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About Bavaros

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  1. Wtb unranked 30 level and unverified account. Payment method:Paysafecard Offer me a price and text me for the account info!
  2. ah i would like it more if server had one custom armor like apella but nothing more!
  3. when the beta will be available?
  4. there are any custom items in game?
  5. there is a beta mode now on? also my opinion is there are too many customs just delete 2 armors and 2 weapons let 1 armor and 1 weapon and also dont make enchant max +30 for donates only or from gm event will fail .. like on l2galion for donate max +25 and from 200 online now 100 and its keep fallling
  6. what time will open? also its not fair that donates can have +25 items and for normal players can enchant until +20
  7. look here gm gave to his char gm priv for get 200 kills look the image he was doing /kill /res over 50 kills in 5 sec the kills are announced so just leave this server facking noob gm http://i57.tinypic.com/2krdco.jpg
  8. ok necro are overpower .. most of the players inside create necro ..
  9. ok i found a bug send me to tell u what is so u can fix it .. also i like the server i hope it will success!
  10. why there is no warehouse in game?
  11. and its online deticated or its on from home?
  12. it is online now?
  13. Bavaros


    Γινεται να καταθεσω 5 ευρω στην eurobank (οχι στο atm)
  14. Bavaros


    Θελω να στειλω σε εναν λογαριασμο στην γερμανια ενα χρηματικο ποσο μεσω τραπεζας.. Ξερει καποιος τι θα μου ζητησουν? Για παραδειγμα εχω το IBAN BIC και το ονοματεπωνυμο του .. χρειαζοται να ξερω κτ αλλο για να στειλω τα χρηματα στον λογαριασμο του? Ευχαριστω πολυ!
  15. Priced lowed to 35 euro paysafecard
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