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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Hmm egw to warning sto edwsa gt to anoikses s la8os section isws. Btw pios na to kanei lock ? Esy to eipes alla knC dn to eide.. Yparxoun k ta pM isws an 8es na kleiseis to topiC s.. Epomeno la8os = -1 karma. <<TopiC LoCkeD>>
  2. @BAT -1 karma. Idi s eixa kanei warning gia undig p ekanes se ena allo topiC apo to 2007 k s eipa einai to teleutaio! K twra to la8os sectioN ! :S Ligo prosoxi dn vlaptei.. zitas voi8eia gia exploit.. prepei na to kaneis post edw : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=57.0 TopiC moved to [Request] Exploits Help GR *Btw gt to evales hide ?! To hiddeN 8a fygei...
  3. @RomanWAR Hello and welcome to forum! Please read the each section rules before creating a new topiC: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=3043.0 1rst warning. TopiC moved to [Request] Bots Help [En]
  4. @dnp123 Please read the each section rules before creating a new topiC: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=3043.0 1rst warning. TopiC moved to [Request] Bots Help [En]
  5. @Kelly Please read the each section rules before creating a new topiC: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=3043.0 1rst warning. TopiC moved to [Request] Bots Help [En]
  6. @gerakiotis Diavase sectioN rules prwtou anoikseis ena topiC: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33687.0 To topiC metakini8ike geniki voi8eia... Episis mn kaneis double post! 1rst warning!
  7. Oti eipa edw isxuei k twra! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=42008.msg287248#msg287248 2nd warning!
  8. @eloxim Diavase ta rules tou section prwtou anoikseis ena topiC http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33687.0 1RST WARNING! To topiC metakini8ike sto sectioN tis genikis voi8eias!
  9. No i didn't! Go ahead pm me.. lol ^,^
  10. Dont undig old topiCS :@ Both of u 1rst warning! <<TopiC LoCkeD>>
  11. There isnt any... The last working enchant bug as BoOM said it was warehouse with l2 phx! Try search the forum with these tags: enchant bug , enchant , warehouse enchant <<TopiC LoCkeD>>
  12. @lizzard Welcome to foruM! Plz read the section rules and next time post to the correct one! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=3043.0 1rst warning. TopiC moved to sectioN~ [Request] Bots Help [En]
  13. Hmmm this is your second warning If i see one more undigging you have -1 karma... topiC locked!
  14. 1rst & last warning for undigging a topiC from on: May 03, 2008, 08:40:33 PM » Be carefull . . . ^TopiC LoCkeD^
  15. @Beor2 eisai sto share section! Prepei na diavazeis ta rules apo to ka8e section gia na ksereis pou prepei na anoikseis to topiC .. oxi opou na nai! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=32695.0 1rst warning! "To topiC metakini8ike sto [Request] Bots Help [Gr]
  16. prwto & teleutaio warning gia reply s palio topiC. Tn epomeni fora exeis -1 karma. TopiC LoCkeD.
  17. Apo smr arxizw warning dn paei allo..! @Simosis eisai sto share section! Prepei na diavazeis ta rules apo to ka8e section! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=32695.0 1rst warning! "To topiC metakini8ike sto [Request] Bots Help [Gr]
  18. Eksigiseis dn xreiazontai ta exoume pei auta 1,000 fores! LoCkeD!
  19. Em ta les ta pisteueis kiolas ?! x0xa To ka8e gataki p kanoume ban apo edw mesa paei k m anoigei l2 forum k exei to thrasos k nomizei oti 8a parei ton kosmo apo mxC>.. fssss fantasia etk0s orioN... Sorry gia to unlock paidia alla dn anteksa ... Tragik0tita sta upsi! LOCKED.
  20. Oh nice... What about the download link ? ::)
  21. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=80.0
  22. ... Mn kaneis reply s palia topicS 1rst warning topiC locked.
  23. 1rst warning for undigging locked.
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