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Erlandys last won the day on January 21 2016

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  1. In my opinion, client always choose what he want, if the one hiring something would be me, it would be my decision to choose developer or not, if I wouldn't like the way dev speaks with me, I wouldn't hire him, I see totally no problem here too. Veronica approached to me too, asking for my systems + some personal developing, but since I'm busy on event engine, I rejected him. In any case, I do not see any problem here.
  2. Rev1.27 API, Korean Event, Fixes Implemented: * API system, with ability to create unique events using API. * Korean event, with different amount of rounds, players in rounds. * Implemented class restriction for events. * Implemented ability to disable buff removal on death in event. * Event outputs are written into 'log/EventsLog_xxxx_xx_xx__xx_xx_xx.txt' text files. * Implemented config, to enable 'AFK Title'. When player will receive its first AFK warning, player title will change to AFK title. Reworked: * Changed 'Set Event' function, with ability to set/start event with desired parameters, map, event, registration time etc. * Reworked scheduler, for more stable functioning. Fixed: * Added error tracking for handlers (admin command, bypasses...) * Added more checks on event configs parsing. * Fixed errors when trying to create empty buffer category. * Fixed error, when trying to check event sequence, but there are still no events. * Fixed screen messages. Updated: * Added more debug outputs to console.
  3. Updating topic with information about 1.26 rev: Rev1.26 Fixes, Ordering, Base Defense, Buffer Fixed: * L2Pride: Move when targeting Event Registration Npc. * L2Pride: Errors when spawning Map Guard. * Heading can be set to registration NPC. * Bug report system changed the output of bug text file. * Players in tops will now show real names instead of fake ones. * Last Man Standing and Last Team Standing events will check online players (for event to end). Implemented: * Rewards can now be set to be given, to specific classes. * Events now can be ordered in certain sequences, not a random ones every time. * Bug report system now has ability to send bug list to server. * Implemented BaseDefense event. * Players in instance cannot join event. * Healers can receive scores for doing X amount of healing. * Implemented buffer.
  4. Hello once again, updating topic, with information regarding update to 1.25 version: Rev1.25 Language, Spawns, Admin Controls Implemented: * Created Language system, which covers all possible texts, which normal players will receive. (Can be individually selected). * Implemented feature to teleport to map spawn. * Implemented admin control, to set exact next event. * Implemented admin control, to forcefully register / unregister player to / from event. (If event is running, player will be moved in or moved out). * Implemented admin control, to move to event, without registration. * Implemented ability to close/open doors. This is managed by Map Spawn named 'Door'. * Implemented AI functionality for Map Guards. * Implemented Observe event function, for players to 'Observe' event, like olympiad game. Updated: * Updated 'Show' spawn feature. Spawns with possible radius will show radius (Adena will be dropped around the spawn as radius markers). * Updated 'Show' spawn feature. Now when player press 'Show' spawn, arrow above player head will appear, pointing to spawn. * Added new reward types: Pvp Score and Pk Score. * Added ability to create MultiLayered (Fence with Height) fence.
  5. Topic updated: Added videos on how admin management looks and works.
  6. Design was not ripped from Nexus. Only the registration npc/cboard tab was made by taking a look from Nexus, since when I made those two, I had no vision of how they would look, but Im going to change it sometime soon. Best regards, Erlandys
  7. Thank you very much! First and foremost, there is not a single event we haven't seen before. It looks like you focused on the admin management side of things more than the events themselves. Yes, there are no new events yet, since I was focused, on making the base as functional as possible and yes, I'm thinking about new events, it just takes time to do everything, when you are working alone, have to study and have IRL work :D The buglist manager feature is could be so much more but for some reason you make people send you the file manually. You have control over the code! Just set up a simple web server and with a click of a button ingame let admins send you the bugfile with a simple POST request. Buglist manager, yes, I thought about that, and I'm going to do that, but since currently, I'm practically testing myself and I do not know if I'll have any clients, I haven't pushed myself to do that, but yes, ofcourse, that will be implemented. Ingame changelog is only useful if you somehow fetch the changelog data from a web server. If it's hardcoded in the jar then it's kinda useless. It looks like the check version feature does that so i can only hope that the changelog works in the same way. Same as buglist, for now its hardcoded, and I thought about webserver with data fetching to show newest changelog. Also what seems to be missing is an observer mode. What if someone wants to see the game? Olympiad has it so why not this. This is already in my todo list. Also also why not an autofill? If you set up a 20x20 tvt and there are only 30 people registered don't cancel it. Calculate what classes are missing on each team and generate a fake players with some basic AI to fill the spot. This is truly possible, but it would require to create totally new system for AIs, to adapt them, so it could be done, but I think later, since now I think there are stuff which should be done more importantly than this. Also also also if i were you i would implement an autoupdate functionality for servers to get the new version when it's out automatically. I totally agree with that, but I saw how Nexus Event Engine were leaked and that would be pretty good leak, unless I'd make a server, to which server would connect and download new files automatically, with encryption and security stuff. Can the events of different or the same type run at the same time? (3 tvts running at once). I know you write "Same event base, different event" but this doesn't quite cover the simoltanious side of things. Thought about that too! Like marking events, which could be ran simultaneously and either players would register to different event by himself, either event would split players automatically. If you have the "Max enchant level" setting and also restrict items, why not add a setting that gives every player the same items (depending on their class ofc) with a fixed enchant during the event? Awesome idea, I'll note it and add it definitelly! And yes about new events, I thought couple ideas: Base wars, there are towers/bases up to 5 levels, you cannot destroy or kill higher level tower/base until you kill lower level, it sort of MOBA type. Hitmans wishlist, team/solo based, same as TvT/DM, but the point is, you get target and for killing target, you receive more scores than for normal player, or you receive scores only from target. And about your event ideas, those are good, I'll note them and try to add them! Also, I'm thinking about "Consumable abilities", like some npc appears and its enough to run next to it and you receive ability, like 2x scores for 10mins, or increase run speed for 30 seconds. There are stuff which I'm thinking about, but I wanted to create the base of event first and then start to add something new. Thanks for your reply! Best regards, Erlandys
  8. Event Engine Forum Hello everyone, I guess after reading the title, you will think that I'm either reselling one of the already created engines (Phoenix / Nexus or so on...), or you think this is not worth a try. Well I'd like to say that you are probably wrong. This Event Engine is neither Phoenix, neither Nexus: it's purely made by me. Now you think, why should I try it then? It has cool design. Everything can be controlled through ingame admin commands. Maps can be configured and have their own rewards! It's still under development, so mistakes / bugs will be fixed soon! Now about the engine itself; It currently has 13 events: Teams VS Team. Normal TvT with 2-4 teams (depends on map). VIP Team VS Team. TvT with VIP player for each team. Configurable gameplay types; either receive score only from VIP, either get score from everyone, but from VIP multiplied scores amount. VIP can be changed every time VIP dies, or when he leaves the game. Last Man Standing. Last Team Standing. Pretty similar to TvT, except you will not be revived when you die. The team with the most survivors wins, or when all enemies are dead. Capture the Flag. Pretty simple CTF with some extra addons. Each team can have more than 1 Flag (more flags, more defense, more action!), if the flag carrier dies, the flag can either go straight to the base, or it is given to the killer of the carrier. Deathmatch. Simon Says. It looks pretty boring, but this event makes you do some moves, launch skill, use item (equippable only), say message, use social action! You can choose the gameplay for this event, either like everywhere: you make a mistake, you lose, or scores-based system: the faster you make the action, the more scores you get, the longer it takes for you to make a mistake, the more scores you lose! Lucky Chest. Create areas for chests to spawn and have funny play. When players open chests, they might receive scores, lose them, die, be paralysed, rooted, or put to sleep! Team Lucky Chest. Same as lucky chest, except everyone has teams and works together. Boss Fight. Team based event, with couple gameplays, either the goal is to kill other teams Boss, or the goal is to get as much scores as possible (kill other team player, receive 1 score), do X damage to other team boss, receive Y amount of scores, kill other team Boss, receive Z amount of scores! Domination, the idea of this event is to capture Towers, by standing near to them. In this event, you can spawn as many Towers as you wish, you can set starting team for towers (None, Red, Blue....). In the configurations, you can choose the 'dominationType', either occupation of tower changes from players (each player increases/decreases occupation percent by its own (2 players, then 2x faster and so on)), either occupation of tower changes from teams (team must have more players than other teams by 'majority percent'). Also you can set the type, how scores will be given, either players must stand near the occupied tower, or there is no need for that, just to have tower occupied. Also there is setting to set how towers will act, either individually (each tower increases scores individually), either team has to have more towers occupied, than other teams. Each config, mentioned earlier, can be set to 'Random', which means, every time event will start, it will choose randomly the type of event. Scores given to teams can be set (min-max), so it will be given randomly. Base Defense. Team based event, the goal of event is to destroy other team base. Each team can have up to X amount of towers and 1 base. Each tower has option for influence, which connects towers and base, after the tower is destroyed, players can attack next tower or base, by the influence id. (Event is MOBA type, only towers do not attack and theres no monsters running). Korean. Team based event, in which on every event, players will be divided to smaller groups, to X amount of players in the group, and there will be Y amount of groups. At the start, each team first group will be launched, when all players of group dies, next group will be launched. The goal is to kill all other team players. NOTE: each Team Based event can have 2-4 teams, which will be decided by map. If map has spawns only for 2 teams, then event will be held only for 2 teams, if will have spawns for 4 teams, then at start of event, teams count will be chosen randomly from 2 to 4. Features it currently has: Buglist manager, it tracks every error the event throws and puts it into file and also, you can write bugs there through ingame, generate file and then, you can simply send it to me and I'll see required information to check the bug and fix it. Also you can enable it to players, so they can note the bugs also! Checks version, event itself checks your current version of event engine and notices if theres new one! Ingame changelog, to see what was changed, which errors fixed, what was added in last revs! Fake players, this system allows you to hide enemies' information, change their names, items appearance (in solo based event, everyone except you have different info, in team based event, team mates are shown with original info, enemy teams has hidden appearance). Advanced teams splitting, you can enable supports split (healers, buffers, summoners). They will be split equally to each team, also you can enable different split types for other classes: Shuffle, Sequence, split by level, split by PVP. Automatic parties generation, you can enable parties generation for team based events. Confirm dialog to register, admin can enable sending requests to register for events (popup will be shown when registration starts (to every player)). Registration NPC / Community board tab, you can enable registration only through Registration NPC, or you can allow it through Community Board. Voiced command registration, also admins can enable and set voiced commands so players could register / unregister from an event. Max enchant level, you can set maximum enchant level for items you have equipped (if item will be set on a higher enchant level, it will be used as set to maximum). Restrict items / skills, you can restrict any item or skill from being used. This can be done globally (to every event) and can be done individually for each event also. IP / HWID protections, different types of protection possibilities: do not allow to register, do not give reward for same IP or HWID. HWID can be implemented if your server has support to get HWID from player, so just make 1 function in Player class and you have it working! Ingame player / event statistics, event tracks every player and event, gathers data and can shows statistical information to players. Rewards can be set for events and also for maps. Also, each reward can be set for 1 or more classes, which will receive this reward. Rewards can be: "Item, Experience, Skill Points, Clan Points, Fame, PvP, PK". They can be received if you: Win, team or player, which wins the event gets the rewards. Lose, teams or players, who loses the event gets the rewards. Tie, if a couple of players or teams makes an event end in a tie, this reward is given. Kill, after every kill you make in an event, you will get the reward. Score, each time you get some scores, you will get the rewards. Spree, when you make X kills in row, you will get the rewards. Range, you can set rewards for certain positions (TOP 3 players), or set certain range (TOP 3 to TOP 10). First blood, player who made the first kill in an event. First registration, player who first registered to an event. Enable preparation state, an event or a specific map can have a state for preparations during which events are already divided to teams (or in solo, players are just teleported to a specific place) and prepare themselves for an event. Spawn npcs, you can spawn any npc to the event, so players can use them (buffer or shop or any other). Return to event after logout, you can enable a system, allowing players to return to an event after they have logged out (if event is still ongoing). Configure screen data / time, ability to enable, disable and change the location of information (on the screen) about the event and the time remaining. Configs hierarchy, Global Config > Event Config > Map Config. There are configs, like Run Time, which is Global Config, also Event has its Run Time config and even Map has Run Time config. If in Map and Event it is disabled, then event uses Global Config, if Event Config is enabled, then event will use it from Event and if in Map it is enabled, then event uses Map config. Same event base, different event, each event can have different gameplays, configs, rewards, which means you can have 3 different TvT events, each with different configs / rewards / maps. AFK protection, resign warnings, you can enable AFK and Resign systems, which gather scores and prohibit players from joining events. MultiLayer spawn system, with this, you can spawn up to 3 layered fences, so it may look abit better. Advanced admin spawn system, this allows admin to see how the map will look like. Every spawn can be visualized (if spawn has radius, it will be shown, by dropping adenas around it), admin can change every parameter very easily, also ability to teleport to spawn. Observe system, this is enabled, for normal players, to observe current event, without disrupting it. (This works like Olympiad Observe system). Advanced admin controls, ability to teleport to event, register / unregister player from event (if event is running, player will be automatically moved to event), ability to set exact next event, set random next event, change the phase. Language system, ability to change the language (or add new language as additional, change the default language), for whole engine (except admin panel). Players can choose individually which language they will use, and system will show every message (every Event npc or community board part) in their selected language. Sequence system, this allows admin to create one or several sequences for events to play (not at random), ofcourse each of the sequence can contain "random" events in places and same event, several times. Buffer, system has its own buffer (buffs are configured by admin panel, from ingame, enchanted buffs can be added), players can create schemes for events, select active schemes and event will use the scheme for player, when the player joins the event, or dies. Healer scores, if healer scores are enabled, healers will receive scores for doing X amount of healing for other players. Start event, feature which allows to start selected event, with selected map, for X amount of time for registration and for Y amount of time for run time. API system, this system allows developers to create new events, without touching Event Engine source, just by using API. A lot more is coming (12 events in mind, some of them totally new). Event system is still in Beta phase! This system can be adapted to any chronicle and most of the L2j packs, which has source! Currently adapted: L2jMobius, L2jUnity, aCis (370-374), L2jServer, L2Pride, L2Sunrise. If you are interested, leave PM or write to skype: Erlandys56 Waiting for your opinions and maybe new ideas! 1.27 rev Some screenshots (Not Interlude): Some videos of admin management (Interlude): Topic will be updated, when engine will have some new features! Thanks and best regards, Erlandys
  9. Have I ever asked money for adapting to new revision?
  10. Log skype Erlandys need buy addons


  11. Good to hear that. Well, Im not updating engine for free, for personal requests, if you will find a bug, I’ll fix it when I’ll have time. If you want a personal upgrade, request, you have to pay. Thanks for reply.
  12. Achievements engine added, soon H5 images will be uploaded too!
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