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Everything posted by Stereotype

  1. Stop adressing any kind of word to me, dust.
  2. Ok as you wish. Good luck on it! P.S: You ever look your PM's from me?
  3. Ok let's make it otehr way what you think if Trance will pay every year 50 euros for MxC because he want to support it so much.
  4. I dont care what u drive since you are a retarded guy that dont count more than a smoke dust in my eyes. Btw i even asked you what you drive? And i dont cry about my money im facing the fact about how people can fool other people.
  5. LOL AURORA :happyforever: :happyforever:
  6. Im member here since 2009. Because of some personal problems i stop being active, and last year when i tryed my old acc i forgot the password. So i decided to dont tell to noone who i am and create a new Profile. I know most of you but you dont know me. Because i dont want it! And now that dog xdem comes to me because he has big "cojones" and hes just a poor kid. And he have the courage to tell me stupid. Anyway... i'll stop answering here because i know eventualy this wont go anywhere.
  7. Yes since i calculate how i pay for what i pay. I though this is serious forum... not like he try now to sell me donuts. If you dont know about what i am talking or about how much for some persons means that 50 or 25 Euros dont even bother to reply here. You think if i though my VIP will desapear in 1 Year i would donate it? Hell no. (I tel ok 20 euros for 10 years... 25 for life time ok let's give to mr Maxtor 25 euros because i support him and he make me good offer) And now OPS... what the fuck is this? Its like the Romanian word " faci bine, si cazi de prost " (en: you amke good stuffs and eventually you are stupid)
  8. The point its all you should do if you change something will affect the future customers not the old ones. Dont sell us donuts.
  9. Count your words. Why you dont make donation for MxC? Ah ok... Nevermind. I wont give explanation to you... It's just in vane.
  10. No no take it as official, they never close and they will always satisfy theyr customers. Not like other fails private servers, Most serious private servers are alive from years, and they still satisfy theyr customers. What you tell to me it's that MxC its fail?
  11. Anyway do what you want, i made a bad impression about you to. Since i payed for something i know for what i payed. The bank fool peoples... As you start to do right now. And i am done on this topic. It's really... i dont know how to exprime it... Let's tell "unexpected". BTW: Keep that dog xdem where it's his place. Not to come in this serious conversation with hiss useless words.
  12. What means LIFE TIME fucking idiot. With brain like a chicken stop talk to me. You dont deserv this privilege.
  13. COCONUT HEAD. Since i payed for a Life Time stuff, I expect it to be life time because for this i payed. Since i payed for a Life Time stuff, I expect it to be life time because for this i payed. Since i payed for a Life Time stuff, I expect it to be life time because for this i payed. Since i payed for a Life Time stuff, I expect it to be life time because for this i payed. Since i payed for a Life Time stuff, I expect it to be life time because for this i payed.
  14. Its my business what or how i put fuel in my bugatti. Its my business what or how i do with my VIP access. Its bugatti company business how they will gain more money form NEW customers. Not to fool already ones. Its maxcheaters company business how they will gain more money from NEW customers. Not to fool already ones. Fair enough?
  15. Since i payed for a Life Time stuff, I expect it to be life time because for this i payed. ex: I bought a Bugatti... 2.500.000 Million Dollars I have it for life. ex 2: New rules for company, i need to keep my Bugatti 2 years because if i wanna keep it more i need pay again 2.500.000 Million Dollars. This is what happens for real?
  16. Dude stop telling bullshits ok, you know as good as me those stuffs are kinds useless since i have +/- karma i should give to who ever i want but i cant... cause even if i payed for this i cant? And about you tell this forum need resources.... serioFUC.KINGly? A domain and a host wow 500 euros. And a forum that have free feature... 250 Euros = todaly 750 Euros for keep MxC alive. Go ppl give me money! You have no logic.
  17. My VIP as i know and payed its for life time, and if you think that there its a misunderstood.
  18. And by the way you should make a section with Apply's for the Moderator status, since i saw you put only old members or i dont know from what Cryteries you chose the staffers... Some of them are reallly useless (sorry for telling it but i dont mean at all of them)... For exemple a new commer (Yesterday) have more knowledge than one from 5 Years. Why this to make a difference ? Main reason of dying MxC its the Incorrect staffers. Again sorry (not for all staffers).
  19. Bad bad bad... i already have lifetime and i need to pay again wtf. hardly i take that money from my pocket to spent here for just an collor and a title and 1 2 more section to see, now you ask for 50 euros for this. I preffer not.
  20. 1. I dont like the color for Premium Member 2. The payed Euros makes the difference between them. So you will never can put those Donator and VIP category in 1. Greetings!
  21. Im the winner, Karma me. :y u no?:
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