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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Disk Utility αν έχεις mac :P
  2. http://www.vevoblog.com more info..
  3. Did you check the bulk/junk messages?
  4. Does your mail, actually work?
  5. Blane


    Only found one, I sent you a link...
  6. The black thing around the statue is failing... Erase it someway.Make it more realistic, add some lighting.. Nice theme :)
  7. Send us the links from planetrenders, you may do something wrong.If I take this render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?album=toprated&cat=0&pos=25 and -considering I'm a member- click on the image I can then see it in trnasparent mode, and save it as : -Blane
  8. Δεν έχεις απόλυτα δίκιο...
  9. Χρειαζόμαστε όλη την εικόνα...
  10. The psd you ask for, is one of the reasons you don't have participants... ;)
  11. Just use the word, "Normal" cause Mac computers are even better than PC's. BTW: Blessed class..
  12. Thursday, June 2, 2078 Long living bastard....
  13. Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανολόγων & Η/Υ - Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο Αθήνα = 19089 μόρια. Η σχολή είναι αρκετά καλή, με αναγνώριση κλπ κλπ. Προσωπικά έχω περάσει στην Κρήτη με λιγότερα μόρια μεν (λόγω Κρήτης), αλλά πιο δύσκολη σχολή καθώς συνεργάζεται άμεσα με το Ι.Τ.Ε. (Ίδρυμα Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας), και έχει αρκετά δύσκολους καθηγητές. Τα μόρια της σχολής μου είναι περί των 15.000 μορίων (κάπου εκεί πιο κάτω) και μπορείς να επιλέξεις Hardware/Software και να ακολουθήσεις ό,τι γουστάρεις... Αυτά από μένα, -Blane
  14. Blane

    Site Help

    First of all, you should fix the php errors, coming from the script.If the scripts are good written, then your mysql server or your server database is down.That cause the page to exceed the limits and that's why you're missing some parts of images. Secondly, in order for this to work properly, even if the mysql db is down, is to put some die() messages, or just put a "@" before each query on mysql. Hope I helped a bit, -Blane
  15. Blane


  16. Blane


    Maybe it's the temperature which is rising?
  17. Dunno, decide yourself if you're going to steal his money XD
  18. If you're going to make a website from that "sitegrind" or how the hell is spelled, then take 20$.Not more... :/ Designing the template, coding it by hand, writing a good script in PHP, use Javascript/jQuery and the rest of the stuff, styling the elements with CSS 3.0, depends time which means more money. A simple program, which is making a low-quallity website cannot handle a Bussiness site. Always friendly, Blane
  19. Someone, lock & junk this topic.Discussions about illegal keys/serials are not allowed. -Blane
  20. Εξαρτάται κάθε φορά.Μπορεί να είναι εύκολο, δύσκολο ανάλογα την εικόνα...
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