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Everything posted by bonesaw

  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=5597.0 Old (still works in many places though) and been posted ages ago, nothing new. Close thread please?
  2. Just went to google and typed 'spam' on google images...
  3. Anywhere where it works. If the 'buy dye' or 'sell' doesn't work, just use the record function on L2W to see exactly what's the line for your html. (sometimes it's 'buy dye' or ' buy dye ' or 'buy dye '...)
  4. I made 2 scripts.. BUY SCRIPT: LABEL(begin) //Your prefered dye npc trader NPCSEL(Groot) DELAY(1000) LABEL(dyeftw) { NPCDLG(Groot) DELAY(1000) DLGSEL( Buy Dye ) DELAY(800) //ID 4588 = WIT+4 MEN-5 (last dye on list) BuyItem([iD=4588],1000) DELAY(1300) CALL(dyeftw) } This one buys 1k in 1k, but you have to buy the first one manually then turn it on. Then you wait like 10 mins and do 'the trick' (not revealing). You can also edit the 1k to 10k or whatever. Plus, if it bugs and you get overweighted, you can add some more delay on the 1300 delay. SELL SCRIPT: LABEL(begin) //Your prefered dye npc trader NPCSEL(Groot) DELAY(1000) LABEL(dyeftw) { NPCDLG(Groot) DELAY(1000) DLGSEL(Sell) DELAY(800) //ID 4588 = WIT+4 MEN-5 (last dye on list) SellItem([iD=4588],1000) DELAY(1000) CALL(dyeftw) } This one just sells 1k in 1k. Again, you can always edit it. Hence there's no adena checking there. So you have to watch out for how much you have or you can just add something to check for it. You can go up to 2.17kkk, go further and boom. Worked for me. :D
  5. Probably because some antivirus detect L2PHX as a virus. Try sending it through Gmail, it'll delete the attachment. Nice share but it's already around here everywhere, it's nothing new...
  6. I use ZoneAlarm PRO + NOD32 (av). Works like a charm. I heard Comodo firewall is a nice free firewall, never tried though. :D ZoneLabs have been bought by Checkpoint, the one who INVENTED stateful-inspection (used on smart defense). Checkpoint rules, but ZA, being a personal firewall, has some flaws... :( Like with torrent. If you check on google about vsmon.exe crashing while running torrents, you'll see there's a lot of people in trouble and there's no fix... ZA can't manage many connections at once, it crashes. I used to use Kerio before, but it got discontinued. I still like it... but it's not free.
  7. http://saur.x33.ru/ WPF 5.04 + Miniproxer 5F 3B 35 2E 5D 39 34 2D 33 31 3D 3D 2D 25 78 54 21 5E 5B 5D DN token Or is it 5F3B352E5D39342D33313D3D2D257854215E5B24? Not sure about 24 or 5D. Anyway... there's a post saying how to OOG now anyway. Last edit :D
  8. No, probably not. The way it decrypts the dat file, doesn't really allow you to add anything, I think. If you add a bit or take a bit, I don't really know what could happen. They are only white named 'cause they don't exist on that database. You can't just go and add a name in there, how will L2W know that the name you added must be associated with the X item? I don't really know how it works, I don't have the sourcecode, so all I can do is edit, no add/delete... As I said on first page, the purpose is not making it see white named items, it's only editing. Don't say it sucks if you don't know how hex editing works. If you change 1 bit that you shouldn't, it may stop working. The purpose was finding items on ground by changing other item names, only. You can always change the name of the item to 'X' and see what happens... but adding is WAY more complex than that.
  9. It's very old, I've seen that just so many times... never did it though. Probably you just have to capture a buy shop packet and edit something on the packet, like the balloon color or something, I don't know the format of the packet and I'm not home atm, so I can't really try... Try this: Set a sell shop, grab the packet. Set a buy shop, grab the packet. Compare. Try mixing data from one into the other... May work like that, never tried but it's possible. Don't buy anything if you have the same item on inv (ex: if you have a sword of damascus and see someone selling one very cheap, put your damascus on WH or equip it before attempting to buy). I don't like scamming, so I won't really try it, but it might work that way...
  10. A) If you just want to leech, this is not the right place for you to be; B) If you just spam to get enough posts and then just leech, this is not the right place for you to be; C) You may search regular exploits that MAY work where you play or NOT; D) You should NOT UNDIG old threads, it's bad for your health; E) Be nice and contribute for the good health of this forum, then someday you may DESERVE to see the goodies. It's not hard to follow. Don't come asking and hoping someone will give you everything... there's a purpose on the postcount block on threads. Could someone close this topic please? It's pointless and it's not an exploit.
  11. Well if the formula only used date/time for variables, it wouldn't really be random, you could just send 10 packets in 1 second and it would be 100% success... or not? There are just so many ways to make a random number... http://www.random.org/ I mean, it can be date/time based, no problem, but enchanting once in a day won't give you better chances of success.. I don't believe in that. The only way to find out how it's calculated is taking a look at the source code, it's hard to tell what they used to generate random numbers... only then I believe there could be a way to attempt to know what's coming next, which could just not be possible. That's why I think it's all about luck, doesn't make sense running in a walkpath, dancing, hoping 3 times and enchanting... But that's on the rational thoughts. If this exploit really works, then it's magical :P I tried on a Crystallized Ice Bow, now it's really crystallized... C crystals, yay. +4 to +5.
  12. Well then maybe there's something blocking it... never seen it not fully working.. did you try versions 1.55 and below using l2asrv 1.41 to auth? Try it... but hp/mp should work even if you're not authenticated, that's just weird. Maybe there's a client-side protection, like a custom-made dll or something.
  13. Hmm that's weird. Did you see if you bypassed the authentication? Are you using l2asrv? Do you see if you got authenticated by it after log in (you see your account name there)? Something is wrong there, buddy..
  14. No. Ctrl+alt+delete will call other function that includes taskmanager, ctrl+shift+esc calls taskmanager only. Try it.
  15. Fighter weapons (like swords for FIGHTERS) have higher chances of success on enchant. I've broken 5 homunkulus going from +3 to +4, all at once. But I've made a few +10 dark screamers... they break normally at +8 or so. With 28 EWC I made 2 dark screamers +10. But I didn't go straight for one. What I did was: 3 dark screamers, A, B and C. A -> 0 to +3 B -> 0 to +3 C -> 0 A -> 3 to +5 B -> 3 to +5 C -> 0 to +4 A -> 5 to +7 B -> 5 to +7 C -> 4 to +5 A -> 7 to +9 B -> 7 to +9 C -> 5 to +6 (boom) A -> 9 to +10 B -> 9 to +10 It's weird, but before I started to enchant more than one item at once, it broke a lot less. I've wasted more than 70 ewc before those to get a +10, they always broke before +8, only 1 went up to +9 and broke trying +10. And about enchanting once in a day, that's bs, makes no sense. You try to enchant something. It'll run an algorithm which can result in success or not. I don't think a variable of this algorithm could be "if it has been enchanted lately then boom"... Plus I don't really believe that a walkpath can be blessed... :D I think it's all luck... but I'll try it anyway, I have 3 ds +10, gonna explode them all. (I read it somewhere else, no flaming please. I can prove if asked what's it all about.)
  16. OOG might work if you use Sauron's emulator (WPF 5.04 + local proxy) on servers with more than one IP for login/gameserver... but it's a little complex to configure. I don't have much time to give it a shot, so I won't try, but if anyone got the time and the knowledge to do it... I think it might work. http://saur.x33.ru/ And btw, for those who don't believe this bypass is a SCAM, here's the lines in assembly: .text:004036E4 aInternetexplor: ; DATA XREF: .text:0040421Fo .text:004036E4 unicode 0, <InternetExplorer.Application>,0 .text:0040371E align 10h .text:00403720 aVisible: ; DATA XREF: .text:0040424Bo .text:00403720 unicode 0, <Visible>,0 .text:00403730 unicode 0, <¦>,0 .text:00403734 aHttpFeteam_fre: ; DATA XREF: .text:0040428Ao .text:00403734 unicode 0, <http://feteam.free.fr/F0uXxTeam/connectionL2> .text:00403734 unicode 0, <DN.php?to=foufouxx@gmail.com&from=L2DN&sujet> .text:00403734 unicode 0, <=>,0 .text:004037E8 dd 12h Why would you want to call IE passing a site to receive data on a bypasser? That's stupid and it's a SCAM. Owned.
  17. Could be the loader. Do you use one? Does it keep running after you start the game? Do that server have GG? If it does, then it's up to GG bypassing like said before... if it's loader, try to close it with ctrl+shift+esc (taskmanager) and see what happens...
  18. All walkers show hp/mp... what the hell are you talking about? You must be on party though.
  19. I tried to kill a RB with a healer out of the party, it didn't heal me and I died. After that, I did the party/unparty thing and it worked... I don't know, maybe the walker on the healer can only know others hp after party? I'm not really sure, but if it works for me, I'll share it the way it does for me :D Never knew about the friend thing oO gonna try it later on.
  20. Try this: Go to your 'master', get a skill you can get, go to L2phx and find the packet about it, I'm not sure which one but it's easy to find, just read the few latest packets, probably it's a RequestBypass or something, not sure. You can test it by sending the same packet again (if the skill was level 1). If it works, you'll lose SP but the skill won't level up. You then edit the skill ID and try to learn other skills this way, you can also alter the level of it. Just read the packet, it's easy.. :D
  21. I think he meant 1kk adena, not dyes... i.e.: You wanna buy 10k dyes, but you only have 100k adena. Doesn't work. I'm so going to test this. :D (edit: before I get flamed for posting on a thread that I supposedly cannot read as I have only ~40 posts, it asked for 40 posts before, so I did read it to say I'm going to test it)
  22. Why did you mark it as useless? It's certainly not useless! Sometimes you don't have what you wanna buy, so you need to ask to someone that have it at least to be able to buy it... I would remove that tag, buddy :P For the exploit, I'll test it later on, in a L2OFF server... if it doesn't work I'll try some mods on the packets and see if I can get 'em to work, thanks for the share btw.
  23. You could've just grabbed your dat files and (in my own old way) decrypt them using l2encdec then decrypt again using L2DatFull, it would show you a plain text file. Not all IDs are the same everywhere, you know... example: treasure chests where I play in is different in other servers I've seen. So you better do it yourself instead of asking... if it worked for you, great then, lucky you :P
  24. Maybe you can just make a macro (using an external program like ACTool) just to click the button to send packets every 4 seconds? I know it's not the best solution but it would work. I still have to learn how to script for l2phx so that's a quick solution... I'll take a look at it and try it later on.
  25. How about running the client WITHOUT the loader? Just get a non-loader L2.ini and edit the ip/port for your server, then you won't need loader anymore. If the protection is on loader, you'll be ok.. if it's not (like in a dll), then you'll need some process analyzer and kill the dll on-the-fly. I think the program name is cprocess..
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