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Everything posted by Gyllene

  1. Δεν θα δεχθείς καμία απάντηση εδώ για αυτό το θέμα γιατί όχι το βαριόμαστε αλλά υπαρχει οδηγός για όλα και εάν θέλεις να ανοιξείς σερβερ κάντω μόνος σου μάθε κάποια βασικά πράγματα και μετά ζήτα βοήθεια. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forums/index.php?/topic/70522-%CF%80%CF%89%CF%82-%CE%B8%CE%B1-%CE%B1%CE%BD%CE%BF%CE%AF%CE%BE%CE%B5%CF%84%CE%B5-%CE%AD%CE%BD%CE%B1%CE%BD-l2j-gracia-final-server%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CF%80%CF%89%CF%82-%CE%BA%CE%AC%CE%BD%CE%BF%CF%85%CE%BC%CE%B5-compile/
  2. Λοιπόν δεν έχεις κάνει σωστά το compile απλώς κατι πρέπει να να πήγε στραβά ή απλώς πήγες και πέρασες έναν κώδικα που δεν ήταν συμβατός και σου δημιουργεί αυτά τα προβλήματα. Λοίπον delete όλα και ξανα απο την αρχή για να μάθεις πιο καλά. Πέρνεις svn πηγαινεις το βάζεις sto eclipse μετα το "κατεβάζεις" και βλέπεις.
  3. Λοίπον πρέπει να έχεις ανοιξεί τα ports σωστα στο modem-router σου και μετά να βάλεις εξαιρέσεις στο firewall σου. Εάν τα έχεις κάνει αυτά πες μου να σου πω άλλες λύσεις.
  4. Γεια σας παιδιά. Ψαχνω έναν developer για να μου φτιάξει ενα πακ Μόνο paypal
  5. Android can't play video in Alpha web. error loading player no playable sources found How can i fix it. alphatv.gr
  6. Hello i will create one PHOTO for my friend birthday to put this in cake. I know one program that it take one photo for background and 50+ photo ( icons ) with same color with background and put in background but i don't remebmer it... any suggestion?
  7. Gameserver & Datapack coding have successful done! www.l2invisible.blogspot.com/2013/04/gameserver-datapack-coding-have.html
  8. I know this company that Debian bought this vps. I guarantee great connection and quality hardware. Also it is one of the biggest company in country (hidden). No downtimes, no restarts. I suggest you buy this vps for game servers, web servers or other. Also,Debian is trusted and good person. Trust this person. Good sells my friend. Tschüss
  9. Thank you. Stay tuned for the best faction server.
  10. Thank you very much!!! We will try to open earlier!
  11. No problem. It is pvp server but with teams. Our server has farm,clans,clan-war,siege, olympiad and all the features of normal server. Thank you very much guys. Hope to see you ingame ;)
  12. Thank you very much my friends. Soon i will add a signature supporting!
  13. Thank you guys! I hope to see you in game in future.
  14. Yes, I'm agree with you. Anyway. Ontopic please.
  15. Thank you for asking. We calculated within 2 to 3 weeks. You can read all the news and updates at blog. Thank you.
  16. [shadow=black,right]Lineage ][ Invisible Network[/shadow] We are glad to present you a new international interlude server with faction rates in order to achieve the most quality,peachy and trust from indignant players or not to make Lineage alive again! We try to make great gameplay with balanced ecomical system. Our developer had make the most possible balance and he had fixed a lot of errors and bugs. Our server is based on aCis* project. We have the best and tested geodata for smoothly gameplay, also our features are based on opinions from different players with different backgrounds.Our goal is to make the most lovely server! Our slogan is "Your server is now begin!" Why? Because you choose npc,quest,gameplay features and all about server, you can post all your ideas ( suggestions ) in invisible forum to make the best interlude server with you because without you this project will be closed. You are the future of this server because it is your server! Invisible Specifications: Client: Interlude. Server administrator: @Armado. Official website: Soon Official forum: Soon Official blogspot: http://l2invisible.blogspot.com/ *Server based on the last rev of aCis files. aCis is one of the best interlude project arround. 1. Bugless 2. Retail 3. Balanced Server is protected by firewalls only. We don't have anti-ddos because it is a new server and we don't have the money ( 300+ euro per month ). My work give me only 600. :( If we receive ddos, we will not close the server. In the future if server going well, we will add. Invisible Features: Two factions. Adena, exp, sp, faction point rewards from pvp and for capturing the flags.If team has more flags, rewards will be bigger. Faction manager to change faction for adena. Faction teleporter teleporting directly to captured and static flags. Different base towns for different factions. Dwarfs can spoil adena from players. If dwarf use sweeper on player, while player is dead, player are teleported to his town. Don't need to click ctrl when attacking enemy. .points displays points statistics of all factions and yourself. Map is changing automatically. Anti Farm system. Statistics in community board. Coins from Donate or Events (special goods). Advanced donate & custom shop. NPC, you can use it when you reach S grade and you will be teleported in a boss roomIf you win that boss you will obtain 1 coin, which can be exchanged for the special items. Mask, you can feel the effects (stats) only for 1 week. After 1 week, stats will be disappeared. You can upgrade the effects with X coins or you can buy another mask. VIP Status.VIPs get more rewards. Personal Vote system. Special farm zones! Official Olympiad and Siege system. New players starting wedding gear. Newbie zones - If old player has A or S grade items can't enter in this zone. All newbie can easily make pvp balanced without any problem. No overpower donator. Anti-Healer Protection. Special Raid bosses. Lottery system. Hard life stones skills. Auto enchant in pvp. 1000% no corruption. I am trusted member and administrator. 100% balanced economical system,no errors,clear java,clear server. Invisible Rates: Starting 76 Level. You can exp with pvp only. Lifestones rate: -Mid-Grade Life Stone: 3% -High-Grade Life Stone: 7% -Top-Grade Life Stone: 12% Enchant System: -Max enchant is +8. We don't have safe enchant. -To make one item +8 you need kills! -Kills to enchant a item: B Grade = 30 A Grade = 75 S Grade = 110 Invisible Other: Clans Config: Days before join a clan : 2 Days before create a clan : 5 Max numbers of clan in ally : 3 Clan Members for war : 30 Olympiad Start time: 18:00 GMT +2 End time: 00:00 GMT +2 Wedding System Wedding Price : 200 Lottery Lottery Prize : 500 Lottery Ticket Price = 50 Buffs Buffer has only the normal buffs. Maximum buffs a-beep-t: 24 ( +4 ) Chaos Event Super Haste Level : 1 Event Duration: 10 Minutes Event interveal: 360 Minutes If you have any suggestion or idea post it here until open our forum. This post isn't ready. Armado? -My name is Michael, I am 20 years old and I live in Athens (Greece). Just I love Lineage and I make this server. I guarantee you that any idea will be accepted and become reality. Also whoever does ddos the server has no reason to do it because I'm clean. I care about the players and not for the money because I'm a player. Well i did ddos L2Archon but I realized that it is wrong and stopped. It is your server! Good Luck!
  17. PM ME with Skype ( if you have ), teamviewer id and pass and blogspot site.
  18. Πολύ καλό αλλά άσκετο. Δεν χρειάζετε μόνο εαν θέλεις να εντυπωσιάσεις.
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