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Everything posted by bonesaw

  1. HLapex = dead. Enchant hacks = dream. Wrong section. Locked.
  2. I've answered that twice already... unfortunately, you can't add any items by yourself. Always fun to get free crap on ground, hehe :D
  3. Don't bring old posts back to life, bah. Locked.
  4. Do we need any useless advice? Uhhh, I guess... not? Locked. Wrong section. User warned, next time = ban.
  5. Dozens of 'dont work' reports... closing this down to avoid further spam..
  6. You can't just pop items from nowhere.. packet editing doesn't work this way. You send a packet, the server executes it. If you send the packet to drop adena, it'll drop adena, it's the same packet you would send if you went in-game and typed the amount you wanted to drop. If you want to pop items from nowhere, then you would need to send the packet to summon stuff, but that would require you being a gm, unless the server doesn't check if char is builder or not. Now, the best thing you can do atm is trying to exploit custom made npcs. It's not that easy, really... and who knows how to do it wouldn't tell it to everyone, it would get patched asap. So keep trying and thinking, most of it have been patched already, but there must have something left to patch...
  7. Double wrong section. a) ENGLISH only section. b) This is not an exploit, try the Client Mod section. *Locked*
  8. No, hlapex is dead. Try L2phx and it might work, but many packets wont work anymore as most have been patched already. Wrong section, locking it up. Try searching on request section or general... or in one of the 812903821093 threads about it.
  9. Should be needless to say, read the rules? And asking for a "bug for a server" doesn't really works. Locked.
  10. Lol. Probably just a client-side memory editor. Wrong section btw, this is not a guide/tutorial/exploit itself, should be in general section or something, as it's not a request either... *locked*
  11. You're only telling your client that it received 200k gold, that's client-side, not server-side. If you want to dupe stuff, it's a lot more complex than sending one packet while hoping money will pop into your inventory. Not gonna happen. What you can try is exploit NPC's with packets... but don't think it's that simple. Wrong section, locking to avoid spam... and I think it's solved, if not, try the request section.
  12. Not possible. It's all server-side. Wrong section... should be in the request section. Locked.
  13. Indeed. Wrong section, there's a guide for it (actually 2, the first one by sltbnjr and the second one by mexican24). Locked!
  14. Wrong section... Should be in Clients Mod.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=61.0 Even if you set it to 65k, you won't be able to see that far anyway as things disappear after a certain distance..
  15. No reports of it working, outdated and only spammers around. Locked.
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12637.0 Guide for it. This is a discussion, not an exploit nor a guide. Locked.
  17. Locking to avoid spam, as it's outdated and there's only spammers lately...
  18. Probably patched with this counter-measure (disconnect who tries). I don't think there's other public way to do it. Maybe if you mess with the code, dunno... Locking to avoid bumping as it's in wrong section.
  19. Not really.. I haven't been using it for a while and I'm not a developer. I assume you're playing on a L2Junk server. Maybe he just searched the source-code for fails on that *yuck* Java, then exploited it. And I don't have much time atm, studying a lot for something else, sorry.. :(
  20. ...and Delphi uses...? That's right, pascal, but object-oriented. The base is the same, if you know pascal, you probably can mess with L2phx and Delphi. I never studied Delphi but I did study pascal, I can use Delphi with no problems at all... So yes, pascal is still useful, even being an "old ass language". It's not because it's old that it's not used or not useful. A lot of banks use Cobol, a 70's language, almost 40 year old. It's way more secure than today's languages. Anyways, that's off-topic. There's a few ways to dupe items but if you can do it, then your server sucks, I would avoid it. :D
  21. There is no such magic to make it work anywhere, that's a complete fake. There is no such 'enchant weapon tool', L2Walker does not even capture packets at all. There is no such source code, never been leaked and I don't think it'll ever be. If you ever find anything about it, trust me, it'll be a trojan/keylogger/virus/etc. Locking to avoid spam.
  22. Ahem. Ever used L2phx? Scripts are in pascal.
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