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Everything posted by Gyllene

  1. Πρέπει πρώτα να ενεργοποίησης τον λογαριασμό σου. Δεύτερον να βάλεις το προϊόν σου. Μπορείς να επιλέξεις από τραπεζική κατάθεση Το συνιστώ , paypal ή μιλάς με τον αγοραστή και τα κανονίζετε ;) Εύκολο είναι! ;) Βέβαια το ricardo σου βάζει και καλά έναν φόρο όταν κάποιος αγοράσει το προϊόν σου. Λίγα λεφτά είναι ;) Αν θέλεις κάτι άλλο πες μου. Το ricardo όμως δεν το συνιστώ πιο καλά ebay ;) έχει buyer protection + seller protection και δεν θα έχεις προβλήματα.
  2. Τι θέλεις να μάθεις;
  3. mxc is dead. Website Worth: $30,095.90 last 1 year Now website worth: $7,546.20 Good job Nick ;)
  4. pm me please ;) Also if you pay 4 dollars for 1000viewers on adf.ly you lost 2 dollars!
  5. Οι φωτογραφιες είναι fake δεν γίνετε αυτο που βγάλανε. Μπορεί να βγήκε το ναρκωτικό αυτό αλλα αποκλείετε να έχει τέτοια συπτώματα. Εύκολα γίνονται με photoshop οι φωτογραφιες αυτές
  6. Good change but website now is 3 x slow but it may be my host
  7. 04:43:12 05:02:07 Time left: 12Min or Nothing... Kidding :P We are waiting.. but why 30 min?
  8. This is my first sketch on photoshop CS6. Additional lines are not nice but i thing a make a good job. Ahh the render of her has cut the face...
  9. "Coupon code "maxcheaters29" was applied successfully." Try again.
  10. I am looking. Please wait. Ready. Use this code maxcheaters29
  11. BumpShot My last five products which i bought http://www.chinabuye.com/crystal-skull-head-vodka-shot-glass-drinking-ware-for-home-bar-2-5-ounces-7-7-cm http://www.chinabuye.com/iron-faceless-red-led-wrist-watch-black http://www.chinabuye.com/solar-energy-powered-clip-on-mini-fan http://www.chinabuye.com/lenovo-a789-mtk-6577-dual-core-cortex-a9-1-0ghz-android4-0-gps-dual-camera-5-0mp-4-inch-smartphone www.chinabuye.com/usb-rechargeable-mini-clip-mp3-player-with-micro-sd-tf-card-slot-blue-1
  12. I hope that is not a method with mob.Send me pm for information.
  13. παιδιά ο επεξεργαστής δεν είναι καλός ;
  14. ο επεξεργαστής καλός είναι;
  15. Δηαλαδή το πρόβλημα είναι η κάρτα γραφικών. Ο επεξεργαστης καλός είναι;
  16. Με 220 ευρω εφτιαξα το καλύτερο οικονομικο πακέτο για υπολογιστη εαν έχεις κουτι και τροφοδοτικό :P
  17. http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.806684 - Ψύξη επεξεργαστή http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.510791 - Κάρτα γραφικών http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.552645 - ΡΑΜ http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.528646 - Μητρική http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.559639 - Επεξεργαστής
  18. I think that i fix it. I just delete this (red) tx.append(bid.getBidItem().getItemName() + " +" + bid.getBidItem().getEnchantLevel() + " <a action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_marketpage info " + bid.getBidId() + "\">Π?Π½Ρ„ΠΎ</a> <a action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_marketdel " + player.getObjectId() + " " + bid.getBidId() + "\">Remove from the market</a><br>"); Buildfile: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build.xml clean: [delete] Deleting directory C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build checkRequirements: [echo] Verification of your JDK version. version: [echo] l2jesios gameserver revision: 45M init: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\classes [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\login [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\gameserver compile: [javac] Compiling 1359 source files to C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\classes jar: [jar] Building jar: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\l2jserver.jar [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\login\libs [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\libs dist: [copy] Copying 5 files to C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\login\libs [copy] Copying 12 files to C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\libs [copy] Copying 7 files to C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\login [copy] Copying 3 files to C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\gameserver [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\log [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\login\log [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\config [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\login\config [copy] Copying 11 files to C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\config [copy] Copying 4 files to C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\login\config [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\l2jesios_gameserver\build\dist\gameserver\data BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 44 seconds Fixed .
  19. It is already shared , you tell that is fixed but is not. Check it. Edit: I created the same topic in your forum.
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