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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. 1. L2j einai enas emulator vasismenos se glwssa java gia server tou Lineage. Einai eukolo na sthseis ena , opws ka i na valeis dika sou items ktl, mono pou h poiothta paixnidiou 8a diaferei apo tou official. Mporeis na sthseis ena me ena sxetika kalo pc, oxi aparaithta vevaia... L2off einai ta epishma arxeia, opws auta xrhsimopoiounte kai apo thn ncsoft. Ola doulevoun apo skill ews quest. Einai omws dyskolo na ftia3eis kai na epe3ergasteis ena, kai 8elei na exeis POLY KALO pc ... 2. Den polykatalava thn erwthsh. An ennoeis auto, h monh sxesh client kai server einai oti exoun to idio chronicle. 3. Oxi, e3artatai mono apo to Anti-bot protection pou exoun oi servers autoi. 4,5 Tsekare to bot section, exei kapoia xrhsima sticky topics pou 8a se voh8hsoun na vreis tis apanthseis sou ;)
  2. O L2 Supreme einai gia sena :) http://supremel2.com/ x4 einai, paaaaaaaaara polys kosmos, ka8olou lag, kai ola douleuoune einai C5
  3. Noobwars, ligo prin ginei C3. Den einai o kalyteros pou mporeis na arxiseis, alla pios xesthke :) Den epaiza omws sxedon ka8olou, kai den m polyarese. C4 poro8hka, ston st0rmgaming, epeidh mou to 8ymise o gropacas :)
  4. ektimw thn prospa8eia sou na dis to topic, alla ta post se auton ton tomea den sou dinoun postcount
  5. ti na pw.. Egw auta pou akousa lew. Kai nai, auth th stigmh fovame na perasw apo ta zwniana, dioti oi zwnianoi einai poly ex8rikoi twra me tous 3enous, epeidh oi astynomikoi tous exoun pri3ei ta @@ me tous elenxous. Kai ta 800 eurw, sto krhth tv to akousa!
  6. well I found this http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2407.0 But I'm sry, you need to farm some posts before you can see it. (No pm plix)
  7. you seriously have a prob. All your posts are flame . //ontopic, when i played there, we could hardly kill the mobs in fg...
  8. Tested in l2 gold many times, it does increase the success, but only if your machine is good, otherwise, you are going to lag and the weapon'll evaporate...
  9. me too, i will download it, although you said it sucks :S
  10. egw 8a 8ela ena tropo, an ginete na kaneis add thn mousikh sou sto hi5....
  11. oxi :P //ontopic hrema re guys hrema! Eleos re Thano ntax mhn to paratravh3oume, 8a kleise to topic outws h allws, tosoi mod einai mesa, hremiste kai oi dyo... synmaxcheateristes eiste aderfia!
  12. eleos re 8ano! Epeidh variotane to kane epeidh den eixe internet. Ti glipsimo kai malakies? Aplws misei ton hax0ra tou forum gt htan o prwtos pou banare! /offtopic Kane allo ena post na ftaseis post count 123, san to name sou
  13. me dyo lepta search vrhka auto ρήκαν εκρηκτικά και εργαστήριο επεξεργασίας χασίς Καρπούς αποδίδουν οι έρευνες των αστυνομικών στα Ζωνιανά για τον εντοπισμό ναρκωτικών και όπλων, που συνεχίζονται από το πρωί. Kοντά στην κοινοτική μονάδα βιολογικού καθαρισμού του χωριού, οι άνδρες των ειδικών δυνάμεων ανακάλυψαν ένα εργαστήριο επεξεργασίας ινδικής κάνναβης, επτά κλεμμένα οχήματα, από τα οποία τα τέσσερα ήταν καμένα, καθώς και τμήματα από μηχανήματα αυτόματων συναλλαγών τραπεζών. Εντοπίστηκαν ακόμη 12 κιλά δυναμίτιδας και δέκα κιλά χασίς σε σκουπιδότοπο. Σε πατάρι σπιτιού που ερευνήθηκε παρουσία εισαγγελέα βρέθηκαν ένα κιλό χασίς, καθώς και 250.000 μετρητά και ένα πιστόλι. Ο ιδιοκτήτης του σπιτιού έχει ήδη συλληφθεί, ενώ σήμερα συνελήφθη ένα ακόμη άτομο, το οποίο οδηγήθηκε στον εισαγγελέα. krhtikos eimai re hraklio menw. Polla pragmata den diareoun panw, kati 3erw pou ta lew auta. Outws h allws ti ofelos 8a eixa an ta vgaza apo to myalo mou? 8a ekana ton topo mou na deixnei xeiroteros aplws
  14. an exeis installer, xrhsimopoieise to gia reinstall, an pali einai kommatia, kanta 3ana ena paste, se freskoegatesthmeno interlude
  15. xronia polla :D Emena me lena Andrea, opote na me 8ymh8eite stis 30 tou Noembrh :D
  16. +1 Ola ta kanalia lene gia auto! Akoma kai twra pou sas grafw sto mega tetoia lene. Eleos dld re
  17. « on: May 08, 2007, 07:17:22 PM » aporw pou sto diaolo to vrhkes kai to 3e8apses
  18. My friend gropacas was named DrJekyl or sth. I played there when i was a total n00b... I had a th named OmagasThsPareas :/
  19. WoW!!!!! Great info str0umf, gotta add this in my topic @virtualas Course yes, all official rates are x1
  20. gg GoDofAdeN, finally you are back with some nice shares for MxC again !! thank you...downloading ...I will report later if work or not... :P Just Joking It works! I tried ! I have over 30k cp with my th!!!
  21. Yep k4rMa, the same server, by the same admin's , just with more experience now ;)
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