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Everything posted by Shawtex

  1. Olympiad Server, its a nice idea. What about you make daily 5h oly, 1h Castle siege which is giving like 5 KE per kill or Olympiad Treasure chests each 10 kills and lot of Items(maybe 5-10 random epic jewels/enchants/GC's) in Castle WH for the owners! like 5h oly,1h siege,5h oly,1h siege. thats daily or something like this. Even Solo players can PvP in a Siege and earn their KE's. Pure oly server will get ppl bored pretty soon, they need something to farm and open pvp with. Maybe Epics respawn each 6h aswell. Would be mad fun I think, just my opinion.
  2. Trusted seller,bought his 99 yul archer and everything went easy.
  3. +1 Trusted Seller, bought this char from him and everything was even better than mentioned. Thanks again m8
  4. W-T-Buy Feoh wizard 99 with +15 INT dyes / Clean or w/ items or Yul Archer human 99 with +15 STR dyes / Clean or w/ items Add me in Skype: Shawtex Thanks in advance
  5. Scammed by manolis11
  6. bump still for sale,server has nice population.
  7. not gonna tell it on forum to get him banned and destroying the reputation of the guy buying it, if you are interested PM me here about my skype
  8. SOLD as title says, on server: www.l2world.org with 3.5k+ ppl online daily. 1st Heroes came out on 15th Hero Character with: - Full Vesper noble +6 set full attributed - Vesper Weapon with SA +7 300 attr - Vorpal jewel set +5 - 2kkk+ Adena - 3x Oly Jewels, 400k+ Oly Tokens - Almost all skills +15/30 - Overpowered Class and Oly Enforcer. - Has PvP Armor. - Lots of stuff left such as attribute stones/crystals/GCs/Vesper Bow clean/Vorpal + Vesper jewels sealed PM me here if you are interested and wanna know more about the character. Ps: It's worth it
  9. Hey, WTB: - Vesper Light Set / Robe Set - Vesper Shaper / Buster - Adena - or fully equipped Character paying with €, Msg me here to get my skype.
  10. I see,thx for warning wont sell to any of them
  11. Selling Stacked Chars on Dex 3x GoD Server Site: www.lineage.ro Feoh 91 almost 92 Top Equipment such as Twilight robe set almost full attributed few parts 120/120/120, Twilight jewel set, Blessed apoc wep +4 :not bad: 50kk Adena Noblesse with 2 Subs Lots of Talismans such as Divine protection, Life Force Passives +5 Cat Ears +3 INT, +10 INT Dyes +20 Water in total Lots of Blessed Spirit Shots 1x Unidentified Seraph Gloves in wh For buying the Feoh an Iss enchanter 86 is included Tyrr 92 almost 93 Twilight Heavy Set almost full attributed, Twilight Jewel Set, apo slasher focus, apo duals health, apo stormer 10kk Adena Noblesse with 1 sub Top Olympiad points Lots of Talismans such as Divine protection, Life Force Passives +3/+4 Rabbit Ears +3 DEX, +11 STR dyes 1x Destiny Pack and lots of Soulshots For more info PM me for skype.
  12. As title says, wtb Adena on L2 Dex 3x GOD Add me in Skype : Shawtex
  13. I can vouch for him, very trustful Seller. Used to buy the Iss Enchanter from him, everything fine and even more than I expected.
  14. I can vouch for this guy, bought adena and everything went smoothy. Thanks again
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