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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Hello mxC members , I decided to make a thead with freeware games. Don't start saying it's warez or anything else because they are checked from me ... NO cracks , NO serials , NO patches! I will be updating this thread with more games often so keep checking it out and if you like this thread do say thanks I think it is cool to spend our time with some games.. so welcome to my thread! BECAUSE I HAVE PROBLEM WITH THIS FIRST POST... THE REST OF GAMES WILL BE ADDED IN MANY POSTS: =============================================================== http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=46876.msg345303#msg345303 + Rolling Madness 3D v1.0 + Sam & Max Episode 104 - Abe Lincoln Must Die! + Phun + Oe-cake + NeverBall + JelloCar 1.0 + Crayon Physics DeluXe + Black Shades + Action Doom 2: Urban Brawl + Rumble box + Merry Gear Solid: Secret Santa + Grand theuft auto 2! + Little Fighter 2 + Halo zero http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=46876.msg378438#msg378438 + Babal 3D + TAGAP + IJI + Jump Shin Ultimate Galaxy Stars X3 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=46876.msg509305#msg509305 + Shoot it Sharp + Earth quake Madness 2 + N + Mission mars + POWER RANGERS : JUNGLE FURY FMV + NEW SUPER BAGGAGE HANDLER =============================================================== ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Deluxe Pacman http://home.cogeco.ca/%7Enroy15/zips/DPacman170.zip ShadowFlare: Episode One http://www.download.com/ShadowFlare-Episode-One/3000-7537_4-10331131.html Warsow http://www.warsow.net/media/screenshots/wsw00027.jpg[/img] http://www.warsow.net/?page=download Manic Mansion Deluxe http://rapidshare.com/files/195482968/manicmdsetup.zip Gyroball http://rapidshare.com/files/195480104/gyroball.zip Chequered Flag http://rapidshare.com/files/195477619/888-C_flag.exe Mugen Tournament http://www.sendspace.com/file/6tt4gb or http://files.filefront.com/MUGEN+TOURNAMENTrar/;7418352;/fileinfo.html Dragonball Z Sagas http://www.sendspace.com/file/ywya5w or http://www.sendspace.com/file/9bhffj Stunt Playground http://walaber.com/stunt/sp_02.jpg[/img] http://walaber.com/stunt/sp_07.jpg[/img] http://files.filefront.com/StuntPlayground+2+0+sourcerar/;11651499;/fileinfo.html or http://www.fileplanet.com/160289/160000/fileinfo/Stunt-Playground-2.0 or http://files.filefront.com/Stunt_Playground_v20/;4690031;;/fileinfo.html Nexuiz http://alientrap.org/nexuiz/screenshots/nexuiz_screenshot_08.jpg[/img] http://alientrap.org/nexuiz/screenshots/nexuiz_screenshot_09.jpg[/img] http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=nexuiz&filename=nexuiz.zip&use_mirror=freefr Labra tetris http://www.i-services.net/membres/cpt_clics/clic.php?user=110849&id=64800 Smoke Attack http://rapidshare.com/files/195508109/smokeattack.zip Metal slug collection 1-5 + X http://rapidshare.com/files/45446145/All_Metal_Slug.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/45438297/All_Metal_Slug.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/45429788/All_Metal_Slug.part3.rar Super mario collection bIGG3st worldwide ^^! http://i39.tinypic.com/2d0gqwx.jpg[/img] http://i41.tinypic.com/35l5lb8.jpg[/img] http://i40.tinypic.com/szbhj7.jpg[/img] http://rapidshare.com/files/181745330/Super_Mario_Games_The_biGGest_Collection_ever__1_.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/181774912/Super_Mario_Games_The_biGGest_Collection_ever__2_.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/181787406/Super_mario_Games_The_BiGGest_CollectiOn__3_.rar pass: K4rMa Rocks'n'Diamonds http://www.artsoft.org/RELEASES/win32/rocksndiamonds/rocksndiamonds-3.2.4.zip Aquadelic http://game.becher.cz/download/2005/simulatory/aquadelic-setup-1.1.exe TORCS http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/torcs/setup_1_2_4.exe?download FlightGear http://www.flightgear.org/Gallery-v1.9/Source/picture-0002.jpg[/img] http://www.flightgear.org/Gallery-v1.9/Source/slide_fgfs-screen-169.jpg[/img] http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/flightgear/ftp/Win32/fgsetup-0.9.10.exe Neo Sonic Universe http://www.caiman.us/pageN.php?nr=408&f=sonicthehedgehog_nsu.zip Flashbax http://i41.tinypic.com/nqsetw.jpg[/img] http://rapidshare.com/files/196428295/flashbax.zip Karate Master http://www.crian.altervista.org/download/KARATE%20MASTER%20demo%2003.zip Hokuto no Ken - Way of Masters http://www.ogameorp.com/index.php?ind=downloads&op=entry_view&iden=3 Bootfighter Windom XP SP-2 Gameplay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjceJOd7Noo&feature=related http://m.mirrormoon.org/get/30/Bootfighter_Windom_XP_sp-2.NET_v1.030+_%5Bmirror_moon%5D.exe/us Sauerbraten http://sauerbraten.sourceforge.net/newerer/screenshot_85496.jpg[/img] http://sauerbraten.sourceforge.net/newerer/screenshot_878348.jpg[/img] http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sauerbraten/sauerbraten_2008_06_20_ctf_edition_win32_setup.exe?modtime=1214029301&big_mirror=0 Robocop 2D 3 http://www.parkproductions.btinternet.co.uk/downloads/Robocop2D3.zip World Warriors X http://www.sendspace.com/file/ymhwph Carom 3D http://carom3d.com/download/Carom3D_Launcher.exe Motocross The Force http://www.jstarlab.com/Captures900/Capture2.jpg[/img] http://www.jstarlab.com/MotocrossTheForceSetup350.exe Alien Arena 2008 http://icculus.org/alienarena/rpa/aquire.html Virtual Stratton http://dlx.caiman.us/dlx/virtual_stratton_1_1a.zip Kung Fu Master 3D http://www.shinobis-place.de//Grafiks/KungFuMaster3D/Kung%20fu%20Master%203D_1.4.3.zip BECAUSE I HAVE PROBLEM WITH THIS FIRST POST... THE REST OF GAMES WILL BE ADDED HERE:[/size] =============================================================== http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=46876.msg345303#msg345303 =============================================================== --------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++ Topic stickied! + ++++++++++++ - REPORT DEAD LINKS here or feel free to send me a pm! - As i said these games are freeware! - I will update this first post with new games often!! Hope you like my thread, GG ;P -----------------------------------------------------------
  2. U created that ?
  3. K4rMa


    He dont have a problem :P He just want to know if it's possible to change the name of e-mail and keep his contacts! Btw if you have a msn problem just google the error code! ;P
  4. User banned! <<TopiC LoCkeD>>
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=46582.0 locked. PS: Epeidi ekleisan 2-3 servers dn simainei oti 8a tous rimaxoun olouS..... An dn vgalouN episimi anakoinwsi sto site tous... dn pisteuw tpt..ola auta einai mpourdeS
  6. K4rMa


    Dont open topics without subject Read the spam section rules. locked.
  7. Pfff tzampa topiCs tzampa posts.... s ligo kaiRo 8a ksanaguriseis... o logos p feugeis to "karma" s p meio8ike -1 ? :-/ Anyway bye prosorina..
  8. To exoun ksanagrapsei.. k dn einai exploit einai trick gia na ksegelaseis tn alloN... Alla prepei na einai poli xazoS.... ante k pes vriskeis enan dn 8a pareis k tromera pragmata.... l0ck3d
  9. Link removed User banned for posting a keylogger! locked.
  10. We cant help you because warez requests are prophited! <<TopiC locked>>
  11. no warez request....... k an milas ellinika vale st topic tittle s [gr] l0ck3d
  12. Blane: http://www.sigtutorials.com/ Amazing tutorials! :)
  13. Done thnx for your reports!
  14. Katarxin oloi lete ta dika sas k dn rotisate poso xronOn einai to paidi... K dn paizei rolo mono h ilikia alla o xaraktiras k oi eues8iseies tou !
  15. -1 karma for bumping an old topiC also for spamming.. loCkeD.
  16. Already posted http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=44836.0 topic loCkeD
  17. user already banned topic locked!
  18. Olo to karma st miaLo s hah 1 Kalinixta s olous.... Quitarw vare8ika... paw na tn pesw.. gt aurio sxoleio 7 wres s mia karekla dn me vlepw na tn vgazw ka8ari...
  19. 1 Κ Σ Ο :-*
  20. Lpn ta dika m ta 2 ta pandiskola itan : EDw p eiste oloi xaibania... Mozzila firefox.... :-\ :-* k To allo ligo duskolouli ~~ Microsoft Service Networking ~~ bbkiaaaaaa
  21. ante 2 la8oi exete :S M S N και M F (na to deite etC mipos voi8isei pio kserw k egw ti na pw ? M f , m f , m f) --- magaki13 FACEBOOK
  22. Na ta parei o xeimaros vare8ika :-X
  23. dn einai mf... einai M F
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