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Everything posted by bonesaw

  1. This topic is veeery old.. try using l2phx instead, might work and does the same.. ^^
  2. The only way to find out a ListID is by accessing the server files? If so, how do people find out custom npcs ListID? Say you can't buy an item from the npc you want the ListID as everything is very expensive. Is there a way to find it? I wasn't playing L2 when hlapex came out, so I never managed to get any experience with it. Working on it. L2phx still works in many servers, but I can't get anything out of it. Managed to create a char with a packet though, useless (I think) but fun. About the 17k dyes on ground, still trying to figure it out. Tried to buy -1 dye (adding dyes on npc trade screen until dyes hit over 2.1kkk count, so it goes to -2.1kkk, then I went up to -1 and 0, but it's just a visual bug, it doesn't return any error nor it works anyway, waste of time). Now I'll try going for L2phx.... too bad I have so few time... :(
  3. Really nice scripts, gonna test later on... I normally delevel in Gludio with only dead return + attack npc, but in Oren it gets stuck without pathpoints, plus it wouldn't use stun without a script. Yay. PS: same country as you are, hehe.
  4. Okay, my previous solution didn't really worked, missed one thing. You have to put the name of your target to be healed on walker, don't leave it blank. Missed this when I explained before. :D
  5. More like a trick, plus you can configure IG walker to auto-deny trade.. :P
  6. Thanks for the replies, for the karma and for the sticky ^^ Results so far using this trick: 3x DC robe (in 2 days) 6x Phoenix ring 3x Phoenix earring 1x Tallum Tunic 1x Tallum Boots 1x Tallum Gloves and counting... :D
  7. There's an ooold bug where you could dupe items at manors, never got to find out how to do it and it got patched where I play in. Some guy duped over 100+ enchant weapon and then got banned. Never found out how to do it though. Maybe if they can dupe items, they can enchant as much as they want. Very hard possibility, but maybe... some servers have custom npcs with bugs here and there that may allow you to dupe stuff. The only thing I can think of as there's NO enchant bug at all. Or maybe they just bot enchants and keep enchanting if the rate is really high... There's no enchant exploit. Really.
  8. Maybe L2Util can do it? I haven't tried and I don't know if C1 supports colors though.
  9. Even if you don't verify, I think it shouldn't disconnect you, it would just not work ingame. Have you tried to dualbox without walker? If it's not possible, then forget walker, the problem is not with it, it's with the number of connections your IP can make with the server, maybe a protection to prevent dualboxers... If that's the case, maybe you could use a proxy to be able to dualbox, but then you would get some lag while doing it and insecurity, unless it's a safe proxy. If you can dualbox without walker and only cannot with walker, then the problem is with walker. You only have to run walker once and then run clients through it. I have no problems running N clients with walker 1.55 + l2asrv 1.41... ran 4 clients before, no worries at all. PS: Oh, btw, wrong section. If you need help with bots, post in the "Bots help" section, not exploits.
  10. As far as I know, the listing of monsters in the npcname-e.dat contains the ID of all the npcs in-game (including boxes/chests), there's a few patches to differ boxes from chests, but that's about it. I'm not sure if there's a way to know if there's something inside the box or not, you can just tell if it can be opened or not with a key... I think.
  11. I have found a way to make it work and it's pretty simple. Party with your healer then kick him out or just leave party with him. Now he will heal you even being outside party if you set a % and set to use battle heal when your ex-party member needs healing. (set target) Easy. Works flawlessly for me. PS: Sorry I should've edited my last post instead, didn't see I was the last one on topic.
  12. Not everyone uses the pc like you do. I think it's my "job" to keep the good health of this forum, as I like it. So I warn people when I see a problem or someone trying to do something bad. That's it. Simple. Not answering anymore, peace out.
  13. I haven't tested the command, only know it exists... You need a party only to check your target's hp, else you cannot, which means that even if you have a healing script, it won't heal the target, as there's no variable to verify.
  14. Not that big issue? What about if you get your account hijacked and lose everything? What about it if it's even worse, you get your email hijacked? Or your paypal account? Or your credit card? Or your personal files? Would you put all that stuff for everyone to see? It's NOT like "I can format and everything will be ok". There's information that you cannot erase from who took it when you format. It's not like that.
  15. Oookay, so today I'm writing a guide on how to customize your L2Info.dat. (Tested on IG Walker 1.55) !!! ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE EDITING ANYTHING. DON'T BLAME ME IF ANYTHING STOPS WORKING !!! What the hell is a L2Info.dat? It's inside IG Walker folder. It contains all the info the IG walker shows ingame. The IG Walker do not read your itemname-e.dat to list the items on ground, for example, it has an internal database to show it. That's the reason why custom-made items (like in many private servers - like mana herbs, gold bars, whatever) show in white on IG Walker, it doesn't have that item on it's database and consequently, it will not show on any listing of items. This guide is NOT to fix that problem. At least not yet as I haven't found a way to do it. How useful can this be to me? I was hunting for items on ground as many people use bots but poorly configures them. Instead of checking what a mob can drop to add that item to the item grab list, they don't. So you can go there and get into the information tab (Info > Info > Items) and check items on ground. Problem is, if you're looking for any A+ grade item on ground, it'll always be "Sealed (...)". Okay, you could get into the item list and hit "Se" to show "Sealed". Works? Yes it does... BUT... it will show anything beginning with "Se", like "Sealed tallum helmet design" or something like that, so you will have to hunt for a long time to find an item on ground, if there's many many parts on ground... So I had an idea. I edited the L2Info.dat and changed all "S" from "Sealed" to "Z", forming "Zealed", as I don't care about how it shows on IG walker, it won't affect gameplay as the in-game listing will remain the same. With this way, when you search for "Se", it will only show items on ground. Tools needed: WPF 5.04 Free Version: http://saur.x33.ru/ - Credits to Sauron from allcheats.ru - To decrypt/encrypt L2Info.dat XVI32: http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/freeware/xvi32/xvi32.htm - To hex edit the dat file 1. Download the tools (doh) 2. Open WP504F.exe and go to the Misc tab, there's "Decrypt L2Info.dat" in there, hit the button and point it to your L2Info.dat, a file named de_L2Info.dat will be created 3. Open the file using XVI32 4. To search for an item name it gets a little complicated. Hit ctrl+f and type in the "text string" part the name of what you want to search, note it MUST be as it's shown ingame/inwalker, don't hit enter. Put spaces between the letters, put 2 spaces when there's a space between two words. Example: Sealed Majestic Ring -> S e a l e d M a j e s t i c R i n g (that's S_e_a_l_e_d__M_a_j_e_s_t_i_c__R_i_n_g) Now, click on the Text->Hex button. You will get something like this: 53 20 65 20 61 20 6C 20 65 20 64 20 20 4D 20 61 20 6A 20 65 20 73 20 74 20 69 20 63 20 20 52 20 69 20 6E 20 67 "20" is space char, we don't want that char. It can become boring to change one by one, so you can paste that on notepad or any other texteditor with replace option. Change all the "20" to "00" (zero zero). Now search for "00 00" and replace it with "00 20 00", as in this case, we want "20", which is the space between the words "Sealed" and "Majestic", for example. You will end up with something like this: 53 00 65 00 61 00 6C 00 65 00 64 00 20 00 4D 00 61 00 6A 00 65 00 73 00 74 00 69 00 63 00 20 00 52 00 69 00 6E 00 67 Now, throw that on the Hex string (Ctrl+F inside XVI32) and try to find it. You will find something like this: Sealed Majestic Ring Okay. All good, but you want to find the gemstone. There are 4 matches on this search, they are: Ring itself Recipe 60% Recipe 100% Gemstone You can read it if you pay attention in the right column inside XVI32. Just replace the first S in Sealed (on the gemstone finding!) for something else, like I did, Z. Do the same for all the items you want to change. I don't know if you can add bytes in there, so I recommend that you only edit existing bytes. Edit all you want, after finished, save your file. 5. Open WPF again, go into the Misc tab and hit the encrypt button, point it to your edited file... it'll generate a new file named cr_L2Info.dat or cr_de_L2Info.dat, depending if you renamed it before or not, but it will add the cr_, so you can find it easilly. 6. Replace (or rename) your L2Info.dat inside your IG walker folder (of course IGW must be CLOSED) and test it. I haven't included my L2Info.dat because it's not done yet, maybe I will do this today, I only changed Dark Crystal parts and Tallum parts atm, too few. I have found Tallum Boots and 2 Phoenix Rings this way running around places where they drop... in less than 10 minutes. Okay. It's pretty simple, so I won't post pics, unless asked for. I'm at work now and bored as there's nothing to do so I can't do that right now, maybe when I get home. Hope it's useful for someone, it is for me at least. If you know a way to edit this file in another way (easier), let me know. This was my own way to do it, didn't read it anywhere and it works for me. I haven't tried clients above 1.55 as I can't get them to work where I play in. Peace. --UPDATE-- I made my own L2info.dat with a lot of changes, if you like it, use it, if you don't like it, edit it, if you don't like it anyway, delete it. Just don't whine. Simple to use. It works for me with IG L2W 1.55, I must warn you, this is for C4 servers. Any C5/Interlude item won't show. For that, use a newer L2W but NOT with that L2info.dat I'm providing. Anything above 1.55 use L2infoA.dat, which is different, so it's not even going to work. Instructions to use it: 1) Make a backup of your original L2info.dat file (inside IG L2W folder) 2) Decompress this file into that folder 3) Once in the game, go into the Info>Info>Items tab 4) Hit X and you will find any item on ground 5) Get rich with someone else's loots. This file I made replaces the first letter of equipments with the letter X. So Karmian=Xarmian, Tateossian=Xateossian etc. This will NOT affect gameplay, it will only change item name under L2W, so no worries. Items on my file: Grade S/A/B (armor, weapons, jewelry) <- also sealed, unsealed and SA'd stuff, in case someone dies and drops. (ie: "Draconic Bow [Focus]") Grade C (armor, weapons) - and only a few of them.. RB jewelry Feel free to ask questions. Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/59601872/L2info.rar Hope you all enjoy it, peace out.
  16. Lol, I posted the viruses, reported it to the moderators and no one even cared about it. Don't cry if you got owned. Even his link is still up there. And then I need 500 posts to see some posts, lol... This guy posted that thing in all L2 hacking forums and noobs downloaded it, I warned people here and in other forum. But well, who cares, some people just download and install, then get owned and cry. I laugh at people who get their accounts "hacked". They weren't hacked. They are the cause of it. *sigh* People should think about security concerns before executing everything they can see.
  17. That exploit is using hlapex/phx. There's a way to enchant safe to +12 without book of giants, but who cares, hlapex is semi-dead anyway.
  18. Really liked the second one, looks like a wicked shining bow, while the first one still looks too much like draconic bow... Very good work :D
  19. Heh, I just saw where you found this... you revived a 3 year old topic in the place :D But yeah, a nice guide indeed, only for low rate servers.
  20. I'm not trying to act as a moderator, but I think this topic should be closed... there's nothing more to add and this bug is really really old, it doesn't even work in some C4 servers anymore (monster won't attack back if you're not in his level range). So it'll always get revived by spammers like the one above, who couldn't even read the first post and said 'ns'... Don't get me wrong, please.
  21. Don't IG walker do everything already? Under information tab...
  22. I don't know and I haven't tested, but I had an idea thinking of that. Maybe if the command "SAY()" can be used to write anything like a command instead of a text message... Say like "SAY(/invite friend)". OR If there's an option in walker to invite a friend using those Control Settings panel (I'm at work, can't check now). With any of the above options, you could invite a party member, so you could set on your healer to auto-accept party. Plus you must have configured Party Heal correctly, so your healer will heal you once it's in your party. After you're healed, you kick healer out (or just /leave using the same concept of the SAY() command). So... on your main char you would need a script checking your hp, if it drops below X%, it will invite your healer, your healer will accept party, heal you and once you have Y% hp, it'll kick healer out. The idea is simple, the script is simple, but I don't know if it would work well. ---- Another idea (much more complicated): You would need to make a manager for the L2W, write a program. IF both L2W are running in the same box, then you could check memory address which holds your current HP of your main char. If it drops below X%, then it could execute a macro (say you save a macro in ACTool or whatever) to heal your target, which would be your main char. This would be veeeeery complicated. But I don't think it's worth the effort. By the time you finished doing it, you would have leveled a few dozens of time. :D
  23. Never done it, but had two ideas.. a) What if you do it more than once?; b) What if your main character is leader of a party (say it, 7 people including your char) and you invite your other char then logoff? 2X exp for the whole party? Or it'll only work as long as your main char is unpartyed and "failed" to get a party, but got the bonuses anyway? (where the bug resides) Hmm, gonna try it later. :)
  24. AhnLab-V3 2007.7.21.0 2007.07.23 Win-Trojan/Ardamax.14848.B AntiVir 2007.07.23 no virus found Authentium 4.93.8 2007.07.20 no virus found Avast 4.7.997.0 2007.07.22 no virus found AVG 2007.07.22 PSW.Generic4.XBV BitDefender 7.2 2007.07.23 Trojan.Spy.Ardamax.O CAT-QuickHeal 9.00 2007.07.23 no virus found ClamAV devel-20070416 2007.07.23 Trojan.Spy.Ardamax-25 DrWeb 4.33 2007.07.23 no virus found eSafe 2007.07.22 no virus found eTrust-Vet 31.1.5002 2007.07.23 no virus found Ewido 4.0 2007.07.23 Dropper.Agent.bit FileAdvisor 1 2007.07.23 no virus found Fortinet 2007.07.23 no virus found F-Prot 2007.07.20 no virus found F-Secure 6.70.13030.0 2007.07.23 Trojan-Spy.Win32.Ardamax.e Ikarus T3.1.1.8 2007.07.23 Trojan-Spy.Win32.Ardamax.e Kaspersky 2007.07.23 Trojan-Spy.Win32.Ardamax.e McAfee 5079 2007.07.20 no virus found Microsoft 1.2704 2007.07.23 no virus found NOD32v2 2413 2007.07.23 no virus found Norman 5.80.02 2007.07.23 W32/Ardamax.gen1 Panda 2007.07.23 no virus found Sophos 4.19.0 2007.07.17 no virus found Sunbelt 2.2.907.0 2007.07.21 no virus found Symantec 10 2007.07.23 no virus found TheHacker 2007.07.23 no virus found VBA32 2007.07.23 Trojan-Spy.Win32.Ardamax.e VirusBuster 4.3.26:9 2007.07.22 no virus found Webwasher-Gateway 6.0.1 2007.07.23 Riskware.Ardamax.K.Gen Hmmm... maybe it's not safe? I don't know, not trying it. This test was with only one file, l2asrv. Also, the results scanning L2asrvUpdater.exe were exactly the same. Hard to believe on something posted by a first poster...
  25. Well I had stopped playing L2 for an year, got back a month ago or so, as I found out that this method still worked, I posted 'cause I've seen people having trouble to find out the differences of treasure chests/boxes, that's why I posted this method, but if there's an easier tool, whoever reads this method should consider the other one then... I'll try it later on myself, I don't really like GUIs..
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