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Everything posted by qwertbastrd

  1. i want dps metter... can u help me? ::)
  2. guys if u have no idea how lineage works stop posting srsly, u cant mod the INT stat for buffers such as EE, SE, PP even OLs and WCs Best SE dye setup is -4 men +4 wit, -1 men +1 wit, and -4 str +4 con both pvp and pve wise
  3. not working on my server >:(
  4. yup, torrent is the way to go, u won't have to worry about ur modem restarting and losing the download
  5. the closest server the retail and corruption free etc would be l2supreme, hands down
  6. l2calc is good but it gotten outdated tbh, not a tool u can 100% trust anymore
  7. found it extremely useful , thank u very much
  8. doesn't work on l2litem
  9. qwertbastrd


    i prefer hattrick all over those :p
  10. if u're experienced and know ur way around ports and stuff like that azureus is a beast
  11. doesn't worka anymore
  12. i think that's lineage 1, i might be mistaken dunno
  13. I tried it, good
  14. it's kinda cool tbh, but i enjoyed crysis more :p
  15. this server ownz ... best priv. server
  16. wow that's cool, i like it
  17. damn u guys u just took away like half a day from me with ur games
  18. it's really cool i like it
  19. ctrl+alt+del = same
  20. agree, new season's kinda repetitive
  21. assasination rogue with t3-t4,shard of azinoth (dropped from illidian) = pwnzor
  22. ego auto p xserw
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QQvYSr7Vrc&NR=1 haha
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