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Everything posted by lqp

  1. We are going to join this server. Good luck!
  2. wish u luck today in the g.o. let's hope that we will have a nice game
  3. http://mora.network/forum/index.php?/topic/29-buff-slot-limit/ vote
  4. no , you aren't but good luck with this
  5. good luck. just take care of early donations and u will succeed
  6. good luck..we will try this one after long time
  7. Grand Opening: 08 October 2016 18:00 Server time: GMT -3 Server platform: L2OFF - Official files- Mid/PvP 100x { http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html } NO CUSTOMRates: Exp: 100x / Sp: 100x / Adena: 100x Platform : L2OFF PTS Chronicle: Interlude - No Custom L2OFF INFORMATION Sub-Class free: ADD in NpC "Manager" Center of Giran. Noblesse : Quest Retail Donates - With automatic delivery system Geodata and Pathnodes 100% Off-line Shop mode Status Retail Gk Global - Npc Buffer - Shops Auto Learn Skills Auto loot - Automatic pick up (except raid's drops) Wedding System Anti-Bot Classes Balanced NO CUSTOM ITEMS - farming Itens S SkillAugmentationLOW=3% SkillAugmentationMID=5% SkillAugmentationHIGH=7% SkillAugmentationTOP=9% Ant Zerg: 1 Clan only per 1 Ally BUFFS Buff Slot 24 + 4 (Divine Inspiration automatic) Buff Book: Free FULL BUFFS Buffs time : 2 Hour Buffs. Time Buffs Summon Retail ENCHANTS Safe + 4 Max Weapon : +12 Max Armo/Jewels : + 10 Enchant Rate : Retail Blesseds Scroll Drops Boss Golden Enchant : 100% - Drop Epic Boss Drop Golden enchant Boss: Baium / Valakas / Queen Ant / Antharas / Boss Chaotic BOSSES/JEWELS Raid Boss Jewels - 100% Chance de Drop in epic boss. All Epic Boss are Level 80 and Drop Changed with drop S grads and Bless Enchants. Sell Item quest for Teleport in boss Gm Shop Item de teleport quest raids boss sell in Gm Shop Drop rate (GrandBoss Jewelry): X1 MODIFICATIONS Farm system: custom drop areas. CHAOTIC ZONEs: Boss Drop Especials. ALL OF THESE DROPS ARE NOT 100%. Events Altomatics - TvT and LTS. Awards: Life Stones or Codex. Clan Skills Selling - Double click in scroll for learn skills. Accessories with effect Tyrannosaurus Respawn 5m with drop chance 20% Top-Grade life Stone 76. FOR MORE INFORMATIONS, CHECK HERE : http://www.l2interface.com/web/?page=info
  8. it seems to be simple and good, but i would like to suggest u something to make ur server keep more than a week or two. Enchant: 1st 3-4 days--> Safe+3 / Max +6 (Only normal scrolls in server with 85% chance) after these 3-4 days, change max enchant to +12, insert blessed scrolls with 90% chance. So , after a week or 10 days (about) , u should make ur max enchant (weap 16/armor 14) with only crystal scrolls and 50% chance, but when u enchant the item and fail , the enchant stays the same or goes -1 ( it depends on how hard u want to make ur server ). Economy: Keep your server without any custom farm item, only with adena+votes+event medals Farm Zones: Create only 2-3 farm zones, 2 for solo players and 1 chaotic party zone. -About solo zones, 1st one should have some pk protectors (but not peaceful zone) and give less adena. The 2nd one should give more adena but dont have guards. Anyway, if u want more ideas, because im bored to type everything here in public, throw me a pm and ill reply soon. thanks for ur time
  9. good luck . let's hope for a nice gameplay
  10. thanks Recruitments will stay closed for now. We seem to be ok for now. Although, some exception may be done. (Still lf someone that can speak russian)
  11. there are like 50 ppl that got scammed because they use same account with other servers. who is going to create AIO account in sanity? for real...and as i see there are many AIO accounts. this is probably a db from another server which had AIO buffs system..
  12. these accounts aren't from sanity lol...there are hundred of aio accounts which do not even exist in this server..these accounts are from another server, i have searched more than 20+ accounts that dont even exist in server...so fools that continue using same account in trash servers, will be fcked up. chron warned everyone to change their account and dont use the same id/pwd with another servers.
  13. the fact is that noone managed to ddos server succesfully. why? because we played normally when he put the limit on players. today he bought new dedi and we hope that he won't have same problem
  14. http://l2sanity.com/ ----> pvp server http://community.l2legacy.net/ ----> easy "mid" rate. (actual pvp server)
  15. thanks a lot my boy
  16. Hello, 90Fingers (90F) is a group that i am going to create with some old friends. We are Interlude (Mostly) players that can play in any rate (from low to high) who are looking for some companions to join us. Your personallity/skills will be tested through some servers that are going to be up soon. Some needs to join us: -Class will be specified after discussion with the members. -Be able to join in rc/ts3 or any other communication program that will be asked to. -Decent player who's ready to respect his captain and mates. Also to be ready to get respected from each member too. -No matter the age. Only brain's age. -Be ready to follow the group in any server. Any move will be 1st discussed with all the party members. -No "EMO" allowed! Anyone who causes problems with his behavior will be kicked immediately. -We are looking for INT members. We are Greeks but we can communicate perfectly in english. -SPECIAL ADVANTAGE! --> Speaking Russian + English will be an advantage to join the group. The group is going to be a "MAGE" group or in some cases "SUPPORT". For more information, you can pm/reply here, or add me in skype: basilhs.overlimit P.S: Some "Design" Skills (Recording/Editing video , etc.) will be appreciated too.
  17. we will also come for a week to have some fun, if the server can provide it ofc. good luck to everyone
  18. We are waiting for this server. good luck
  19. gl
  20. -4 AM+ACUMEN -5 NOBLE CHARS -5 DC R SET -4 TM R SET -1 AM ACUMEN WILD MAGIC LVL 10 -MANY COIN OF LUCK (Donate coins) For price info u can send me message here or in this skype : feelix.2
  21. WTS ITEMS AND CHAR IN L2 MID -Noblesse account -Varka ally lvl 5 -dc set +6 -am +acu +7 -TT set +6 -TM set -50 LG -Tons of misc For more info add in skype : basilhs.overlimit ------------------------------------------------------ UPDATED!!!
  22. Full Noblesse Chars (9+) 5 DC Sets 3 TT Sets 3 AM (Clean) Mats + Recipes EAS-EAA-EWS 5 Crystals LvL 12 (red) Different parts from armors W/E u need send me a pm here or on skype ( basilhs.overlimit )
  23. today is the opening. good luck
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