (item.getEnchantLevel() == 0) { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_SUCCESSFULLY_ENCHANTED); sm.addItemName(item.getItemId()); activeChar.sendPacket(sm); } else { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_S2_SUCCESSFULLY_ENCHANTED); sm.addNumber(item.getEnchantLevel()); sm.addItemName(item.getItemId()); activeChar.sendPacket(sm); } item.setEnchantLevel(item.getEnchantLevel() + Config.CUSTOM_ENCHANT_VALUE); item.updateDatabase(); }
  14. Cool ;) Link added.
  15. U're right! forgot to add the market sql... Updated.
  16. run it and see bro :P thats why i give the code
  17. Updated: Npc Item Market added!
  18. Thare are many augment shops shared ;)
  19. ofc this can be like merchant with farm items etc but , Is there any rule about donation npcs service and cant call it donation npc? I can see posts with title like this and inside there are only htmls with the ways of donation pf... Cmon... say something good, as i said im not the owner of this npc and idk how to change the delivery way... p.s Title changed ><
  20. Hello MXC! I want to share with you one Custom Merchant (Its for jfrozen) The first share was by claww -> share But its not his npc as he said :o Finally with my work this npc works fine (check the original to see the changes :P). Features: Donate List: Weapons/Armors/Rings of your choice with enchantment of your choice too, is configurable Armors/Jewels set +16 , configurable Character Improve Gain Noblesse (by checking) Transfer Augmentation skill & attributes from one weapon to other! (Item must have skill) Transfer enchant from one weapon/armor/jewel to other! Change Name / Color Name / Color Title (by checking) Enchanter : Accepting 3 types (Weapon/Armor/Jewel) and plus 1 enchant! All the features need Donate Coin Fixed Removed useless ids in Donate List & added correct Ids Augment transfer many checks Added noblesse check Enchant transfer max limit Name/Colors ids of colors Finally all html dialogs Have also Clan Improve system but i deleted this because had many bugs and i have no idea how to fix them all (but im trying :D). The currency donate item is adena for all features. (Configurable) Video Link Download Let me know if you find any bugs ( will be for sure ), I can help with that! Updated: Item Market The second share from the same guy is the Item Market: Its a npc where you can add an item for sell in the market like interlude + chronicles Fixed: All html dialogs Removed adena,goldbars,Q-items ++ as items for sell Fixed same items can be added to list from other players Added custom htmls files for easy edit Reminder (message) to the item owner when the item sold Fixed many bugs i found (should have more) also not suggested for live servers without check . Video Link Download Link (l2jfrozen) Download Link (l2jacis) Gredits for adaption to acis : Williams
  21. Hello guys, I need your opinion about my first game that i made in 2 days with full work in dev c ++... I just want to find if im coding good and if no, what i should change to be better... http://pastebin.com/d8vSExKm
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