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Everything posted by Gyllene

  1. I can't compile. Error source: Buildfile: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build.xml clean: [delete] Deleting directory C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build checkRequirements: [echo] Verification of your JDK version. version: [echo] l2jesios gameserver revision: 45 init: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\classes [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\login [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\gameserver compile: [javac] Compiling 1359 source files to C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\classes [javac] C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2MarketNpcInstance.java:241: error: unmappable character for encoding Cp1253 [javac] tx.append(bid.getBidItem().getItemName() + " +" + bid.getBidItem().getEnchantLevel() + " <a action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_marketpage info " + bid.getBidId() + "\">Π?Π½Ρ„ΠΎ</a> <a action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_marketdel " + player.getObjectId() + " " + bid.getBidId() + "\">Remove from the market</a><br>"); [javac] ^ [javac] 1 error BUILD FAILED C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build.xml:54: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details. Total time: 9 seconds
  2. Χαίρετε έχω μια συσκευή ( media player ) και ειναι συνδεμένη με το δίκτυο μου . Μπορω να μπω και να την ελέγξω απο τον υπολογιστη με την local ip 192,168,χ,χ . Αυτο που θέλω είναι να το ελέγχω απο άλλο δίκτυο δηλαδη να πατάω ας πουμε την ip μου και την port για να με βγαζει στην διαχείρηση ... χ,χ,χ,χ:2525 έχετε καμία ιδέα;
  3. Στο απάντησε πιο πάνω. Τα αρχείο είναι σωστό. Ευχαριστουμε για το share.
  4. Great theme! Good job GFX's... This is a professional theme. :)
  5. Επιτέλους ένα επαγγελματικό theme Μπράβο στους GFX ~!
  6. Έχετε συνήθηση το άλλο γι'αυτό :P
  7. Αυτο το theme δεν ειναι custom είναι της smf οπότε όλα τα add ons που έχει βάλει αdmin δουλέυουν ... και φένεται ποιο ωραίο να δείτε όμως που έγινε καταλάθος :P
  8. Ποιο καλό απο το άλλο είναι!
  9. Στειλε μου pm με tv για να σου δειξω
  10. Hahah and me please :P You know why :P
  11. One of them i am! 500 $ earned yesterday ;) Note: jaszczomp25 don't sell another copy because users can understand the trick!
  12. Windows xp because i don't have good system :(
  13. Hello world of maxcheaters! I am searching for developer who can create the best interlude pack without bugs, with balance class e.t.c. Payment: 150 $ After Monthly payment: 50$ for six months 50 * 6=300$ + 150$ = 450$ or I am searching for the best interlude files around. Payment: 200$ once time Payment only via paypal! If you have files or you are developer send me pm with many details. Don't send me " add to skype" " i have the best files " " I am very skilled person " I don't care! I can trust guy with 0 post! Just send me many information about you and your selling!
  14. I bought this method two days ago. I have to say that the method works. I'd pull over one thousand U.S. dollars. Why do not got? Can the method be legal, but you should do something and to deceive the buyer. You can take more than five thousand U.S. dollars every month but the issue is whether withstand ...
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