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Everything posted by Horus

  1. Check merchant_buylist. The sell 'command' doesn't use a multisell, it uses the buylists.
  2. Use NetBeans
  3. Best known firewall to mankind (public): - ZoneAlarm.
  4. Then read my Guide on how to obtain L2jFree's source. To make your own .proprieties you need to edit config.java.
  5. Open eclipse and read the source. -1/2: My advice: go through config.java. -3: Check the gm-privileges.proprieties
  6. There was a guy who made a post about 5 hours ago offering his services as a Developer. Please read the forum before making a new thread. Wish you the best of luck,
  7. God damnit this is the ENGLISH section. Thread Closed.
  8. If you found it than share the solution so that other people with the same problem can solve their problem. And the intention was for you to search not to whine.
  9. http://www.coderanch.com/t/207423/Sockets-Internet-Protocols/java/java-net-SocketException-Unrecognized-Windows#998470 http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=329241&start=0 Learn how to use google.
  10. Which passive skill are you referring to? (Skill's name). Because at the moment you are NOT supposed to get any skill whilst adding subclasses.
  11. L2jFree is Gracia Final at the moment. But L2j has Thread restriction in their .proprieties as well.
  12. Interlude ?
  13. Its somewhere in the configs (possibly server.proprieties, not sure since I use Jfree not J).
  14. Jesus sorry but I can't understand that. Ask someone to translate your Greek to English , that will be easier for both of us.
  15. Client modding related. This is NOT the client modding section. Thread Closed.
  16. Can't you read? Jesus when you added the item you added the wrong crystal type. There is no such associated crystal type in the core.
  17. Great. Now say the same thing in english, that way we can understand what you're saying and we can help you.
  18. Just change the type from false to true (stackable =true) in your DB.
  19. Well don't take me wrong but I've helped you enough. You can't even copy + paste ? lool. I appologise if I seem rude but what you're doing is a complete lack of respect, you could at least try harder. If everybody can do it then so can you.Try harder, the reward is worth the time you waste on attempting to make it work.
  20. Once again this is the JAVA help section, NOT the client modding one. Please refrain from posting non java related material here. Awaiting for a moderator to move this. Thread Closed.
  21. The Siege will start according to the box's (server host) time zone. Just check the box's time zone configuration.
  22. Thread Closed.
  23. It isn't the right section indeed, still since its a quick fix here's what you need to do: - In your folder you'll find a query.sql or smth.sql (.sql extension) make sure you execute it on your db and that's it, it should work now.
  24. Structure is the same. Some method names might be different but you get the idea. Just search for the correct method and you're set to go.
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