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Everything posted by Tijseh

  1. I like these menu's bigtime but in a website it' more preferable to use a horizontal menu instead of a vertical (has to do with heatmappings)(heatmaps are the places where people look mainly) over al try putting them in a complete website and create a full atmosphere. 9/10
  2. Looks a bit pixeladed you used vectors for this? Overal it looks cool.
  3. I have to tell you that you're right with that GW1 is better then 2. BUT, GW2 is totally different from 1 next to that the balance in WvW and PvP is pretty decent that was all f**ked up in 1 they just want to keep the game running same like GW1 only was GW1 totally different from the other MMO's at that time. Now a days all MMO's are like eachother.
  4. That's how I feel while reading this discussion
  5. Trying to blend stuff it's really hard cause I should've used another render with this smudge... Or made it vert. Yeah I played it :D
  6. Day 2: I forgot to upload this yesterday.... No Text: Text:
  7. Mwah you're right I wanted to add a C4D but it looked stupid so I left it this way cause I didn't know what to add... Today I hope I'll be able to put day 2/3
  8. Not with all names it looks our sounds cool :( Luffy is an exception it's in both ways cool/nice
  9. I rather use it the way that I want to use it :D
  10. I don't care about being polite it's just common western language.You keep telling me it's different you're just stupid/stubborn cause, it's written in Western. I know its Monkey D. Luffy in the anime I'm not stupid but you guys don't seem to understand I've written it in Western instead of Japanese.
  11. Dude I've written it in Western not in Japanese as I said are you guys stupid? If you write a name in Western it's: Givername Surname..... Not Surname, Firstname, Givenname is it that hard to understand or what? Example.. Western: Hans van Ozel Japanese: Ozel van Hans It's as easy as that.
  12. Okay so here is the thing I want to "challenge" myself with making signatures and other pieces for a whole year and here is day 1. This was Yesterday. The background is a bit plain. No Text. Text.
  13. ARE YOU PEOPLE F*CKING STUPID? I watch in Japanese... In THEIR language it's Monkey D. Luffy. IF you TRANSLATE it to ENGLISH OR ANY COMMON LANGUAGE IT'S Luffy D. Monkey. Japanese: Surname Firstname Givenname Europe: Givenname Firstname Surname is it that hard to understand or what? COMMON LOGIC.
  14. I just started watching the anime and our language it's Luffy d. Monkey and in theirs it's Monkey D. Luffy.
  15. You know in Japan/China etc. the surname is in front of the normal name :D So in our language it would be Luffy D. Monkey instead of Monkey D. Luffy
  16. Haha I'm in Europe not in Japan :(
  17. Time to show something new... I haven't smudged in a while and I have no clue how it looks in windows but on OSX it looks pretty good. Ps, I know I'm missing a light source I did that on purpose cause a light source will mess it up :D No Text. Text
  18. Was a easy one I happend to know that Design studio. Next time use google images u'll find out in no time. Haha Thanks! I hate people that rip stuff and just change some random stuff...
  19. GTFO.... It's stretched and the Quality is low I'm not buying this. Real one: http://www.fullyillustrated.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Fully-Illustrated-Joystick-Generals-brand.jpg
  20. No I mean just leave it out strain designs it's cliche... Strain alone sounds good on it self there is no need to add the word design.
  21. Leave out the Design part.
  22. http://graphicriver.net/item/realistic-gothic-games-ps-styles-pack-1/752111?ref=Koolgfx
  23. It's time to get him banned for all the ripping that he does not only in this forum but in all the forums he's active it's going to far hes stealing great pieces of art work. I want to request you guys to look him up in other forums and post this. With kind regards, Tijseh Thank you for letting me find out who the real maker of the tag was: Abundant http://lordcraft.net/topic/2369-abundantarts-recent-work-signatures/ Also thank you for posting my work there saved me the trouble of copy pasting it:
  24. I found something similar on graphic river but it's payed tell me if u want the link.
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