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Everything posted by Gyllene

  1. xaxaxaxa :happyforever:
  4. :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:
  5. Μην ξανακουσω μαλακια για τέλος του κόσμου γιατι θα σε γαμήσω πραγματικα
  6. Αφου το είχαμε κανονίσει βρε μλκ... Θα ερθω εκει και θα σε γ@μήσω μέχρι να έρθει το τελος του κόσμου.
  7. A lot of advertisementσ... omg 20 advertisementσ in one page. JESUS! Less advertisementσ = More quality
  8. Gyllene

    pay pal

    ίσως σε βοηθησει. https://www.paypal.com/webapps/helpcenter/article/?articleID=94037&m=SRE https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/helpcenter/article/?solutionId=94040
  9. Pm maxtor only him can change your nickname.
  10. Become a Vip to see it! Free for all This video is not mine but I use the same method. Many people know this method. Video:
  11. What item you want my friend? Tell me names if you know. I don't have the system.
  12. http://radio.about.com/od/createinternetradio/a/How-to-Create-Your-Own-Internet-Radio-Station_3.htm http://www.dr-blogger.com/2011/04/web-radio-make-your-own-web-radio.html http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-start-your-own-internet-shoutcast-radio-station/ - more pro... If you want more help pm me. Also if you want a professional web-radio. https://www.google.gr/search?hl=el&tbo=d&biw=1024&bih=616&sclient=psy-ab&q=radio+streaming+hosting
  13. Το Σύστημα ξεκινά. [Τρίτη, 11 Δεκέμβριος 2012 3:18:03 μμ] Θέμα: Are you trust? Σύντομα ένας εκπρόσωπός μας θα είναι μαζί σας. Support συνδέεται μαζί σας. Support 3:19:12 μμ Hello Michael, my name is Support, how may I help you? Michael 3:19:44 μμ hello i need a reason to exchange with your service how do i know if you are trust Support 3:23:41 μμ We work with many clients from around the world, we work and we can process special series such as German and French, our base is in the UK, serve 24/7 for the comfort and support of our customers. But ofcourse you can choose the place of your convenience. Michael 3:29:49 μμ Ok. Thank you for informations.
  14. Fast google search! http://socialmediaexplode.com/ http://freelikes4you.com/ http://www.socialclerks.com/ http://www.likesasap.com/ :D
  15. +1 Δεν υπάρχει ελληνική εταίρεια betting ! Νομίζω ξέρεις τους λόγους :)
  16. Last year maybe. I was ready to buy a L2World source. I contact with administrator and tell me one price .... 1000 + euro :)
  17. Hello world of maxcheaters! I was looking for files on my computer because I will make a format Then I saw this source that I had bought a few months ago 80 Euro. I have the rights to give\sell. The person who bought it is not here. Optimus called and had server with this pack for long time! Client: Freya Based: L2JServer Clean Maybe some people to sell the pack here but will tell you that they have no right and I can prove it because Optimus give me only for me right for share! TEST Server: OFFLINE IP: Server is offline :( *Full source! *Great balance! *Custom Start Title *Quick Info *Custom enchant system *Aura from champion mobs *Welcome Html *Captcha *Anti bot System *S.O.E. in PvP Protection *Show online players *Custom Starter Items *Custom Clan Leader Color Name *Alternative soul crystal *Hide And Seek *Arena Leader Boards *Craft System *TvT Leader Boards *PK protection *PC Bang Points ( Cafe ) *PvP Name color *Pk Title color *Vote System Hopzone/Votezone *Community Server *Clan Reputation Points *Flood Protection *Grand Boss System *Wedding System *TvT *Bank System *Warehouse Sorting *Offline trade/craft *Mana Drugs/Potions *Display Server Time *Welcome message *AntiFeed *Pvp/pk Announce *Chat Moderation *Multilingual support *Walker/Bot protection *Territory War And much more! Pack Pictures: Soon Source price: 25 Euro + Geodata & Pathdone (FREE) First buyer: 10 Euro - Completed Second buyer: 20 Euro - ... Payment methods: Paypal | Paysafecαrd If you make payment with paypal: Discount -5 euro! *Free updates Contact information Forum: PM Skype: netron.armado MSN:smnetron@hotmail.com Email:smnetron@gmail.com Don't sell or share it ! Pm me if you want to sell it and maybe i will give you right of selling! If you have any problem about selling. Pm and don't spam my topic. If you have any problem with pack port here or pm me. I do not accept that this pack is yours blah blah. All packs resemble each other because they have the same shared jave codes! This pack have great protection (clean jc, reworked again from 0 , ready to open ) that's why cost 50 euro. I don't have search for bugs. It is clean source by optimus Also i can prove very easily that the pack is the Optimus and I still have the conversation when I bought months ago. Don't try to prove that it is yours i have many proves I do not want to misunderstandings " Here i will post the conversation Optimus - Versan ( me ) " Give me time to find it on my old skype.
  18. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=256767 Delete http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=256768 Delete
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