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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Can this thing help to l2 in any way ?!
  2. @JoKeRIII alli fora na anoigeis topiC sto dev help k oxi edw >.> Oso gia auto: Dn eimaste oloi l2 developers kurie m.. :-\ locked.
  3. Press the search button and use this taG: clan crests locked.
  4. www.google.gr + Java ελληνικα + Java βιβλια + Java e-books + Java wareZ forums + Java warez e-books + Java .pdf + Java tutorial + Java οδηγος ελληνικα Mporeis k monos s xD ax0xa
  5. I cant understand what is wrong.. But i will found out s00n and reply here ;)
  6. Show me a screenshot why you cant use it.
  7. l2 st0rmgaming.. Lionna HuMan... Gt i8ela na kanw arch3r huMan ^^
  8. U are funny too :P
  9. Ksexaste ta auta! Pios 8a katsei na pliRosei... Pios 8a katsei na kanei tis ru8miseis... pios 8a katsei na fixarei ola ta buGs mpla mpla... 8elei xrono k upoMoni.. k na mn variesai... K pios 8a ginei gm... pios admin... k ti kosmo pisteuete oti 8a mazepsei enas server ... me name "maxcheaters" ?! ax0a0
  10. Ntax vre.. ginate oloi epistim0neS :P Os0 gia 8eos p dn uparxei p lene merikoi... k pwS dimiourgi8ike auti h mlkia p zoume...? Dn mporei na mn uparxei tpt eksipNotero k dinatotero apo tous antropouS ^^ Anyways mn vgenoume off TOPIC.. an uparxei 8eos h oxi auto dn mporoume na to krinoume emeis.. apla afinoume tn ka8ena se auto pou pisteuei.. K o ka8igitis ekane mlkia dn exei diKaioma na eironeuete an uparxei h oxi... Ntax eipame einai filosofoS dn exei uper DinameiS ^^ ;P Tou ta xwse kala pantws o "eInstein" auto vlepw egw ;D
  11. RelaX tom hawkS ^^..
  12. Why u put me out of the list ? <.< :@ >:( >:( >:( >:(
  13. E re gmt... k lew apoKleietai na lene tetia pragmata ta paidakia... ftiaxto keimeno dld.. Alla otan eida apo katw ainstaiN e tote ntaX to 8ema aLLazei ;P KaLa tou ta xwSe ;P
  14. yy Wraio to guide... palia ekana me auto.. me winamp.. alla egw akouga gonidi oi alloi makropoulo :P 3 tragoudia pisw.. doriforiki ka8isterisi xa0ax ... Mallon epeidi einai kalo to pC m xD ax0a
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12498.0 ;D
  16. Here and mine :D Happy birthday! HaVe fuN at party tommorr0w ^^ ^^ ^^
  17. This makes your cs look much better, it also changes your settings and improves your gameplay. How to instaLL: Place in your steam folder and execute. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/165032438/Counterstrike_GUIHexv3.2.rar.html RarPass: www.maxcheaters.com Credits ?!: UnKnoWN
  18. Damn !!!!!!! >:( Mxc FoRuM Last Active: October 16, 2008, 01:38:56 PM † R.I.P †
  19. 1.Msn 2.IrC
  20. Auta mas ta pan k alloi :P Einai ola mes to mialo saS... dn pa na xwneis k 1 scroll / mina dn 8a ginei tpt... an einai na spasei ,,, 8a spasei... an eisai tuxer0s 8a ginei. LOCKED.
  21. user banned thread locked!
  22. Always look the date of first post before postins something. topiC opened at ~~> « on: March 28, 2008, 07:03:57 PM » If you have the same problem or you have somethink to ask open a new thread.
  23. cigarettes few timeS... GR: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dn ginete na pas mpouzoukia k na mn anapseis tsigaro.. No way ! :P ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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