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Everything posted by Stereotype

  1. Cand o sa plec sa iau masina si ajung in tara o sa o rulez cred juma de an 1 an sa vad cum e consumu' Si daca ma arde la portofel trec si eu p GPL plm e de viitor... nu vezi cum se scumpesc carburantii in veselie...
  2. Daca o schimbi subturata o sa ai de furca mai incolo... observi tu cand o sa iti scoata fum negru :D Also crede-ma e mai greu de intretinut, si lenesa... Daca ai masina diesel peste aproximativ 1 an si ceva te intorci la postu' meu de aici si o sa dai +1 Reputation
  3. Nu vreau motorina, nu am bani sa o intretin + costa mult masina si taxa de mediu. Ma gandeam la un 1.6 16 valve fsi consuma putin, fuge ... 116 cai.
  4. am gasit cateva, am cu cine sa merg problema era sa ma uit inainte sa ma duc la el. dar acum nu mai are rost sa nu ma duc la el in nestiinta de cauza
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/174073-signature-dimensions/?p=2352647
  6. iAndre said the same whats ur point Universe?
  7. aint talk with noone i go to sleep i needed for today i dont need nothing anymore
  8. Lock this damn topic dead damn noone answer me when i need
  9. For real not even 1 german guy in this forum, I need an asap answer!
  10. Send a pm with it to me also xD
  11. I am not, im lf a car. If i was rich i was takin' the car from romania for a high price.
  12. Well other one i rly dont know. So good luck searching :P
  13. Hello guys im looking for some answers maybe a german guy/girl can help me. I will travel in 2 weeks to germany in order to buy a Golf 5 (VW) - 2nd hand car, from the representant, and i just wanna know the website where i can see the exposed cars online. Or the name of representant... A bit of help will be greatly apreciated!
  14. That 000webhost or something u can try maybe... http://www.000webhost.com/ This
  15. " - If you are good at something, never do it for free! "

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stereotype


      Raule never evaluate urself :D

    3. Raule


      stfu elfrocash, i might be your dad

  16. Then come with something "new"
  17. Stereotype


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