Anarotiemai toso kairo pios mou edwse -3 karma an kai dn exw spammarei gia na mou valoune -3
Opios mporei na dei pios mou edwse -3 karma aplws na mou pei to onoma tou mod kai to logo
EDIT: Ti ekana pali kai efaga kai allo -1 karma????
Me exei idi mazepsei enas methismenos pappous otan eixa ena chally me moter apo Lifan tou ksaderfou mou kai itan 180cc kai espasa ta xeria kai to deksi podi......
Pira mixanakiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Yamaha Crypton-R 125cc To Evapsa Xriso!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Foraei Motor-Sport Exhaust system kai einai pia 150cc
Ante epitelous to pira to g******eno
lol of course i know that i change the buff duration from gameserver/data/stats/skills and then i change the buff duration but once i tried i was there for 4 hours and i have done only the prophet buffs........ :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
EDIT:Sry for being so **Anipomonos** but i need these files as soon as possible....
I want to have 4 hours buffs in my server but i got bored if i try to do that myself so i need yourself
They should be compatitible and work perfectly with L2Jfree and not delete any other skill........
Plz i need that soooooooooooooo much ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D