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Everything posted by Joshua92

  1. Good guide, thank you.
  2. Interlude PvP Server based on Stable pack. Rates: Xp:5000 SP:5000 Adena:3000 Enchant rates: Safe: +6 Max: +18 Rate: 80% for normal scrolls, any others are not included in game Skills safe enchant:10 Skills max enchant:30 Server info: Buffs slot: 30+(4)+24 Weight limit x100 Class master Goldbar system Wedding Tvt,Ctf and more much gm made events Bog's are buyable at skill enchanter npc for GB Full working Olympiad Full working Siege/Fortress No custom items! Dedicated & Gameserver Protections: DDoS Protection for both Server and Website DualBox Protection Flood Protection LameGuard Protection All protections have been tested and working 100% Custom NPC: Gm shop Buffers Global gatekeeper Nobless trader Skill enchanter Augumenter Custom party raids Lower lvl epic raids boosted Siege Teleporter GM shop: Items Up to S grades Raid jew buyable for AA or GB Clan items Enchants up to S grades Tatoos with give just P.def Pets Lifestones All Hair accesory Zones: Primeval Isle - PVP farm zone with boosted adena drop, and trex drops gb and aa Monastery Of Silence - PVP Farm zone Gludin - Safe farm zone Commands: .deposit .withdraw .engage - (Wedding mod) Engages the targeted player. .divorce - (Wedding mod) You divorce with your partner. You will pay a tax for it. .gotolove - (Wedding mod) Teleports you to your couple. It takes some a-beep-t of adena. Account creation is made from our Unique Launcher !!! Official Website www.L2Insane.eu Join us today !!!
  3. Good guide , thanks!
  4. really good , thanks for sharing!
  5. Thank you very much ! I've tried it works perfectly .
  6. rrrrr damn it's working :o
  7. Thanks
  8. lol , those look great.
  9. Welcome dude , enjoy your stay !
  10. I will try it on , really good share.
  11. For me is Ubuntu x64 hadn't had a problem with it .
  12. cool
  13. Thank you just tried it , and it worked like a charm! ::)
  14. You should fix the link dude... -.-
  15. I don't find him overpowered at all ...
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