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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. WAREZ REQUESTS ARE NOT ALLOWED! K an 8es na milas ellinika sto topiC tittle s alli fora na vazeis [GR]. LOCKED.
  2. ROFL.. Dn zitaei auto... 8elei na parei apo ena kommati tn mousiki... px p tragoudaei o terzis mono tin mousiki oxi ta logia tou terzi... to tragoudi... tn mousiki... katalaveS ? xD ================================== Nai kt nomizw uparxei 8a psaksw k 8a s pw . . .
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=44248.0
  4. Are u fucking crazy ? Better to die than be eMooOO It was just an idea.... I am ~~> "KurriLas" ;P GR
  5. user banned topic locked.
  6. No problem to stay off topiC ;P all done. Thnx for the report both of u!
  7. kk but next time post to request l2 dev help section and not here! locked.
  8. an psaxneis gia server exoume to private servers section! pane ekei k anoikse topiC prwtou to kaneis omws diavase topiC rules. locked.
  9. It's not a problem it's the truth! :-X :-X :-X But locked to avoid flame warS!
  10. M aresei p to leei to name kiolas... ... :-\ http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=32628.0
  11. etC opws to vlepw to site... mallon kanas m0gg0los to sikose... An itan e-global ksana... sikomenos... akoma k to site 8a itan stn pena.. me to forum tou.... ta wraia ta design tou.... k ola ta loipa.. ksexase to ;P
  12. Dn pa na kaneis 5 fores ton guro tou l2 map me ta podia... an einai na spasei 8a spasei. (OXI den auksanontai)
  13. To akousame k autO ^^ Apo ti krinw to enchant rate ? To krinw apo to enchant rate :-\ Poso tis % einai ta rates.. Oute apo to lag oute apo tis mlkies... an einai na ginei.. an einai na spasei THA SPASEI.
  14. http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/7379/misthotoigy2.jpg
  15. Post to this board: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=6.0 Also read section rules: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=35638.0 locked.
  16. « on: November 23, 2006, 01:34:00 PM » -1 karma for undigging a topic from 2006. locked.
  17. Dont undig old topics. locked.
  18. K4rMa

    l2 phx

    -Don't open topiCs without subject!
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27688.msg187654#msg187654
  20. If you see any user to open thread in wronG section report the topiC link here! - Report the link here... - Press the button "report to moderator" - Or feel free to pm a moderator to move it! *Use 1 of these 3 methods but dont reply there and say to the user that he posted to wrong section!
  21. locked.
  22. Dn kanoun oti 8eloun apla autoC ekane lock ekei p dn prepei! TO topiC to allo ksekleidw8ike k auto kleidw8ike ;P
  23. It's a share ... We dont lock the shares! The link is still working ;P So topiC remains unlocked!
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