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SQL Developer

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Everything posted by SQL Developer

  1. Is possible to right it,my best friend just finish from Programmer Universe of Greece and google let him upload any application for free,he have design and addapt the codes because this is his first parts and he got many supports from hight Universe people
  2. Nai eno oi titloi pou exoun oi ksenes tainies sta ellhnika kollane polu :D
  3. Please correct me and send me your opinion on reply or on message to update my post
  4. 2. Vazeis sto npc apo to database to ID tou char pou theleis,to dark elf einai 31 3. Pas sto database sou sta mobs/npc analoga pou einai kai allazeis to respawn time,einai se defterolepta elpizo na voithisa
  5. Omorfes kalhmeresSsS se olous!!! PLATINUM V . GOLD V :D
  6. Hello if you are newbiew L2OFF Developer and you want to know for first part how you can find the L2OFF files i will give you the answer,2 main products is on top now DepmAx64&Vanganth L2OFF Project's I will tell you the different between those 2 projects For start i will give you the links of both sites: DepmAx64 products Interlude,Gracia Final,High Five,Gracia Epilogue As you see DepmAx64 gives IL,GF,H5 packs for sale Vanganth products Interlude,Gracia Final Vanganth have Limited clients of IL and GF Ok now lets talk about differents,if someone more experience from forum know more thinks just reply on this topic and i will update it .. Support: Vanganth provide full support to his standard customers. (free) DepmAx64 provide full support (but you have to pay it) Pack Custom's: Both packs have there customs but more customs have the DepmAx64 pack Also Vanganth pack have Events inside of it DepmAx64 Sell the events CTF -or- TVT 300$ each one Files Quality: DepmAx64 provide a non-stop work on the pack but (you have to pay for updates) also DepmAx64 is more "safe" on anti-botting part. Vanganth is making free updates and help his customers and if you are one of them and you want somethink unique/custom you can ask from him and there are many chance's to make it for you and free (total free without monthly fee's) Also DepmAx64 is quite known for his BACKDOORS and destroying servers. More expensive: DepmAx64 sale is very unreal you need to pay atleast 300$ (without support,updates) and if you want to go for H5 pack you need at least 1.000$ Vanganth standard pack is 130$ (not sure about price) Conclusions? At 2015 both packs is fixed and non bugged so updated is not neccesery/ The better way is to work on L2OFF,learn how to set-up and how you change the standard configurations and buy the most cheap L2OFF Pack. If you have the money and you dont want to learn about L2OFF developing go on buy the most expensive L2OFF Pack,buy Updates,buy support,buy set-up and buy a L2OFF developer .. In my opinion i like to buy the most cheap pack -Vanganth- and learn how L2OFF work You will fix your own problems,you will love it more,You will know to fix if you find a bug in there Opinions is open down there .
  7. try ask it from original l2acis developers on acis website http://s.i-live.eu/index.php
  8. Oh this post is on l2java section sorry didnt notice it .
  9. ANSWER FOR L2OFF: Machine 1: Auth and all the other services to run the server. Sql Server to run both lin2db and lin2world databases. Machine 2: CacheD, L2Server and L2Npc (L2Comm if you want it) and sql server to run lin2world database only and l2comm if you want to use it. Then you have to add the 2nd server ID inside dbo.server in the lin2db database on the 1st machine. Also you have to change in l2server.ini the auth option, and point it to the 1st machine IP also you will need to setup the firewall on the 1st machine to accept connections to the port 2104 from the external 2nd machine IP you can make a scope to accept connections only from localhost and the external IP. Remember to change the 2nd server world ID from 1 to 2.
  10. zei kaneis re paidia h koimaste oloi?
  11. i dont have idea but if a live server use it i guess it has .. i just reupload it ..
  12. Ok file mou se euxaristo gia ton xrono sou
  13. Ara h tha mou erthei email apo thn ebay oti eftase to dema mou h to tsekaro monos mou vazontas sto site ths elta to Transaction ID:
  14. Kalhspera paides, prin 10 meres peripou parigkila apo to ebay kati apo tourkia kai mou eirthe email oti to dema einai shiped (profanos oti ksekinise) Pos tha matho ean eftase sto taxudromeio pou aniko? pairnw thl lew to ID tou proiontos kai an eftase?
  15. No problem mate just make sure you will reply on post for your test results
  16. Ayami is possible on l2off to make max lvl from 85 to 99 you know?
  17. I guess is ok everyone can sell or buy in every price who he want ... for a newbie developer (and vaggo i give you example Prasinofenomeno) 50 euro is ok if they have it ... everyone do what ever he want .. But to tell you the bad true .. for some customs without skills and balance rework is too much .. but is ok everyone do what ever he want :D good luck mate with your sales
  18. Kalhmera se olous .. APOLELE KAI TRELELE LEME 10K.S !!!
  19. Lineage][Application Application Access and Options: (Image a Low rate server who Shop is important for everyone) LOG IN CHECK OUT INVETORY MAKE SHOP WTB OR WTS CHAT That system will help you to login on server not only when you are in computer but when you are away from home .. you can manage your shop,create a new one. *When you are from phone you wont have any access to "map" your only access A screen with 3 Options *INVETORY *MAKE SHOP *STOP SHOP *CHAT (you will automatical teleport your char on trade zone when you will login from phone)
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