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Everything posted by Horus

  1. Well its not a string although I do agree with you. Adding configurations for things that you know are going to be changed- that's ok- but for everything ? Its just stupid. Still welcome back wizz ^^
  2. Jesus christ you need to learn some english. And the reason we say: search is that YOUR PROBLEM already has an answer somewhere in the forum.
  3. Thank you. The point of forcing you to search xXxJimPowerxXx is to make you work for what you need instead of just giving you everything on a plate. Still if you can't comply with this then I'll gladly stop helping. Small note: Don't be rude, I'm here to help, if you don't want our help just don't open threads, else consider yourself happy for receiving a valid response.
  4. Well I think its the first time I'll reply to something like this however your site is really cool ^^ Congratulations on it and I wish you the best of luck.
  5. www.google.com > System Variables
  6. Cus your PATH is pointing to the JRE and NOT to the JDK. Jesus can't you use the search button ?
  7. If you were a decent person you'd share it so that other people with the same problem would know how to fix it. We've helped you and now you'll help someone else.
  8. Its how it works.Just make sure you change the GS's proprieties to match the new port. Thread Closed.
  9. Read the share I made somewhere (something like Interlude/Gracia Final Olympiad protection) and just make the game end.
  10. There aren't a lot of games I hate since I don't play many but here's the two I think I hate: - Counter Strike (I really hate this one, in my head its not a game. A DoS game would beat CS). - WoW (I don't hate it that much, guess I never played it, but I hate the graphics, I know,games are childish that's why they're games, but there's no need to have graphics for 5 year olds).
  11. Port 80 = HTTP so if I'm not mistaken you have to open both 80 and mysql's.
  12. From your firewall.
  13. However you do have to reset the kill spree counter on death. Find doDie() in L2PcInstace and add the reset. If you want send me a .patch and I'll see if its correct else, just make sure you don't make public vars that don't need to be public (just make getters and setters) and be sure to add your code after the checks. Good luck.
  14. LOOL Grisom that is just hilarious
  15. The one you're trying to connect to. MySQL's port.
  16. It does. The L2PcInstance class is cast on each 'player'. Meaning, a new class is created. Hence when the player leaves all classes related to him (including L2PcInstance) are deleted.
  17. Coudn't connect to [] Did you open the port ?
  18. Use password,not using password is just stupid.
  19. You still have BOTH the problems ? Give me your site's URL.
  20. It actually worked as a "don't do it that way, do it this way because it saves resources." still no need to be upset especially because you're going offtopic. Still its a nice share setkeh.
  21. Don't ever play a game made in portugal.
  22. If you've found it then start reading it. Trust me,you'll find the min number of required players in no time. Just be patient ^^
  23. It wont work because he is defining the variable inside the method. You need to store it in the class (instanced variable) else the var will always be 0 and then 1.
  24. Then its on model or entity or w/e I don't work with L2j. Use the search button on eclipse.
  25. MySQL Instance Config Wizzard > Modify Security Settings > Enable root access from remote machines.
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