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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. nC share.. +1 karma.. Keep up the shares lol.. ^,^ Btw i had make glasses too before some months :P But yours are better that mine ::)
  2. Dn kleidonoume topiCs 3,4 minOn.... Eidika an to share douleuei akoma k to link einai energo.. To topiC paramenei anoixto!
  3. SpaM , flam k oles oi mlkies sas oi upoloipes svistikan... Mn ksanadw... na vgenete Off topiC gt 8a faei lock. Nc topiC btw ;P
  4. user banned. topiC locked.
  5. www.google.gr + total video conventer download gia crack , serials , keygens , patch pm me xD locked.
  6. Money ... clothes... Money = cloths.. Cloths = money :P Christmas = clothes... Clothes = chrismtas... And we are ready for many drink's... we will get drunk :P at the end of the -beep-ing year 2008 at the -beep-ing date 31/12/08 at the -beep-ing place "KaKa SenSuAL BaR" with my -beep-ing friends.... at the -beep-ing time 12:00 +++ with the same -beep-ing drinks... tanqurae... vodka... chivas , υποβρηχεια κ πολλα σφηνακια :P with our -beep-ing girls... with the new -beep-ing new christams money clothes... with the -beep-ing new hairstyle... with the -beep-ing really good looking new clock.. for the -beep-ing change of the NEW YEAR... -beep- u all. :** (-beep- as u can because we gonna die)
  7. You will not tell me what to do oO Btw youR little giF siG isnt better that mine ^,^ Btw locked.
  8. @quaqua8 user banned for spamming. @klomm Next time post to correct sectioN. <<TopiC MoVeD to exploits help {ENG}>>
  9. Lawl.... Well thanks for that but i prefer mine :-*
  10. We have already a discussion about that in mxC staff section.. Thnx for inform us! locked.
  11. Great share! W000t +1 karma of CourSe... Btw these russians are crazy! :o :o
  12. Sucks... I prefer the cartoon ...
  13. ntax eniwse apo oti vlepw ;D locked.
  14. User banned topiC locked.
  15. O elixir eiNai k pali anoixtos :P locked.
  16. Apo smr to prwi... niw8w na epikratei ena lag :-\ Gia auto smr dn mpika ka8olou dn mporw... etC.. mexri na fortosei full h selida mexri katw.... Erxontai ta panw katw :P xD ^,^ pfff allaksa k pC.... ta idia
  17. Read the rules & search the forum! Search specifiC at exploits sectiOn.... Or if u need help... open a topiC at l2 exploits help "eng" and not HERE! LOCKED.
  18. K4rMa

    Sorry Guys :)

    Merry christmas xD ;D Happy to hear that u understand your fault ;P
  19. Wraio to exw ksanadiavasei.. alla kt leipei apo to telos apo oti 8umamai kl... Leei meta kt o pateras
  20. Think before posting ^^ Ok... you lose 1 karma... MEANS NONTHING AT ALL.. You arent a new member.... you have to know the rules... W8iting for your new tutorials... ;) Locked.
  21. When you reply to shares and say thanks... and the link is alive and the share is still working it isnt spam or undig (AT LEAST FOR ME) But when you reply to user questions.. then yes is a unigging.
  22. LoL and u call this old ? :@ .... TopiC is from july but users still can say a thanks.... .... if the link is working fine
  23. O l2 elixir s xalaei ?!
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