How many times i hjave to say it??? Its not necessary to be a noob someone could scam you either a noob or not its just how is your observing ability :D
Pingu i can't send you screens cauze i haven't scammed recently
2nd i don't care if you will use it i shared it for MxC community and for those that wanna try it :/
yeah but when you go to his 2nd character you hide and when the real character approaches you trade him and you are hidden and thats the reason of creating a same name character.....(not to understand exactly who is who) gl with it
1st of all: It isn't sure that you will successfully scam the person you just need to be quite lucky
2nd: This trick works on med rate servers that ppl afraid to stay and have karma......
The trick: A player has got karma and its inside the town,most times he brings his 2nd character trades the items to his other char and he removes the karma. In order to scam him you have to Create a simillar character of the one that has got karma.Lets say that the char that is pk name is "LoLiTa" you create "LoLiiTa" you have to look for the 2nd char of the player and after he gave the items to his 2nd character he leaves to remove the pk.Then the time the 1st player comes to the 2nd to take the items you quickly trade him instead of the normal one and vouala you get the items. I am not sure if i describded it correctly but with this trick i got many donated weapons in L2 Elite
Hope to help ya !!!!