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Everything posted by Shawtex

  1. Warning! He bought the Character including items from me and refunding money right now... Also spamming my posts that I would be a scammer... If someone wants proofs just pm me.
  2. List updated. Spellhowler 43 for 15€ SOLD Discount list added.
  3. 75kk sold. New stock at 150kk+
  4. Sold out, thanks :)
  5. Buyout for 50€, Top Geared Stormscreamer.
  6. Trusted Seller, +1 bought Adena + Emi bow clean, thanks again
  7. Current offer is still 50€, 60€ is buyout. pm me today. Top Stacked Stormscreamer with passive wild magic and active skill refresh. Neutral Name.
  8. Hello there, I want to sell my Character on L2 Dex 25x High Five Server. Character Infos: Class: Stormscreamer, Noble, almost 85 Skillenchants: most are +13 - 25 - Around 6k Fame - Good reputation Gear Infos: - Vesper Noble Robe Set lvl 7 attribute +3, Freya Cloak - Vesper Buster +5 Acumen 300 Wind Augment: passive Wild Magic Lvl 10 - Arcana Mace Acumen Augment: Skill refresh Lvl 10 - Vesper Shield + Vesper Sigil - Zaken's Earring +3 - Vorpal Earring +4 - Olympiad Necklace + Vesper Necklace +3 - Vorpal Ring +4 - Vesper Ring +5 - CP Shirt +4 - Belt - 2kkk+ Adena / 200+ TOD - tons of Mats Add me on Skype: shawtex or just pm me here. Looking for offers.
  9. Very trustful. Bought 3kk Adena. Thanks for the fast delivery! :)
  10. +1 trusted seller, bought his Shilien Oracle and everything went easy. Thanks again
  11. Yep, he is a scammer accepting every price you offer.
  12. Just stupid if the admins of the server is more active on maxcheaters than on their own server :D and well, no chance for you to know my accounts even as admin ^^
  13. Iss Enchanter for sale added. Price is 30€. New Price 15 Euro
  14. Hey, I want to sell my Human Tyrr Warrior(Duelist) lvl 91 on GoD Server Dex x3 Valkyrie. Due to job I am pretty inactive now and thats why I want to sell my character. Items: - +4 Apocalypse Dual Swords Health SA and 200 Fire + glowing Augment - Immortal Heavy Set - Twilight Heavy Set ( only Breastplate missing) - Subclass Quest done, didnt start a subclass yet. - 50kk Adena in Inventory - Warehouse full of items and lowbie gear Following Skills are enchanted: - Force of Nature +4 HP Recovery = 4% Heal - Duelist Spirit kept from 3rd Class and enchanted to +5 :not bad: Price 35€ :not bad: ------------------------------------------------------ Also selling an Iss enchanter lvl 89 50% (female, Bladedancer) Price: 15€ and 40€ for both Accounts ;-) You got questions or interests? Pm me on forum Character has a good reputation. Accepting only Paypal or bank transfers.
  15. Trusted Seller +1 :)
  16. Selling few Chars mid/high lvl on RPG-Club x5 Rates Union - Gladiator lvl 76 with sls*sls Normal + Refined Romantic Chapeau + tons of Common A grade in WH + tons of Mats + Keymats in WH + Vitality lvl 4 - Swordsinger lvl 72 with common items - Bladedancer lvl 59 - Destroyer lvl 55 - Spoiler lvl 55 - Prophet lvl 60 Only Paypal. msg me if you are interested.
  17. Bump, price down to 40€
  18. WTS: Soulhound 85 1. Sub: Trickster 85 2. Sub 76 Doombringer Few Info's: - Most skills +10 ++ - Noblesse - 25+ Festival Adena - Good Reputation no Flame/no Clan - Few Vesper items to sell (around 1kkk) - 800kk+ Adena - Oly Farmer char - pretty good damage output Gear: - Vesper Noble Light set Foundation & full attributed: -> Helmet +6,Breastplate +6,Leggins +10,Gloves +7, Boots +6 - Black Visage +7 Empower 300 Dark - Vesper Jewel Set Price 40 Euro negotiable Just msg me
  19. Edhoras is a scammer, few weeks ago I bought a Character on Innova Core and we kept having contact, he asking me daily hows going and how core is etc etc that he wanna play again soon etc, I told him that I am about to quit and about to sell my char and since he saw what Items I had he is trying to recall my account right now. Dont give scammers a chance to grow, IP Ban would be awesome. Gl with the infos, hope this retard will die on cancer.
  20. up still for sale, waiting more offers
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